Tooth Fairy



  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    Awe, how sweet. :flowerforyou:
  • llahairdna
    llahairdna Posts: 502 Member
    "Tough Luck" has it's place. .like when a kid loses a game or something. . but that seems a little mean to me.. Unless your kid is always losing everything and it's a behavioral issue that needs a tough lesson to sink in? Did his dad tell him to put the tooth in a safe place and he refused. .or didn't listen. . etc?

    No, he lost it at school, and the envelope the teacher put it in fell out of his backpack. He is normally crazy protective of anything that will earn him money because he has to save up to buy Wii games and such...I will only buy them on special occasions like b-days or Christmas--any other time it's out of his own pocket.
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,832 Member
    Poor baby!

    Similar thing happened when I was his age, and my mom made me do exactly that. I think you handled it perfectly.
  • adriana_hackney
    adriana_hackney Posts: 232 Member
    I would have done the same thing. Pool lil guy.
  • JanetLM73
    JanetLM73 Posts: 1,226 Member
    I would have done the same thing as well. Good job Momma!
  • brendansmom1
    brendansmom1 Posts: 526 Member
    Exactly what you did and then drive over to my exes house and give him a swift kick to the balls.

    LOL...that made me laugh, cause that is exactly what I was thinkin!!
  • callmeBAM
    callmeBAM Posts: 445 Member
    Men are so insensitive at times!


    And women stereotype.
  • I'm standing up for fiancee and I always do the Santa Clause thing with his kids, and they get so excited, his ex thinks we are "forcing" the kids to believe in Santa because she's a born again Christian and doesn't want them to believe in him. So during yet another particularly threatening encounter with her the police were called before she came to the house to get the kids (yes this is a usual occurence unfortunately, it's more for the kids and our safety) anyways the police officer trying to lighten the mood asked the 4 year old who was coming in 2 days and this is how the convo went....
    mom - "we don't do Santa"
    little girl - "but I saw Santa"
    mom - "mmhmm at the mall right, remember he's not real sweetie"
    me - "funny we just wrote our letter to santa didn't we"
    mom - "ya he's not real"
  • goodfido
    goodfido Posts: 127 Member
    Good Recovery!!!
  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,576 Member
    How did this sweet story of a good parent become a manbashing fest?

    Open recruitment!

  • stephaneb74
    stephaneb74 Posts: 151 Member
    you did good....

    but I would have done the same as the father... why would the fairy pay for the tooth if she can;t have the tooth... teaches 2 lessons 1... be careful with your money making stuff
    2... nothing is free

    you can tell I am not in favor of pushing these believes... especially when most of the time, the only reason for them to still pretend to believe in these things is to get the reward
  • hongruss
    hongruss Posts: 389 Member
    That's a really clever recovery.... good for you! Dad is insensitive but that's why Mom's are the best, they never disappoint!

    Just to go off topic & defend Dads a little, Mums can be alcoholic losers that have to be coerced to be around their kids & are still lousy at personal interaction!:mad: Not my Mum(who was amazing) but my daughters so called mum!

    True story Bro:laugh:

  • That's a really clever recovery.... good for you! Dad is insensitive but that's why Mom's are the best, they never disappoint!

    Just to go off topic & defend Dads a little, Mums can be alcoholic losers that have to be coerced to be around their kids & are still lousy at personal interaction!:mad: Not my Mum(who was amazing) but my daughters so called mum!

    True story Bro:laugh:


    EXACTLY! I've seen way more psycho ex wives than husbands
  • llahairdna
    llahairdna Posts: 502 Member
    How did this sweet story of a good parent become a manbashing fest?

    Open recruitment!


    Not my intention at all--I would like to say that I don't hate men in any way (I actually like them very much). I dislike my ex, but not because he's a man--I dislike him because he's a *kitten* and doesn't treat our son how he deserves to be treated.

