

  • Sometimes Sciatica is overdiagnosed there is something called pseudo sciatica and it's actually caused by a tight piriformis muscle, I would suggest massage or chiropractic care. I also find two stretches amazing for it, if you sit on a chair and cross one leg over the other then slightly fold forward keeping a straight…
  • LOL my fiancee was actually trying to put money under his son's pillow last night, he went in twice and woke him up both times, I told him the kid is going to be creeped out at how often dad comes into his room to creep on him at night
  • I quoted that wrong because I'm really not used to posting in threads, I'm just passionate about this issue.... Sounds like you're a little bitter :) it's okay you can admit it, I'm bitter with my man's ex, maybe it would be different if I was supporting my own kids but I'm not, and maybe one day when we catch up from all…
  • and I bet your brother doesn't get a dime for child support and nobody does anything about it because the government treats men like crap....I know because both my fiancee and I have to work 2 jobs to support his 2 kids with no child support or help from the deadbeat mother.
  • EXACTLY! I've seen way more psycho ex wives than husbands
  • I'm standing up for fiancee and I always do the Santa Clause thing with his kids, and they get so excited, his ex thinks we are "forcing" the kids to believe in Santa because she's a born again Christian and doesn't want them to believe in him. So during yet another particularly threatening encounter with her…
  • my Fiancee was married for less than a year, got divorced and it was an UGLY divorce, he ended up having to claim bankruptcy because though she was supposed to pay the mortgage on the house she was living in she stopped paying and the house foreclosed. Anyways you would think he would never want to get married again but…
  • A detox might be an idea to try out as well.
  • definitely go see a dr, but your body may just be adjusting to the extra fiber you've added to your an example my stepson who only eats junk at his mom's (lots of processed stuff, no fruit/veg) tried to impress me the other day by eating lots of fruits and veggies so I would agree to give him a little bit of…
  • ta ta tamer from Lululemon, AWESOME
  • Thanks! those are some great ideas!
  • Try a personal trainer or a nutritionist to steer you in the right direction :)
  • I personally think this is a ridiculous post....I'm sorry if your offended, but you're obviously not in high school anymore, who cares who is skinnier than who? Real friends support each other no matter what size they are, it sounds like this poor girls problem is the jealous frenemy she should ditch.
  • I need to have the extra calories so your body doesn't go into starvation mode (then you will lose less), that's why when you sign up for the site it asks how much exercise you do and what your job is because if you regularly burn more calories then you need more throughout the day (same goes for breastfeeding…