

  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good Morning ladies,
    Well I am off to a good start. we awoke at 5 am and went to the gym. i feel so good now. I plan to do this for the month of Nov. and make it a habit. Once over with i can get so much more accomplished in my day. Hope it lasts.
    Great job on a good weekend ladies. If you plan ahead you can make it work.
    Kenneth (hubby) said some guys at work were asking him how he lost weight so he shared with them. At first they asked if he were sick, then after he told them they said he had to have taken some kind of pills or something and then they said oh you will gain it all back. People are so horrible. When you are fat no one will tell you that you need to stop eating or that it is bad for you cause that would be rude but when you do good they have no problem telling you things like that. Go figure.
    I am going to try to get a lot done today since I have an early start. Going to fix my breakfast now. Have a great day ladies.
    Vicki M:happy: :happy:
  • healthier4me
    healthier4me Posts: 357 Member
    Good Morning everyone:flowerforyou:

    It is a bright, sunny but very frosty morning here today:happy: Isn't it amazing how ones whole outlook can be effected by the weather. Yesterday I went for a bike ride and even though it was on the cool side I bundled up and leisurely scooted along. My knee was none the worse so I did some yard work and even vacuumed and cleaned the inside of my vehicle:happy: Hubby is away again for the next couple of weeks so I have lots of time to putter at all the things I chose to do.

    Today I plan on doing a workout with the BLBootcamp, another bike ride and get some errands done.
    Gotta get that scale moving anyway I can:laugh:

    Cheers to all:happy:

  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    Marie: Those are great goals for November. I especially like the laugh until it hurts goal. And, you are right about the weather. When the suns out I feel much more motivated. Kind of hard sometimes here in the NW!:happy:

    Barb: Your house sounds like our daughters! They have 3 labs and 1 “mut” and walks are entertaining to say the least. :ohwell: Hey, 4 pounds gone is great! 43 total is even better. Good job!

    Sheila: :flowerforyou: As I mentioned earlier - sugar is one thing I’m trying to stay away from too. And those sneaky carbs! Good luck. We can do this ;-)

    MacMadame: What is the Ironman AZ and the IMAZ swim course? That sounds interesting. However, I don’t swim - I sink.:laugh:

    Lynn: Status Quo is good! Much better than gaining!:flowerforyou:

    Bridie: Sorry about your mil. That was thoughtful of you husband to allow you to have that retreat time without worrying.

    Jeanne: I’ve heard of the wii fit. It sounds fun. Good goals.:flowerforyou:

    Laniv: :flowerforyou: Welcome. Glad you found us. That emotional eating gets me too but I think I’m getting better at it. With time I guess!

    Karen: Your post brought a smile to my face. My cats like to get in my lap and help also. Never thought of leaving it for others to enjoy:laugh:

    KC: I agree with Barbie if you have a dvd or vhs player. That’s a great way to exercise in the winter time. There are a lot to choose from and sometimes you can find them at thrift stores.

    Rosemary: Wow, you did have a packed weekend. Today is a new day for you to start over on. Stay focused on your great goals.:flowerforyou:

    Vicki: Good job. I am headed to workout after I’m done here. It is so much productive for me to do it in the morning.

    We had our grandson's 1st birthday party yesterday. I did really well at staying away from the no-no foods! They had the reduced fat triscuits and I had some reduced fat cheese that I had with the crackers. I completely ignored the cake and ice cream and had a salad after everyone left because I didnt't have enough to offer everyone. So....yea me!:happy: One day down and 29 to go this month with several other tempting meals to be strong at!!!

    Hope you all have a great day.

    I'm off to workout and then to do some much needed yard work.

  • katznketo
    katznketo Posts: 323 Member
    Good morning to you all,

    I got to go get the kids to school. you know, I welcome the ideas. I do have videos but I guess I want more hard core stuff like the elliptical and that machine might be worth the 39.00 bucks at the Y. I just don't want to start it if I'm not going to go.

    To all of you. this is the start of a new month. My BDay month. I love the fall and for me it is like spring for someone else. i love the cooler weather and the colors. let's stay on track of health. The rest is sure to follow. Let you know what I decided to do as far as the y. Be blessed each one of you. kc
  • Benson
    Benson Posts: 444
    Happy November everyone.

    Its bright and sunny here in the North. Too bad I'm on the inside looking out!
    My daughter is finally over her flu and returned to school today. I hope she has an okay time catching up on her assignments. I picked up some work on Friday and she tackled it on the weekend but there will be alot more I'm sure.

    My goals for November will be

    Drink my 8 glasses of water as a minimum
    Gym 5-6 times per week for at least one hour each time
    Try to cut out evening 'problem eating'
    Try to 'entice' my husband over to the bright side - He's the main food preparer for dinners and needs to "lighten" up:laugh:
    Slowly but SURELY replace my bad habits with good ones:wink:

    I am enjoying the gym visits so far. I have realized that I can push a little bit more and still not do any damage. I have increased my cardio to 30 - 40 minutes and added another set to the weight machine.circuit. Progress!! I hope to get to a better level of fitness by mid-month and will then join in on the aerobics classes. For now I am happy with what I'm doing and I know I couldn't keep up in class - but I will soon. Thanks for the encouragement ladies.