    I have four brothers who are all FANTASTIC fathers, and one of them spent over $130,000 in lawyer fees over a very messy custody battle. His ex wanted their son just so she could get child support; my brother wanted him because he loves him. Thankfully my brother got custody--not because he's MY brother, but because he was looking out for the best interests of the child.
  • and I bet your brother doesn't get a dime for child support and nobody does anything about it because the government treats men like crap....I know because both my fiancee and I have to work 2 jobs to support his 2 kids with no child support or help from the deadbeat mother.
  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,576 Member
    How did this sweet story of a good parent become a manbashing fest?

    Open recruitment!


    Not my intention at all--I would like to say that I don't hate men in any way (I actually like them very much). I dislike my ex, but not because he's a man--I dislike him because he's a *kitten* and doesn't treat our son how he deserves to be treated.

    I have four brothers who are all FANTASTIC fathers, and one of them spent over $130,000 in lawyer fees over a very messy custody battle. His ex wanted their son just so she could get child support; my brother wanted him because he loves him. Thankfully my brother got custody--not because he's MY brother, but because he was looking out for the best interests of the child.

    I am not implying that you were, just that some of the others in this thread. I have been noticing a large amount of manbashing of late. I have to do my part to keep the gynocracy in its place =P

    Good job with the tooth, btw.
  • CapsFan17
    CapsFan17 Posts: 198
    Excelent recovery!! Dad should know better, he'll have plenty of opportunitites to learn the tough luck lesson when he gets older.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,810 Member
    Poor little guy! My son had a similar thing happen, he lost a tooth but doesn't know when it came out (he was at school) and didn't have it to put under his pillow. So I told him I'd call Lightning McQueen (we don't do Tooth Fairy because, in the words of my 5 year old son "I don't like fairies, they are for girls. Can Lightning McQueen give me money for my teeth instead?") and tell him what happened. Next morning, he had a dollar under his pillow :)

    David's room was decorated with Lightening McQueen until his sixth birthday when he came into my room and said, "Cars Movie is for 5 years olds. I'm six now, so I need Mario Kart. That's all." Then he turned and walked out. haha! Luckily his b-day is in November, so Santa brought him all new stuff. :laugh:

    Hahahahahah that's hilarious!!! Kids are so funny when they have their minds made up about something!
  • llahairdna
    llahairdna Posts: 502 Member
    and I bet your brother doesn't get a dime for child support and nobody does anything about it because the government treats men like crap....I know because both my fiancee and I have to work 2 jobs to support his 2 kids with no child support or help from the deadbeat mother.

    My brother actually does get child support. And she has to pay for travel to and from for all visitation (she moved away). Essentially, she gave up her son just to get the furniture and have her bills paid off. Mother of the year, right there. He was happy to do it.

    It can go both ways--I worked 2 jobs for three years because my ex pays $100/month in child support, but then doesn't split the cost of anything else (health insurance, medical bills, school costs, etc), and I can't affort to take him back to court. But it doesn't do any good to complain about it, and I choose not to be bitter because that only hurts me, not him. It is what it is. And I know that his actions (or anyone else's, for that matter) don't reflect poorly on an entire GENDER, his actions simply reflect poorly on him.
  • Cameron_1969
    Cameron_1969 Posts: 2,855 Member
    "Tough Luck" has it's place. .like when a kid loses a game or something. . but that seems a little mean to me.. Unless your kid is always losing everything and it's a behavioral issue that needs a tough lesson to sink in? Did his dad tell him to put the tooth in a safe place and he refused. .or didn't listen. . etc?

    No, he lost it at school, and the envelope the teacher put it in fell out of his backpack. He is normally crazy protective of anything that will earn him money because he has to save up to buy Wii games and such...I will only buy them on special occasions like b-days or Christmas--any other time it's out of his own pocket.

    Well then I agree with everybody else here. . You should grab some pliers and yank one of your ex's Molars out and give that to the Tooth fairy in place of the lost one. Then steal $20 from his wallet and stick it under the pillow.