Tooth Fairy



  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,810 Member
    and I bet your brother doesn't get a dime for child support and nobody does anything about it because the government treats men like crap....I know because both my fiancee and I have to work 2 jobs to support his 2 kids with no child support or help from the deadbeat mother.

    I tend to agree that the system doesn't care too much about the men. HOWEVER, when my parents got divorced, my sister was old enough to choose which parent she wanted to live with and she chose my dad (my sister like to pick whichever parent would let her get away with more crap, and at that time, it was dad), so my mom had to pay a pretty heavy chunk of child support, spousal support (divorce was technically her fault I guess), and health insurance (dad, sister, and I were all on her policy from her job).

    Sorry to hi-jack the thread a little :)
  • How did this sweet story of a good parent become a manbashing fest?

    Open recruitment!


    Sounds like you're a little bitter :) it's okay you can admit it, I'm bitter with my man's ex, maybe it would be different if I was supporting my own kids but I'm not, and maybe one day when we catch up from all the legal crap she dragged us through, ontop of letting the matrimonial home foreclose and causing my fiancee to claim bankruptcy, and got off her butt and got a job and paid to support her kids I will be less bitter :)

    Not my intention at all--I would like to say that I don't hate men in any way (I actually like them very much). I dislike my ex, but not because he's a man--I dislike him because he's a *kitten* and doesn't treat our son how he deserves to be treated.

    I have four brothers who are all FANTASTIC fathers, and one of them spent over $130,000 in lawyer fees over a very messy custody battle. His ex wanted their son just so she could get child support; my brother wanted him because he loves him. Thankfully my brother got custody--not because he's MY brother, but because he was looking out for the best interests of the child.
  • Cameron_1969
    Cameron_1969 Posts: 2,855 Member

    Just to go off topic & defend Dads a little, Mums can be alcoholic losers that have to be coerced to be around their kids & are still lousy at personal interaction!:mad:

    Amen Brother.
  • jsapninz
    jsapninz Posts: 909 Member
    I think the toothfairy is a stupid fantasy that I don't plan to teach to my children....

    That being said, since your child already believes in it, I think you did the right thing. I think the tough luck mentality should only be used if the child has a bad habit of being forgetful, additionally if they are obviously very upset about something one should be more compassionate, we all have lost things important to us.

    Unfortunately I do think there is a tendency to coddle children nowadays and for parents to "make everything ok," (ESPECIALLY in split homes) which in turn makes them have a very difficult time dealing with failure and loss in the right way as adults; but as a parent you have to judge that for yourself.
  • I quoted that wrong because I'm really not used to posting in threads, I'm just passionate about this issue....

    Sounds like you're a little bitter :) it's okay you can admit it, I'm bitter with my man's ex, maybe it would be different if I was supporting my own kids but I'm not, and maybe one day when we catch up from all the legal crap she dragged us through, ontop of letting the matrimonial home foreclose and causing my fiancee to claim bankruptcy, and got off her butt and got a job and paid to support her kids I will be less bitter :)
  • Il_DaniD_lI
    Il_DaniD_lI Posts: 1,593 Member
    I am the worst tooth fairy ever!! "Mommy, you scared me what are you doing" "Umm.. I need to wash your pillow cover, the cat peed on it earlier, get up"
  • I am the worst tooth fairy ever!! "Mommy, you scared me what are you doing" "Umm.. I need to wash your pillow cover, the cat peed on it earlier, get up"

    LOL my fiancee was actually trying to put money under his son's pillow last night, he went in twice and woke him up both times, I told him the kid is going to be creeped out at how often dad comes into his room to creep on him at night
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    "Tough Luck" has it's place. .like when a kid loses a game or something. . but that seems a little mean to me.. Unless your kid is always losing everything and it's a behavioral issue that needs a tough lesson to sink in? Did his dad tell him to put the tooth in a safe place and he refused. .or didn't listen. . etc?

    No, he lost it at school, and the envelope the teacher put it in fell out of his backpack. He is normally crazy protective of anything that will earn him money because he has to save up to buy Wii games and such...I will only buy them on special occasions like b-days or Christmas--any other time it's out of his own pocket.

    You're awesome! Teaching him fiscal responsibility at an early age. Great job! .... And his dad is a bozo. How mean to do that to a little kid!
  • JThomas61
    JThomas61 Posts: 892
    Perfect way to have handled it!
  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,576 Member
    I think the toothfairy is a stupid fantasy that I don't plan to teach to my children....

    That being said, since your child already believes in it, I think you did the right thing. I think the tough luck mentality should only be used if the child has a bad habit of being forgetful, additionally if they are obviously very upset about something one should be more compassionate, we all have lost things important to us.

    Unfortunately I do think there is a tendency to coddle children nowadays and for parents to "make everything ok," (ESPECIALLY in split homes) which in turn makes them have a very difficult time dealing with failure and loss in the right way as adults; but as a parent you have to judge that for yourself.

