jessalice66 Posts: 47 Member
edited September 24 in Fitness and Exercise
I'm sorry. I've tried so hard, so many times to jog for even 15 minutes non stop. I just hate jogging so much - it makes me feel awful and unfit when I have to stop after about 30 seconds! Is walking much of a difference? As I think I'm able to walk nonstop, though it gets seriously boring. Has anyone got any other tips? Or ideas for simple exercises?

And also I'm looking for online friends as I'm a complete loner with a lack of motivation...


  • Try doing a walk run combo. On January 1st I started a program like that. On the first week I was running for 90 seconds and walking for a minute. Today I made my first 30 minute run.
  • Cortx
    Cortx Posts: 103 Member
    i also hate jogging and running. I realllly hate sweating., I hate being out of breath and sweating. UGH. I dont like how it makes u feel even if u are in shape.

    I also need friends. I have none. period. lol
  • strandedeyes
    strandedeyes Posts: 392 Member
    Maybe running / jogging isn't your thing?

    have you looked at www.C25K.com ? its a running program designed for those who have never ran or for those getting back to running after a long break. It gives your intervals of walking and running.
  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    You probably need to build yourself up to it! I know I couldn't just run for 10 or 15 minutes straight when I first started running.

    I would look into Couch to 5k if you are interested in wanting to love jogging.
  • Aid_B
    Aid_B Posts: 427
    Try couch 2 5k WWW.c25k.com it makes it easier.

    I couldn't run before I tried this
  • cahira
    cahira Posts: 163
    If you hate it, don't do it! Find something you love. That said, if you want to try to build yourself up slowly, you should try the Couch to 5K program. I've been doing it since the first of the year, and I can now run 2.5 miles at a time and I still have nearly 100 lbs to lose.

    For me, walking does not get my heart rate up enough to really burn calories. I walked the Komen 3-Day last fall, trained for it for 6 months - walking anywhere from 15-35 miles per week in training and didn't lose anything to speak of.

    I don't like gyms, and I used to run and loved it, so I wanted something I could do outside to exercise. But if you like the gym there are lots of things that can burn a ton of calories. Or DVDs at home that can!
  • I walk about 4 MPH for 35 minutes a day. For me, (your results will vary) thats usually good for about 300 calories.
    My shins begin to ache if I jog.
  • urgh, jogging is just so annoying! just walk a lot, and often. you'll burn it off other ways - i did! xxxxx
  • I was totally there with you. I had never been able to run even as a child in gym. I started a 2 minute interval where I walked for two min and ran for two. I started at a 5.0 pace and it killed me. Hardest 2 minutes ever. I had to really dig to finish each interval. One day I realized that it was easy so I upped it. 4 min running 2 min walking. At first I was afraid to up that anymore so I increased speed or incline. I can now run for 60 minutes without stopping. It is really hard and I have to dig deep those last ten minutes but I had a lot of practice digging deep these last few months. Now I am addicted! Sometimes I turn to running to solve my problem instead of food like I used to. Just decide. You can do it.

    Oh and feel free to add me to your friend list :)
  • novatri
    novatri Posts: 262 Member
    If you hate it, don't do it! Find something you love.

    I agree. But there are plenty of alternatives. Bike rides, skating, swimming, paddle boats...
  • Shua456
    Shua456 Posts: 211
    If you hate jogging - then don't do it. I despise it myself. I alternate between the elliptical, the treadmill and the stationary bike. I'll often do intervals involving all three. Once or twice a week I simply walk on the treadmill but I make sure that I'm walking at a pace that makes get slightly out of breath and forces me to move out a bit. Yes, walking on the treadmill does get boring but an hour of walking will still burn 385 calories.

    I get bored with any exercise if that's the only thing I do so interval training helps keep my head into it and keeps me motivated.
  • If you don't like, just find something else to do. You'll only dread exercise if you don't do things you love. I myself am not a runner/jogger. The only time you will see me running is if some one or some thing is chasing me. I do enjoy a good walk now and then (when the weather permits...which means not now), but most of my cardio comes from dancing like a fool around my apartment or the elliptical. Much more fun for me (especially the foolish dancing!)
  • spaboleo
    spaboleo Posts: 172
    I hate jogging, too...

