Laurios Member


  • Mine is open! Matt and I are going to be starting a blog soon focusing on where to eat out for Keto where you're not considered a fussy weirdo for not wanting fries! We'll keep you posted but feel free to look on my diet diary. We cut out breakfast mainly, sometimes have lunch and plan a main meal in the evenings with some…
  • Take him to the park with goal posts (or make some) then get him to kick the ball, if he misses or if you don't save it, the ball will go flying past you and you'll have to run to pick it up. Do this for half an hour and you'll be shattered!
  • Thank you so much for your reply. I must admit once the pain had stopped and my body had 'exited' what it needed to, I did feel better. I have a big walk tonight and at the weekend with Yoga again on Tuesday. I'll see how I get on. I'm very impressed that poses like the Eagle actually had internal effects. That was one of…
  • Hi, I'm doing the 5:2 diet and I've lost 2kg in the first week. I weigh every morning just to make sure its not fluctuating. I'm finding the starve days hard, but I have them on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I tend to end up with brown rice and vegetables for dinner, porridge (oats so simple plain made with water not milk) for…
    in 5:2 Fast Comment by Laurios January 2013
  • Thanks everyone for your suggestions. I'd bought a bulk load at Julian Greaves a while back when I was doing a walking expedition, and when I went to eat them today, the fruit tasted a bit funky, so I'm going to bin the lot. I'll keep the nuts though, they are good fats as you say. I like the idea of switching fruit to…
  • Cranberry with soda is good, although the juice bars usually serve is concentrate. Soda and Lime is probably the best bet if I'm honest. I always lie and say its got vodka in it, so I'm not a party pooper. I hate wasting my allowance of kcal on alcohol!