Needing a plan

So I am really in need of a gym makeover. I love the results all my home videos have gotten me in the past but my current circumstances make it necessary to utilize my local gym (Which I love) I currently show up and run for a min of 30 min. Then do whatever I am in the mood to do. (Which can include go home) I feel like a purposeful workout plan would really help me. One that is geared toward my goals (lose weight, get toned all over, and be a strong runner) I really love the running and cannot give that up, I need that daily high. I just am not sure how to put a whole program together for myself. I have my favorite workouts and know how to use most of the machines and quite a few free weight moves but just don't know where to start. HELP!


  • jhardenbergh
    jhardenbergh Posts: 1,035 Member
    How much time do you have to work out, I know you wrote you have 30 minutes, but could you go longer if you didn't get bored. What I do when I go to the gym is 25 minutes on treadmill, 15 on stairclimber, 20 minutes on arc trainer on my heavy cardio days. On days when lifting weights, I will start out with 10 to 15 minutes on treadmill, half hour of lifting weights focusing on chest, biceps, triceps, legs, shoulder, back, mix and match exercises. I usually do moderate weight, high reps. Finished with 10 minutes on stair climber.
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    Honestly, a personal training session can give you a great workout plan. Personally, though, when I got a trainer, I hated him, and I hated exercise, so it didn't work out.

    If you're short on cash, I say head to the library. New Rules of Lifting for Women is good, but I really like the Women's Health Big Book of Exercises. If you get the big book of exercises, the workout plans are toward the back of the book. There are several in there, depending on what your goals are.
  • I can commit to a lot longer time for sure which is why I really want a plan. Running definitely does not bore me and there are days where I will only have a limited time but those are rare. I will have to look into a personal training session it sounds like. Someone else just mentioned as a resource to check out too. I think I really just need a more specific goal aside from losing weight.