    I agree. I am going to teach my kids only Hindu legends while training them in the style of Pai Mei.

  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    My seven year old son has been at his dad's house this week, and when I picked him up last night, he had lost another tooth (three missing at the moment....). I asked him how much money the tooth fairy left him and his eyes welled up and he said, "Nothing, I lost the tooth before I could put it under my pillow, and my dad said tough luck, I have to have the tooth to get money."

    It broke my heart. I gave him a piece of paper and a pen and said, "I'll bet that's happened before and the tooth fairy understands. Why don't you write her a note explaining what happened and see if she leaves you something anyway."

    This is what his letter said (and also included a drawing of a tooth):

    Dear Tooth Fairy,
    I lost my tooth out of my head, but then I lost it again before I could put it under my pillow! Please could you please leave me a dollar anyway?"
    Love, David

    She left him two dollars. :)

    What would you have done?

    I'd have given him the money. His dad was being an *kitten* about it. If you believe in using the tooth fairy, then what you did seems like the right way to do it. Personally, I'm not a big fan of telling kids there are supernatural beings out there, and if you want to reward them for something you can just reward them yourself, but that's my thing. Whatever happens when he loses a tooth should have happened anyway. His dad could see the tooth was gone from his mouth, so I'm not sure why that wouldn't count.
  • runs4zen
    runs4zen Posts: 769 Member
    Exactly what you did and then drive over to my exes house and give him a swift kick to the balls.

    This. What a *kitten* the ex is--hence his "ex" status I'm sure. You did an awsome recovery job, mom!
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    Men are so insensitive at times!

    I blame the penises

    Larry Fleinhardt on "NUMB3RS" once said, "You know women have two x chromosomes; men have an x and a so-called y. But I think if you examine it closely, as I have, you'll find that the y is just an x with a piece missing. ...since I'm missing that very piece, I may not be qualified to answer [what the significance of that is], but I think it has something to do with, you know, they're just more sensitive."

    But it could be the penises too.
  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,576 Member
    Men are so insensitive at times!

    I blame the penises

    Larry Fleinhardt on "NUMB3RS" once said, "You know women have two x chromosomes; men have an x and a so-called y. But I think if you examine it closely, as I have, you'll find that the y is just an x with a piece missing. ...since I'm missing that very piece, I may not be qualified to answer [what the significance of that is], but I think it has something to do with, you know, they're just more sensitive."

    But it could be the penises too.

    Perhaps the penis is that missing part of the x?
  • llahairdna
    llahairdna Posts: 502 Member
    Sounds like you're a little bitter :) it's okay you can admit it, I'm bitter with my man's ex, maybe it would be different if I was supporting my own kids but I'm not, and maybe one day when we catch up from all the legal crap she dragged us through, ontop of letting the matrimonial home foreclose and causing my fiancee to claim bankruptcy, and got off her butt and got a job and paid to support her kids I will be less bitter :)

    Money is just money. Yes, I understand what it is like to struggle, but that just makes me a stronger person, so no, I'm not bitter. The best revenge is to be happy. :)
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    you did good....

    but I would have done the same as the father... why would the fairy pay for the tooth if she can;t have the tooth... teaches 2 lessons 1... be careful with your money making stuff
    2... nothing is free

    you can tell I am not in favor of pushing these believes... especially when most of the time, the only reason for them to still pretend to believe in these things is to get the reward

    I don't believe in teaching kids that there are supernatural beings either, but I see no reason why kids shouldn't get a small gift when they lose a tooth. It's a life moment and you're marking it. so,

    1... It's not about "selling the tooth" it's about marking the moment. That's why Dad's response was wrong. The life event still occurred, and should be marked, however you usually mark it. And
    2... Of course there are free things. Lots of them, actually. For one, unconditional love is free. THAT is what parents should have for children.
  • Carrot1971
    Carrot1971 Posts: 272 Member
    Exactly what you did and then drive over to my exes house and give him a swift kick to the balls.

    ^^ THIS ^^
  • Carrot1971
    Carrot1971 Posts: 272 Member
    And since we were on the subject of child support, let me tell you MY story.

    My ex and I share custody of my 3 oldest. My ex makes $110K/year. I make $25K/year. He took me to court of have it reduced and WON. He looked right into the judges eyes and told lie after lie after lie. My lawyer called him out as he was a witness to each incident and the judge said "one side is not more believable then the other" ARE YOU KIDDING?? So my ex won a $500/month reduction in support! Nice, huh?
  • kimr41
    kimr41 Posts: 219 Member
    Men are so insensitive at times!

    I blame the penises

    I agree
  • llahairdna
    llahairdna Posts: 502 Member
    Men are so insensitive at times!

    I blame the penises

    I agree

    Whatever. You love penises. (I :heart: you, by the way....don't start throwing stuff at me.)