Working out with a small child



  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    Bench press him? He may also make a good kettlebell for swinging. JK

    don't slam them on the floor....they may have bounce but they also break a little easier than the plates
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    Just don't let him spot for you.
  • pkinblue
    pkinblue Posts: 140 Member
    When my kids were very small I went for long walks with one in the jogger and one in the pack.
    When they were a little bigger it was exer-saucer and me on the treadmill with Baby Motzart on the tv.
    Older yet--they played at the park while I did laps around.
    Once soccer and baseball started I did laps around the fields while they practiced. Some moms and I traded "watching" the little ones and alternated laps so I didn't have to drag a reluctant child with me all the time. Or if it was paved they brought a bike, scooter or big wheel.
    About 3 years ago when they were 7 and 10 they did Insanity and Yoga with me..not the whole thing but they really liked it --especially when they were better than me.
    Now I get up and workout in the am and have only a very friendly, attached to me puppy (lab) to deal with.

    Don't get hung up on expecting the kids to behave every time. Be flexible, open, creative and invite them to participate or watch as quietly as they can so they know you put yourself first at least once a day. open to the fact that with kids it may take you 90 min to do a 45 min workout...
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
  • sammyneb
    sammyneb Posts: 257
    I generally do most of my running at lunch and one long run on the weekend. But there are times i will take my 6 year old running with me. It sounds like my 6 1/2 year old is a lot smaller than your 4 year old :wink: but he can run with me... I started by signing him up for fun runs (the color run, ugly sweater run, etc.) and some races have kids dashes. I even signed him up for a kids mud run (think warrior dash down sized for kids) it peaked his interest in running. On cooler days he can run a full 5K with me. On hotter days we do more of a run/walk and typically only go 2 miles. But when he was smaller I would do the run around the park...yeah like 25 laps around the park, not fun, but got my miles in for th day that way. Once he gets more efficient on the bike I will probably run while he bikes.
  • blue696
    blue696 Posts: 94 Member
    you can do intervals, run to a spot (wait for him) and not too far maybe between two telephone poles signs or something like that depending on where you live. Once he catches up walk for the same distance then do it again, so its a mix and not too much running.
  • dkgoetz
    dkgoetz Posts: 65 Member
    I used to babysit my little cousin, I'd turn on a radio and we'd just dance around. I worked up a sweat and then when we were done dancing he'd be ready for a nap :]

    Don't forget kids get their exercise by playing - get some running in by playing tag with him, purchase a bike attachment or wagon for him to ride in, or take him swimming! You could also see if there are gyms in your area with anything available for kids - the gym I used to go to had kid's group programs for 30 or 60 minutes so the parents could get in a workout.
  • Shaavo89
    Shaavo89 Posts: 68
    I used to babysit my little cousin, I'd turn on a radio and we'd just dance around. I worked up a sweat and then when we were done dancing he'd be ready for a nap :]

    Don't forget kids get their exercise by playing - get some running in by playing tag with him, purchase a bike attachment or wagon for him to ride in, or take him swimming! You could also see if there are gyms in your area with anything available for kids - the gym I used to go to had kid's group programs for 30 or 60 minutes so the parents could get in a workout.

    That would be awesome! This sad little town I live in has nothing cool like that.... Maybe a bike with an attachment would be a good idea!
  • Foxxyfiercefitness
    Foxxyfiercefitness Posts: 44 Member
    I'm a teacher, so during the summer I have "Theatrical Three" and "Terrible Two" at home with me when I'm off. I've found that I can usually get a 45 minute workout done during their nap time or after they go to sleep. I usually do workout videos at home.

    During the last 5 or so weeks of the school year, I started working out in my classroom after school. I'd just cover the window on my door, as not to attract gawking students, pop in my workout DVD and go to town. This was really good because I'd have it done before I got home, so the " don't wants" never had a chance to set it.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Try a razor scooter rather than a bike. I did this with my older daughter when she was between 4 and 6 and it worked quite well for city runs. Just keep in mind that kids need hydrate a bit more than adults.
  • rhonpaul
    rhonpaul Posts: 6 Member
    When my guys were little I did a lot of what was suggested earlier - laps around the filed while they were at practice, tag when they were smaller, backpack when tiny. I didn't see a few ideas mentioned yet.

