ticker1999 Member


  • I have the original 21 Day Fix program, and I'm struggling with getting going on it. I'm so used to counting everything out, that it's a definite mind shift for me. I've been doing the weight loss for so long, including writing meal plans out, but this is going to take some getting used to.
  • @woznube7 - day 5 now! This weekend is going to be a bit of a food challenge. We are going to two birthday parties...one of which is going to involve a lot of alcohol and lord knows what to eat. But it will be what it will be. We have three dogs, two yorkies and an american bulldog. I took one of the yorkies with me when I…
  • That's the overriding issue here: getting healthy. Skinny will come, but healthy needs to come first. Part of my other frustration is that I know what I need to do...I just don't know why I stand in the way of myself. Day 4 of getting back on the wagon. Food is going well, exercise is going great. I skipped the gym this…
  • The Android app doesn't give me an option for message boards. :(
  • So it's day 2 of the starting over. Two days in a row that I'm up and at the gym and have counted food intake. Today was a little off on the tracking because I had a lunch meeting. I took a stab at it, and if anything, estimated a little high. (Also, no one has died from me being hangry.) Tomorrow's goal is to remember to…
  • Carbs are my downfall. Also: cheese. Combine cheese and carbs? Game over. But hey...half a bagel is still better than a whole!
  • I totally wish that I knew how to set notifications for these boards so that I get them to my email so I'm not replying 5 days later... (Anyone know how?) So here I am at day 1...again. Food intake hasn't been too bad today. Due to some unforeseen issues yesterday (i.e. my basement flooding) I didn't get to plan out as…
  • Thanks everyone. It's just frustrating, ya know? Like why can't I do this for good... Hi! I'm in Farmington Hills...and my name is Leigh too... :)
  • Are there any Cushies here besides me?
  • I was diagnosed as PCOS as well awhile back, and found that lowering my carb intake and watching my sodium intake helped a lot. (As it turns out, I was misdiagnosed, and had Cushing's Disease, but that's a whole other debacle.) Good luck!