Starting over...again.



  • ronnymontoya255
    ronnymontoya255 Posts: 25 Member
    The key thing to take from your own post is "starting" and "again". Your decision to re-commit is half the battle. Good luck. Lots of support and advice going around.
  • mrswpg
    mrswpg Posts: 16 Member
    Im feeling the exact same as most or all of you in some way. I'm on day two of starting over! Trying to stay motivated is the key to my success. Reading all of your post are motivating me as well. Good luck to all!
  • mariannekehl
    mariannekehl Posts: 66 Member
    fostersu wrote: »
    I hear ya, I'm "back at it...again" too. the important thing is that we are back, not what happened in the mean time

    This is true! Hang in there! I also do really well when it is cold and nasty outside but as soon as the weather is nice it seems I lose my resolve to go to the gym. If you don't make it to the gym, take a nice long walk when the weather is nice. That way you are staying active AND getting to enjoy the nice weather. Hang in there!
  • ronnymontoya255
    ronnymontoya255 Posts: 25 Member
    ticker1999 wrote: »
    I totally wish that I knew how to set notifications for these boards so that I get them to my email so I'm not replying 5 days later... (Anyone know how?)

    So here I am at day 1...again.

    Food intake hasn't been too bad today. Due to some unforeseen issues yesterday (i.e. my basement flooding) I didn't get to plan out as much as I wanted to for this week. I will take a stab at it later, and see where we go from there. Our house will go on the market later this week, so I imagine it's going to be kinda hit and miss for a bit with the craziness.

    I did 35 minutes on the treadmill this morning, 199 calories burned. (Really? You couldn't round up?) My knees are a little crabby, but that will ease up over time. Just gotta get moving again.

    My company has an employee wellness program, and they have fitness and nutrition coaches that are available to us for no charge. I've got the food thing down pretty well (when I do it...), but I've been talking to the fitness one for a bit. Hopefully this will get me moving in the right direction again.


    If your on the app, go to the "More" tab and then to "Push Notifications", from there you can choose what you want to be notified about.
  • ticker1999
    ticker1999 Posts: 12 Member
  • ronnymontoya255
    ronnymontoya255 Posts: 25 Member
    Sorry its "Settings" then push notifications.
  • ticker1999
    ticker1999 Posts: 12 Member
    So it's day 2 of the starting over. Two days in a row that I'm up and at the gym and have counted food intake. Today was a little off on the tracking because I had a lunch meeting. I took a stab at it, and if anything, estimated a little high. (Also, no one has died from me being hangry.)

    Tomorrow's goal is to remember to bring everything with me to the gym. Monday I forgot a towel, today it was socks...
  • ticker1999
    ticker1999 Posts: 12 Member
    Sorry its "Settings" then push notifications.

    The Android app doesn't give me an option for message boards. :(
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    ticker1999 wrote: »
    I totally wish that I knew how to set notifications for these boards so that I get them to my email so I'm not replying 5 days later... (Anyone know how?)

    Click the star at the top right of this page to bookmark the thread. But there aren't any notifications that I'm aware of. You just have to keep coming back to check your notifications & bookmarks.
  • ronnymontoya255
    ronnymontoya255 Posts: 25 Member
    ticker1999 wrote: »
    Sorry its "Settings" then push notifications.

    The Android app doesn't give me an option for message boards. :(

    You get the "Push Notifications" through your email address that you used to sign up with MFP. This is the best way to be notified.

    Also, I'm not sure if you've noticed the "Bell" icon at the top of this page. There will be a number highlighted in red to show the amount of activity in a topic that you posted. If you click on the bell icon, you can edit your preferences on the types of notifications that will appear.

    It's a bit confusing I know.
  • avafrisbee
    avafrisbee Posts: 234 Member
    I'm starting over too. I did great, then got pregnant, had a difficult birth and recovery and let the sickness get the best of me. When I was finally better I just didn't get back into it the way I should have. I tried a few times in the last 6 months and failed miserably. This time I am going to do it. I am back on the boards for inspiration, back on my diet plan and back to exercising. Currently doing the T25focus DVDs and going for walks. Once I lose 5-10 kilos I'll start running again. I NEED to do this, I will do this, I can do this.....I hope.... I'm afraid I'll fail again, I have vacation next week.
  • mikegl1
    mikegl1 Posts: 238 Member
    Starting over isn't a bad thing. I left here for two years and just started back. I needed the break. I am also frustrated by getting injured over and over but this isn't a "do it, make it and be done with it" thing. It is a change in desire and lifestyle. Don't be frustrated. It takes a long time to change a routine and life does intrude. Just take it bit by bit, and add what you can, when you can. IMO healthy food / snacks are very important to have around. Instead of candy or the like, have an apple. They are sweet and soon you'll reach for that instead of something not as good for you. Then go for a walk or swim or bike ride FOR ENJOYMENT. Don't make it all about getting into shape make it about enjoyment. Soon the changes will be part of your new normal.
  • ticker1999
    ticker1999 Posts: 12 Member
    That's the overriding issue here: getting healthy. Skinny will come, but healthy needs to come first.

    Part of my other frustration is that I know what I need to do...I just don't know why I stand in the way of myself.

    Day 4 of getting back on the wagon. Food is going well, exercise is going great. I skipped the gym this morning, as there was some stuff I needed to do around the house this morning. I went three days in a row, so I figure a break isn't too bad. Depending on if the weather holds, I may go for a walk later.
  • woznube7
    woznube7 Posts: 537 Member
    Great job! @ticker1999 I am also struggling with standing in the way of myself! Day 4 and you're still going... it's only going to get better!
  • ticker1999
    ticker1999 Posts: 12 Member
    @woznube7 - day 5 now! This weekend is going to be a bit of a food challenge. We are going to two birthday of which is going to involve a lot of alcohol and lord knows what to eat. But it will be what it will be.

    We have three dogs, two yorkies and an american bulldog. I took one of the yorkies with me when I went for a walk last night, and we made it 1.25 miles before her little legs were just done. Tonight I will take the other one and probably do the same route. Saturday, weather permitting, I will take the big dog, who can keep up longer. (I have done about 2.5 miles with her.)
  • woznube7
    woznube7 Posts: 537 Member

    Awesome job! This weekend was a big fail for me. Started over again today. Just did not log any food. Will have to take the dogs for a walk or something after work. (two poms, one shitzu, and one pinkinise (sp?)) That is one benefit for having dogs.. and no excuse to not go for a walk! :)