

  • I can commit to a lot longer time for sure which is why I really want a plan. Running definitely does not bore me and there are days where I will only have a limited time but those are rare. I will have to look into a personal training session it sounds like. Someone else just mentioned crossfit.com as a resource to check…
  • I was totally there with you. I had never been able to run even as a child in gym. I started a 2 minute interval where I walked for two min and ran for two. I started at a 5.0 pace and it killed me. Hardest 2 minutes ever. I had to really dig to finish each interval. One day I realized that it was easy so I upped it. 4 min…
  • I have decide that you are right. I am going to switch to daily so I can be accountable. It has already made a difference! Thanks all!
  • I am so happy for you sis! I love that we are going through this together. You are amazing I am so proud! Xoxoxoxoxoxoxo