    For me it is too boring :laugh:
    I can absolutely not talk with another one, while jogging...so it's monotonous step-by-step at a too low pace.
    I need speed :smile:
    Cycling, Mountainbiking, Skiing, Snowboarding and everything around that.
    Or I use the stationary bikes in the gym...sounds boring too?–Yes, it is :happy: ...but I can do some reading, while pedaling :wink:
  • LG61820
    LG61820 Posts: 372 Member
    What's the matter with walking? What do Biggest Loser contestants do their first day on the ranch and their last day and most days in between????

    I started walking, I prefer outdoors in every kind of weather but pouring rain and I love it. I do run, just because I want to, because I'm enjoying myself so much. I'm currently walking a block and jogging a block and loving it! However, I won't consider myself a failure if I have days or weeks where I just walk. If you get some good tunes with high BPM you will walk quick enough to get your heart going.

    Just go for a walk and forget about the jogging and see how it goes.
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Find something else to do jogging make you feel miserable. All kind of outdoor activities (someone mentioned earlier), if weather is kind over where you are. Otherwise, for indoor you can also do DVD workout: you got someone doing it with you, help time pass.

    For jogging, it takes time to build up. I listen to music or watch TV/DVD when I do it, it helps to forget the boring-ness.
  • bluespring
    bluespring Posts: 201 Member
    I'm a walker/jogger/runner too.
    Outdoors is the best....
    It is a solitary exercise...and not for everyone.
    It suits me to a T. It gives me my alone time..to think...plan...set goals...dream...find peace.
    I bop along to my music.....check out the neighbourhood...see what's going on...greet others along the way....
    You could try bike riding instead...or skating...or golf...or tennis...or swimming....
    There's something out there for you...
    Don't give up!
  • Jhenry20
    Jhenry20 Posts: 7 Member
    If you use a treadmill, try walking on an incline. Maybe try between 3.5 and 4mph for speed, and put the incline as high as you can stand it. Change it every couple minutes. It still gets your heart rate up. I don't like to run/jog either, but I still make myself do it. But walking on an incline helped my endurance, and even if you never jog, you'll burn calories, lose weight, build lean muscle, and gain strength.
    If you don't use a treadmill, try hiking or jog in a place you enjoy being.
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    Then don't jog. There are tons of other exercises out there that you can do that can burn just as many calories as jogging without even a thought of a trot. Try dancing, kickboxing, weight lifting, roller blading, swimming, whatever. The most important thing about exercise when it comes to maintaining a program long term is that you think it is fun. So pick something fun and enjoy your workouts.
  • lyla29
    lyla29 Posts: 3,549 Member
    I'm a walker/jogger/runner too.
    Outdoors is the best....
    It is a solitary exercise...and not for everyone.
    It suits me to a T. It gives me my alone time..to think...plan...set goals...dream...find peace.
    I bop along to my music.....check out the neighbourhood...see what's going on...greet others along the way....
    You could try bike riding instead...or skating...or golf...or tennis...or swimming....
    There's something out there for you...
    Don't give up!

    That sounds exactly like me. I told someone that I had started jogging and they asked me if it was something I like doing. I told them I didn't like it but it was something I needed to do for a physical test. I was only doing the minimum of about 2 miles at the time. Now I am really enjoying the solitary time outside with my thoughts and listening to music that I have gotten up to 5 miles (this was after only 1 month of jogging). I miss it on the days that I'm not able to go jogging. I am now looking to do some type of 1/2 marathon or 5K. Like everyone else said if it's not something you enjoy there are many other things you can do. :smile:
  • bubbaduts
    bubbaduts Posts: 196 Member
    To be honest at 252 pounds i was scared to run embarrassed out of shape etc.... I used the eliptical to lose 46 pounds then felt comfortable enough to try jogging plus i hit a massive plateau . I wasn't sure at first how to even start i walked 3 minuted ran 7 like i said no idea how to start it killed me but i continued this for an hour and threw up. Then i did it the next day. day 3 hit me like a brick i never wanted to see the gym again! I didn't go to the gym for 2 days then something hit and i thought hey i can do this that was 3 weeks ago now i can run a 5k in 31:36! I signed up for my first 5k for saint patty's. anyway the point of the ramble is jogging sucks when you first start but now i actually kind of love it but that first week i wanted to hate it lol
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