

  • Ok thank you, I don't have a scale here (at my boyfriends) but I will get one when i get paid i'm hoping it'll sort itself out because I worked so hard last year to lose 2 and a half stone i'd be gutted to put it back on x
  • Hiya, I'm on a mission to lose alot of weight too! I weigh around 15st 11 (221lb) but have lost around (2.5stone) 30lb in a year, but still have another 2-3stone (30-40lb) to shift. I found having friends on mfp really helped :) I've added you. I'm from the UK xx
  • I keep going to my boyfriend "LOOK AT MY BELLY!" - I think hes a bit bored of it now hahaha :D I cried when I bought a pair of 18 jeans in new look! :P
  • Ok never posted pics before so this might now work! :P Pic on the right is my birthday about 2 weeks after starting my weight loss programme and the 2nd was taken in october 8 months and 2 stone later - as well as having stopped eating gluten for 2 months! :D ok sorry its a bit squished - im not very technical! :P you get…
  • I'm 23 :) From UK :) xx
  • Hiya, Thats why i'm losing weight because I was told it'll be easier to concieve if I do and it will help all my PCOS sympthoms. I started a local weight lose program called LifeMorph and lost over a stone since January but its started creeping back on! So i've now had to try and motivate myself again! Want to be a dress…