

  • My weight has been up and down my whole life (my mother is obese and I developed bad habits from a very early age), but the penny really dropped for me when I got engaged. I was 105kg at the time (230lbs) and the thought of having everyone’s eyes on me literally scared the crap (diet) out of me! Unfortunately I hadn’t lost…
  • Monday - rest Tuesday - HIIT (combo 24-class and weights) Wednesday - weight training Thursday - cardio (running) Friday - HIIT (combo - step and weights) Saturday - cardio (step class) Sunday - rest
  • So many movies inspire, there are just a few: Juno Little Miss Sunshine Priscilla Queen of the Dessert Dead Poets Society Hesher Half Nelson High Fidelity Before Sunrise After Sunset Trainspotting Taken Braveheart Life of Pi The House of Sand and Fog The Pursuit of Happiness The Green Mile PS I love you The Wrestler
  • I am one of those MFP people who believe clean eating makes a difference (more specifically cutting out sugar – fruit included, which has up until now given me great results), so I feel a bit of a fool reading your posts. That beens aid, what you say makes total sense. It seems there is a lot I have to think about, put…
  • My hubby and I got married when we were young (and admittedly very poor) so took what I was given (by family and friends) and never had the opportunity to be Bridezilla , but you have every right to be pissed off with that printing company – you are paying them for a service after all grrrrrrrrr! I was on the other hand…
  • Following a good eating plan and exercising regularly is really the answer here, but more specially with me, giving up sugar is what got be beyond my original goals. It is amazing learning just how bad sugar is for you yet so many products are loaded with the stuff. Food manufacturers don’t care about your health, they…
  • Honestly it took about 3 months of eating well before the scales budged at all (that’s how messed up my metabolism must have been), but then the weight slowly melted off. In the end, it took a little under 2 years to lose the weight, but unfortunately I had a slip up (gain of 20kg’s) and had to regain focus before I was…
  • I currently eat oily fish in my diet as is – pilchards mostly (almost daily), but also salmon (in sushi, at least once a week), would that be considered enough, or should I be supplementing this as well? As far as protein goes, according to MFP I’m almost always over on fat and protein content. I do want to build visible…
  • thanks for this, I have put creatine onto my shopping list and will check out what proteins shakes are on offer.
  • At the moment all I take is zinc, selenium (for digestion) and folic acid, but I could definitely invest in a good multivitamin. Any brand specific that you can recommend? I have tried a few in the past but they often make me feel nauseas, not sure if that is normal?
  • Good job, very inspirational! You look like a different person, I'm sure you feel different too?
  • I think the tricky thing about having a cheat day, is you encourage the food addiction (in my case anyways). So if you’re at the start of your journey, cheats shouldn’t even be an option in my opinion. I look at food crutches as an addition, and like a drug-addict trying to kick the habit, you need to go through the…
  • Herbal tea with a slice of lemon is my next best option. Can you not bring your own water to work? If you don't have a kettle, you could always make your own iced-tea with honey if you are allergic to sweeteners? Grated ginger with mint and soda is quiet nice if you feel like something fizzy. Mint or cucumber is actually…
  • I was in the same boat at you, sticking to my calories but could not get past 68kg’s (when I should be around 60kg). I have to admit, I’m pretty good on the exercise front, but in my experience, you can work out all you like (which is good for you for numerous reasons of course), but if you don’t put extra effort into what…
  • We have all been in the position where we binge eat. The trick, in my opinion, is to train yourself to prepare food in advance and make quality calorie choices. If the body is receiving all its nutrients, you should feel less hungry over time. There is a transition period of course, and until you get there you will have…
  • I'm an early morning trainer too. I know I should, but I've never eat before I exercised and have never struggled with low energy. I think it’s because my overall diet mostly consists of fresh produce (I even make sauces from scratch so no preservatives are in my system). I think diet plays a huge role Dawn. I know you’ve…
  • I used to hate herbal tea's too, but if you just force yourself you eventually train your taste buds to enjoy it. If you don't like hot drinks, try make sugar free iced-tea? Otherwise I drink sparkling water with a fresh squeeze of lemon. Otherwise good old water is all you really need.
  • I have a few methods I like using when cooking fish … 1. poaching fish in coconut milk is really yummy, I add fish sauce, garlic, ginger, chilli flakes, ground cumin and coriander to give it a bit of a Thai taste and it’s best serves with a variety of stir-fry veggies like peppers, baby corn, mange tout, broccoli etc.. 2.…
  • I have a friend who suffered with anorexia and bulimia for more than 10 years and for her is was a personal issue which to this day is hard for her to explain. It’s not about judging others or thinking they are fat, it’s more a personal issue of control and in my friends case it was knowing she could be “better” which in…
  • lol, how random but totally funny! I love you're response note, I recon if you see him give it to him! Can't say I've had any experiences like this at gym, but I've had a few WTF are you wearing moments? Not that I mean to judge, I'm just not used to seeing guys in hot pants or spandex (lol)
  • I've never tried it myself, but like Sam said we have friends that have done it and rave about it. I've only heard 2 negative comments - one friend said the high protein diet made her breath smell; another friend said she lost weight (and quickly), but once she started introducing veg and carbs back into her life, she…
  • It's not an excuse, I can vouch for the strict instructions about not getting your hair wet as I've had a BBO myself. Use the next 3 days to detox and plan going forward :)
  • Thanks :smile:
    in Hello Comment by MichelleKacz April 2011