    Find a workout buddy and trade child-minding with them. You get an hour, he/she gets an hour - same day or every other, whatever works.

    If you have a playground that isn't for little kids (regular one), run through all of the obstacles/apparatus while you are there. Climb the slide ladder (slide down if you want!), do pull ups on the monkey bars, sprint around the whole thing, play!

    I just started doing this one myself - jump rope. I burn as many calories in fifteen minutes of jump rope as in an hour of yoga. Bring your child his/her own jump rope. Tie one end of a long rope to a post and take turns twirling (jog in place when it is your turn to twirl).

    Have fun.
  • Shaavo89
    Shaavo89 Posts: 68
    Try a razor scooter rather than a bike. I did this with my older daughter when she was between 4 and 6 and it worked quite well for city runs. Just keep in mind that kids need hydrate a bit more than adults.

    He drinks water a lot especially when playing outside. He might like a scooter! I completely forgot about scooters!
  • ladybuggprincess99
    ladybuggprincess99 Posts: 142 Member
    You guys are all great! Thank you so much! I work a lot... From about 7 am to 9 pm or so... I let my son stay up late because I don't see him a lot during the week. So I don't want to be working out and make him go do something else ya know? I need to make it fun for him too! I recently bought him a leapster maybe I will set him up with that and if he needs help with it i'll jog in place while helping. I have a nice wagon that he likes to ride in, but I can just picture myself tripping with that hitting the back of my ankles trying to run hahaha i voted against it!

    My 7 year olds alternate between my iPad while I jog. You'll find something that works for you! :)
    Edit: They play on the iPad while I jog at the track so they don't get bored. Maybe you could involve him that way? Counting laps, being a cheerleader... something. He could race you! He gets to run through the grass and you have to run the lap and see who gets to the other side first? I don't know..... :D
  • ladybuggprincess99
    ladybuggprincess99 Posts: 142 Member

    I just started doing this one myself - jump rope. I burn as many calories in fifteen minutes of jump rope as in an hour of yoga. Bring your child his/her own jump rope. Tie one end of a long rope to a post and take turns twirling (jog in place when it is your turn to twirl).

    Unless your child is like mine... then he chases you around with the rope and tries to whip you. FASTEST MILE I EVER RAN.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member

    That dude looks a bit creepy..... are you sure that's his kid?!
  • gracielynn1011
    gracielynn1011 Posts: 726 Member
    I tried working out with children, but it's really hard to stick them onto the barbell.

    You need to get stronger tape.
  • LaurasClimb
    LaurasClimb Posts: 211 Member
    I didn't read through all the replies so forgive me if this has already been mentioned...

    There are a lot of great movement & music CDs out there geared toward the 4year old crowd. Put in some CDs and dance with your little one! There's some great cardio there!
  • Laurios
    Laurios Posts: 12 Member
    Take him to the park with goal posts (or make some) then get him to kick the ball, if he misses or if you don't save it, the ball will go flying past you and you'll have to run to pick it up. Do this for half an hour and you'll be shattered!
  • messpark36
    messpark36 Posts: 33
    I had that problem 3 years ago with my now 8 year old and now I have a 15 month old as well. With both, I have a jogging stroller and my 15 month old does okay in it for about an hour walk or run. I did the same thing with my older child. Afterwards, we went to the park so they could run around a bit. Also, the just dance games on the Wii or Xbox are good to do with them. But I'm struggling with this myself because there isn't much I can do with my little one and then it is almost impossible with them both! You just have to fit it in when and how ever you can really. Since the summer is here, I still work out most days, but I do not get to work out over 30-40 mins. most days because both girls are with me.
  • Shaavo89
    Shaavo89 Posts: 68

    That dude looks a bit creepy..... are you sure that's his kid?!