

  • I did horrible. I started off good but my week ended horrible. I'm trying to look forward and keep my positive thoughts going. My biggest challenge is time management. I've been trying to wake up earlier to exercise that way I don't have to worry about doing it after work but I keep hitting the snooze button every morning.…
  • Yes I actually just finished up squats, lunges, and push ups. If there is one exercise that I hate the most, it has to be LUNGES. But, always an upside… it does fantastic things.
  • Getting a new tattoo as well! That has been my number 1 award for a long time.
  • Thank you for setting the spreadsheet together!
  • Hi Jenna! I am too looking to start the 30 day shred tomorrow and joining my local gym soon. I will add you and looking forward to seeing each others progress!
  • Hello! I'm Tracy and I'm 24 years old. I have been on MFP a few times lost some weight but gained it all back and then some more. My goal for this challenge is to loose 35 lbs by Christmas and loose a total of 80 lbs. I am very excited to have support and be supportive for others. Created by - Nutrition…
  • Hi everyone! Looking for support in starting my 80 LB journey tomorrow.