

  • Welcome! It's a great website. I hope you find it helpful!
  • You can do it! Consider this a new day and move forward! Don't look back at where you've been - consider this a new beginning! Take one day at a time and take small steps, set small goals that are attainable. Before you know it, the 46 lbs will be history! If you have a bad day, don't get discouraged. Just get back on…
  • Gumby09 Welcome! I'm new as well. Joined last week. I love being able to record my food and exercise and have everything calculated for me! Good luck with your weight loss and welcome aboard!
    in Gumby here Comment by KayT November 2009
  • Hi ChrissySmalls, I just found this site last week purely by accident. I have been logging my food and exercise each day and it really is an eye opener! I definitely feel more accountable and in control of what I eat each day (except for the ice cream I had today) :tongue: I hope you will find the site helpful. Good Luck!
  • Edin, I am new to the site as well joining just a few days ago. Best of luck to you in your weight loss efforts. Looking forward to sharing info with you.
  • Hi everyone. I am new to MFP. I'm glad I found this site. I just logged on a few days ago so bear with me until I get used to the site. This looks like an interesting topic since I fall in the 50+ category.
  • Thanks for the encouragement and the support!
    in New Member Comment by KayT November 2009
  • Thanks for the good advice. I think I am going to like this website. I like being able to log my food and exercise info easily. Any suggestions on the water intake? I just don't think about it until I go to log my water intake. The only time I usually drink water is to take medication. Thanks.
    in New Member Comment by KayT November 2009
  • Thanks BrenNew for all the great advice. Still not doing so good with the water. I need to concentrate on that more. I like your suggestion about logging food BEFORE eating. I will definitely check out all of the helpful section on here so I can become more familiar with the website. Thanks!
    in New Member Comment by KayT November 2009
  • Thanks Stephanie. I will check out the website!
    in New Member Comment by KayT November 2009
  • Hi everyone! I would love to join this group. I just signed up on MFP today, so I am very new to the entire website. Can someone fill me in? Thanks!
    in 10 in 9 Comment by KayT October 2009
  • Thanks for the the warm welcome and encouragement! I do try to work out 3 days a week, 30 minutes a day at a club. I just started walking/jogging outside this week and I'm trying to do this everyday. I have a treadmill to use, also. My niece just has lost 80 lbs and recently completed her 2nd 5k race so she is my…
    in New Member Comment by KayT October 2009
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