Working out with a small child

I have a very active 4 year old. I have him all the time, its really hard to do cardio with him. Any suggestions on how to do cardio and keep him interested? He likes going for walks and such but running not so much. Not sure how to get him to like it and my cardio be complete for the day. Suggestions? Anyone else have this issue?


  • moontyrant
    moontyrant Posts: 160 Member
    His legs are probably too short to keep up with an adult's stride. Stick him on a bike so he can keep up and race him around the block.
  • Shaavo89
    Shaavo89 Posts: 68
    His legs are probably too short to keep up with an adult's stride. Stick him on a bike so he can keep up and race him around the block.

    Right, they are but I try to high step and he runs a little. Man he can not grasp the concept of pedaling and steering or we would be all over that! Hes getting it slowly, so hopefully soon we will be able to do that!
  • ladybuggprincess99
    ladybuggprincess99 Posts: 142 Member
    I have a very active 4 year old. I have him all the time, its really hard to do cardio with him. Any suggestions on how to do cardio and keep him interested? He likes going for walks and such but running not so much. Not sure how to get him to like it and my cardio be complete for the day. Suggestions? Anyone else have this issue?

    My 5 year old loves doing Hip Hop Abs. CRACKS me up.

    Could he play on a playground while you did cardio around the playground? That's what I do with my 7 year olds, but they're a little older. I never let them out of my sight though. We have a fairly small park that is off to the side and secluded... no one really goes there.
  • Alacey88
    Alacey88 Posts: 486 Member
    His legs are probably too short to keep up with an adult's stride. Stick him on a bike so he can keep up and race him around the block.

    Right, they are but I try to high step and he runs a little. Man he can not grasp the concept of pedaling and steering or we would be all over that! Hes getting it slowly, so hopefully soon we will be able to do that!

    If you got a park with a sidewalk that circles the park, you can still do your running while your son plays at the park. or your can jog while he learning the concept of pedaling and steering.

    Or you can run ahead a little and run back to your son (while he is walking) or may have him kick a ball and you run after it.
  • Shaavo89
    Shaavo89 Posts: 68
    You guys have great ideas! We don't have many large parks but I can just do more laps than with a big one! And he loves the park! So this might work out great! He's a more do it himself type of guy so it might take a while for the bike riding lol
  • Shaavo89
    Shaavo89 Posts: 68
    I have a very active 4 year old. I have him all the time, its really hard to do cardio with him. Any suggestions on how to do cardio and keep him interested? He likes going for walks and such but running not so much. Not sure how to get him to like it and my cardio be complete for the day. Suggestions? Anyone else have this issue?

    My 5 year old loves doing Hip Hop Abs. CRACKS me up.

    Could he play on a playground while you did cardio around the playground? That's what I do with my 7 year olds, but they're a little older. I never let them out of my sight though. We have a fairly small park that is off to the side and secluded... no one really goes there.

    I bet that is hilarious! Maybe he would do that with me!!
  • Bianca42
    Bianca42 Posts: 310 Member
    I do Walk Away the Pounds videos while my 3 year old watches/participates/plays with the extra stretchy bands. I only let him play with the bands while I'm working out so that makes it extra fun. Or I'll do the video upstairs while I put on a TV show for him downstairs.
  • Trilby16
    Trilby16 Posts: 707 Member
    Bench press him? He may also make a good kettlebell for swinging. JK
  • Shaavo89
    Shaavo89 Posts: 68
    Bench press him? He may also make a good kettlebell for swinging. JK

    HAHA!! If I could I would! He is 60 pounds and tall! lol
  • 20072013
    20072013 Posts: 35 Member
    I would always take my daughter to the school track. She would play it the "sandbox" (long jump pit) while I ran. I probably looked like an idiot but I put her in a jogging stroller until she was 5, it was the only way I could get a workout it some days.
  • Mr_Excitement
    Mr_Excitement Posts: 833 Member
    I tried working out with children, but it's really hard to stick them onto the barbell.
  • pittbullgirl
    pittbullgirl Posts: 341 Member
    My son recently turned 6, I totally understand this!

