lindsayk324 Member


  • Activity settings on TDEE/BMR calculators are pretty notorious for overestimating your daily burn. Most people I know on MFP set their activity level to "sedentary". The trick, then, is to experiment with logging your exercise and eating back some, all, or none of the calories you "earn" from exercise. For example, I'd…
  • I still struggle with this, but it's helped me to just not keep snacks in the house. I'm particularly bad with quick easy junk like bags of chips, crackers, candy, chocolate, ice cream, things that I can just put directly in my mouth without having to prep or cook. I slowly got my stocks of those things out of my cabinets…
  • I looove stirfry for dinner. I'm one of the eats-til-she's-stuffed kind of people, so loading up a stirfry with vegetables makes for a bulky, physically-filling meal. For something sweet and high protein, I've been whipping up heavy cream with a scoop of chocolate protein powder -- 4tbsp : 1 scoop, so it's easily scalable…
  • Oh man I love lit review! Nutrition isn't my particular niche but here's my thoughts: Methods: Right off the bat, oh yikes, n = 21? And their cohort spans ages (from 18 to 40!), races, and genders. They did a whole lot of fancy statistics on the 21 they had to try to correct for all these potentially confounding factors,…
  • Ah, I see where the confusion is coming from now! To be clear, this is NOT a personal vendetta against saturated fats -- my diary's open, so you can see that I have ~20g/day of unsalted butter during the workweek. Dietary fat is mostly triglycerides, cholesterol, and phospholipids. We aren't really arguing cholesterol here…
  • Nobody argued that -- I think most people know now that dietary cholesterol != blood cholesterol. This discussion about sourcing the fat macro from saturated/unsaturated fats was born out of this exchange: There is nothing wrong with getting dietary fat from salmon, nuts, and olive oil. I wanted to make the point that…
  • These are solid publications, but they only address the myth that saturated fats are linked to CVD. I've never tried to imply anything about that, I agree that there's nothing wrong with eating saturated fats. The issue I have is with your recommendation that dietary fat should be preferentially saturated sources, not…
  • Sounds about right! When I first started calorie counting (LiveStrong's Daily Plate before I switched to MFP), I was horrified to learn that just a small (12oz) mocha frappuccino with whip was the caloric antithesis of a running a 5k race...
  • I'm still confused, but it's been many years since my last biochem/molbio course! :tongue: From what I understand, the claim is that a greater portion of dietary fat should be saturated (as opposed to unsaturated). That disagrees with conventional medical recommendations. The second part that's confused me is the idea that…
  • Just to add perspective, 1,820 calories burned is a little MORE than the equivalent of running a half marathon! I'd be cautious of the Wii and exercise bike burn estimations, unless you really did spend ~2 hours with your heart rate consistently between 140-160bpm...
  • Hey OP, like others have said, just pick a certain macro split to start (doesn't really matter which split, 40/30/30 or 50/25/25 or anything). Then, spend a few weeks trying to meet that macro split. Depending on your progress after a few weeks and depending on how you feel (fatigued? mental fog? skin/hair brittle?) adjust…
  • Hey, OP, sounds like you're looking to recomp your body. To keep your bodyfat low and build up lean body mass, a lot of guys (and girls) use a program called leangains. Google it if you're curious! As for calories, I like this calculator much more than the default MFP calculator for goals other than strict weight loss…
  • Oh man, have fun! If you're curious about how to fit alcohol in, check out -- and also remember that you'll probably be walking and dancing a lot so make that exercise count! haha
    in Alcohol Comment by lindsayk324 May 2015
  • To be fair, that's more a function of their environment than anything else. Where would Eskimos get significant sources of carbohydrates from? I'm not sure what sources of carbohydrates they'd even eat. Humans are still evolving on an appreciable timescale, anyway. It's in our DNA to eat carbs, some ethnicities more than…
  • You are correct. To achieve weight loss with a keto diet, you still need to follow the CICO rule. Ketosis is just one of many metabolic pathways that we use to break down our food into chemical building blocks and energy, and it uses fat as the starting input. Some people find high fat meals satiating, so keto works great…
  • Here's just a few other things that the EPA lists as neurotoxins: aspartame, THC, monosodium glutamate (MSG), fluoride, bisphenol A. In other words, that's artificial sweeteners, weed, Chinese food, tap water, and canned foods. That's because coffee is acidic, not because it has caffeine. They were likely also told to…
  • hey there! I don't have T1D myself, but I'm actually studying it right now in graduate school! If you want some support, feel free to add me here on MFP :) I may not be able to empathize, but I will totally support you!
  • I meal prep on Sundays to keep myself organized and save time during the week. It doesn't work for everyone but I like it because it keeps me within my macro goals and I don't get bored of the same food all week! My diary's open if anybody's curious about what a typical week looks like for me. And here's some recent…
  • I also have PCOS and have been able to lose weight just by being very honest about everything I put in my mouth. I dont think there's any other "one simple trick" to losing weight, metabolic abnormalities or not. What can be influenced by a metabolic abnormality or by "one simple trick" is what mentally satisfies you at…
  • Those cravings might actually be for fat or fluids or vitamins/nutrients! I always thought I had chocolate cravings but it turned out I actually wanted FAT, so a tbsp or so of peanut butter or a couple ounces of cheese gave me the same fulfillment. For ice cream (and popsicles, and sugary cereals like Capn Crunch or Lucky…
  • Hi, and welcome to this wonderful world! I'm really excited for you to start discovering your body and interacting with it in a brand new way :) Some things to keep in mind, because I know how the "hungry" thing can swing either way! THOUGHT EXERCISE Assuming your basal metabolic rate (BMR) is 1200, that means your body,…
  • To the replies getting way off track about yolk vs white, sometimes a diet plan isn't just simply about staying within a caloric budget! If macro splits are a concern, and they should be, egg whites definitely have a place at the table (literally and metaphorically). Egg whites are an amazing food pick for high…
  • Based just on anecdotal evidence, eating can be very addictive as a habit. I'm stressed? Eat. I'm sad? Eat. I'm celebrating? Eat. I'm bored? Eat. I also suspect that specific cravings can be influenced by an individual's gut microbiome, seeing as the microbiome changes depending on what you eat. But that's a topic for a…
  • I've had trouble with hunger in the past. Here's a few tricks that've helped me! 1. Water and Waiting. First thing I do when I'm feeling hungry, especially if it's right after I've eaten, is drink a big glass of water (300-500mL) and wait about 20 minutes. 50% of the time, this helps me realize that I'm actually satisfied…
  • Keeping a text diary (like My Fitness Pal) is one way to track what you eat, but maybe you could also try a visual diary! Take a picture of your food before you eat it -- everything that goes in your mouth gets a picture beforehand. When I was starting out, this was a great way for me to stop and think before I ate. It…
  • Fellow festie here :) Excited for your upcoming weekend! If it's a camping festival, no brainer -- just pack lots of good food! In the past, I've had difficult ice situations and try to bring mostly foods that are okay without being chilled. Even if it's not a camping festival, here's some snacks you could think about…
  • Okay, here's the coolest part about being involved in your personal nutrition -- you are your own science experiment! Try something new, and if it doesn't work, you can always go back to what you were doing before or try something else! A couple of things here. First, birth control doesn't cause weight gain. (…
  • Evolution has created a magnificent cleansing system built right into your body. To take advantage of your own personal cleansing equipment, try just drinking plenty of water and getting plenty of fiber in your diet!
  • Somewhat related to sugar in food, but definitely interesting --
  • Eggs -- 3 whites, 1 whole -- and uncured bacon (almost) errday :p