    Sometimes we play tag, he gets to tag me 10timea and I get to tag him once before he is supposed to tag me again. It makes it more fun since its summer and we use squirt guns to "tag" each other. We also try not to run in the straight line ;) LOTS of laughs!!
    Its actually my sons favorite game with me so even when I don't want to do cardio, I end up doing it, lol
  • jamiesillimandunn
    jamiesillimandunn Posts: 270 Member
    I have three young kids in my home so you can imagine the planning involved Wo my workouts ...ugh it's exhausting ..they're ages 4,3,2 so it would be DABGEROUS for them all to be doing my insanity workouts with me hahaa..I do let them join me in yoga !! But for me the easiest and most effective way to get through a workout without having to stop and loose my warm up is to do it at nap time with the little ones, and because my daughter age four starts kindergarten next year we purchased ABC MOUSE for her ...for me it's easy because the computer is in the same room as where I workout so for 45 minutes she working on schoolwork and I'm getting excersice ...I'm not one to say get them to sit and shut up but honestly I think abc mouse is AWESOME and it's fun for her we also work on writing and things during the day ...just a thought if that's an option for you :)
  • jamiesillimandunn
    jamiesillimandunn Posts: 270 Member
    I have three young kids in my home so you can imagine the planning involved Wo my workouts ...ugh it's exhausting ..they're ages 4,3,2 so it would be DABGEROUS for them all to be doing my insanity workouts with me hahaa..I do let them join me in yoga !! But for me the easiest and most effective way to get through a workout without having to stop and loose my warm up is to do it at nap time with the little ones, and because my daughter age four starts kindergarten next year we purchased ABC MOUSE for her ...for me it's easy because the computer is in the same room as where I workout so for 45 minutes she working on schoolwork and I'm getting excersice ...I'm not one to say get them to sit and shut up but honestly I think abc mouse is AWESOME and it's fun for her we also work on writing and things during the day ...just a thought if that's an option for you :)

    I am soooo bad with typos forgive me ...grrrr
  • Shaavo89
    Shaavo89 Posts: 68
    You guys are all great! Thank you so much! I work a lot... From about 7 am to 9 pm or so... I let my son stay up late because I don't see him a lot during the week. So I don't want to be working out and make him go do something else ya know? I need to make it fun for him too! I recently bought him a leapster maybe I will set him up with that and if he needs help with it i'll jog in place while helping. I have a nice wagon that he likes to ride in, but I can just picture myself tripping with that hitting the back of my ankles trying to run hahaha i voted against it!
  • We used a Strider balance bike for my 4 yr old. He would push with his legs and then glide some so he didnt get as tired when we went on runs around the neighborhood.
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    When I had little kids, I went to a class at night when they were asleep or exercised at home before they woke up. Exercise is your time, not time for the 2 of you. You won't get an efficient workout if you're babysitting and the child will not like it.
  • futurereporter88
    futurereporter88 Posts: 71 Member
    I have 5-year-old twins and believe it or not, when I take them to the park and play hide and seek for a half an hour I get seriously winded. Between racing them to base (I'm mostly the chaser) and just chasing them around the playground (because they never want to run straight to base!..that would be too easy for them :tongue: ) I know I'm getting just as out of breath as when I jog around the neighborhood.
    I am taking them tonight with my new heart rate monitor. I want to see how many calories I am burning while playing hide and seek with them...just for fun to see what it will be. I'll have to post on here tonight what it was. :happy:
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
  • mfoster1019
    mfoster1019 Posts: 152 Member
    This is why I get up at 4am I can get my workout in while my daughter is still sleeping. I couldn't imagine trying to get a workout in while she was awake/running around. Love my daughter to death, but I definitely would not want her "participating" in my workouts or having to try to watch her while I get it done. Kudos to you that can do it though.