  • Benson
    Benson Posts: 444
    To all of you. this is the start of a new month. My BDay month.

    Hey mine too What date is your b'day?? I'm on the 19th. Yep Scorpio - that's me:bigsmile:

  • heartrw
    heartrw Posts: 187 Member
    Happy November to all. Here it is the 2nd of November and I am just 18 days away from leaving for Germany to see my son. So excited I can barely maintain even a minimal amount of decorum.:happy:

    I think I did okay (actually a lot better than that!!!) on my personal goals for October . Lost 8 pounds from 9/28 (weigh in just prior to 10/1) to today's weigh in. More importantly: I exercised regularly, was faithful in daily devotions and daily journaling, attended weekly suport group meetings, did better on drinking water, logged all my meals every day all month, and derived immeasurable moral support and inspiration from this group of ladies. And most of all: I didn't get depressed, I did not quit improving my old behaviors and I did not give up on myself!!

    November goals are a bit more challenging as I have 10 days of vacation time wherein I am sure my routines will be greatly disrupted. However my goals are: 1) Log all calories and exercise to the VERY BEST of my abilities; 2) Do SOME exercise (30 minutes ideally) every day; 3) Stay with my daily devotions and journal writing; 4) Try for slow but steady weight loss, even with vacation and holiday challenges facing me; 5) Attend the OA meetings when I can; and 6) Behave while enjoying myself tremendously on vacation!!

    That's it. My posting will be spotty at best, this month, :cry: but I will be thinking of all of you and will read and post when I can. Have a Great November and a wonderful Thanksgiving!!

    :heart: Terri
  • Benson
    Benson Posts: 444
    Wow Terri That is some great work for October. Way to go:drinker: :drinker:
    It seems like you have a good handle on 'behaving' and tracking so you should do fine while you're away. That's so exciting for you to go to another country to see your son. Mine lives in his bedroom down the hall:laugh: :laugh:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I tried my new Leslie Sansone "Walk at Home" DVD this morning. I think I like Richard Simmons better but the workout was good and easy to follow. Tomorrow I'll try to workout with the ankle cuff bands. Then I tried knitting while riding the exercise bike. It worked great except for the part where I got yarn wrapped around the pedal and got something greasy on the yarn and had to cut part of the yarn off. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: It will work once I get a better plan and get more coordinated. I want to knit my new scarf and hat before it gets cold enough to need them but I don't want to sit still too much.

    :flowerforyou: Terri, with some planning and commitment to your goal, you can sidestep some of the eating traps that accompany vacation. Take it one day at a time and concentrate on the enjoyment of things that don't include eating.:flowerforyou: You'll do great.

    :flowerforyou: Heather, I'm so happy to hear about your continued success at the gym and the happy attitude that seems to accompany it.

    :flowerforyou: kc, I am enjoying fall, too. About exercise, the most important thing for me was to find something that I liked enough to keep doing. Keep an open mind, keep trying new things, and you'll find what works for you.

    :flowerforyou: Esther, you're doing great with the calorie challenges. Keep your eye on your goal and don't trade what you want the MOST just to have something you want at the MOMENT.

    :flowerforyou: Marie, you continue to do an amazing job of staying on track. Sorry your hubby will be away, but I know how much time and energy you will be able to devote to healthy behavior while he's gone. When my husband was gone, I was logging around 20,000 steps a day on my pedometer.

    :flowerforyou: Vicki, I've had the same experience with people saying strange things about my weight loss. I've had to find gracious responses to give to rude comments. :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Barb, I think that people in the northwest really know how to appreciate sunshine since we don't have it all the time. Jake is at the golf course today taking advantage of the good weather.

    :flowerforyou: Rosemary, you have done so well with your weight loss. Nobody out there wants to hear that you worked hard because they don't want to do the work. I didn't make a weight loss goal for November, just some goals for exercise because like you, I just want to not gain weight and end up like a roly poly snowgirl in January. Our first big holiday event is Saturday and it will keep going for weeks.

    I have a doctor's appointment this afternoon that I'm hoping will turn out to be no big deal. I'm trying to keep my head from making up scary stories. More will be revealed.

    Let's keep on keeping on. hugs :heart: :heart: :heart: Barbie
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    A quick note as I have to teach CCD tonight and am just getting out of work. Last night I was a little undisciplined. :ohwell: Instead of counting out my mini rice cakes, I was eating them out of the bag. Doesn't seem like something that bad, accept it leads to other "undisciplined" behavior. Because my mil is in the hospital I worked in her kitchen cleaning out food etc that might go bad and THERE WAS THE COOKIE JAR! It had the most decadent cookies in it.... and even though I haven't been tempted.... because I was not in control of other things, I got into the cookie jar.:noway: I ate one and then I took a second one. My husband saw me and knowing how good I've been doing announce (after I had left her kitchen) that the cookie problem was solved :smile: and that he hoped the birds would like them as he emptied the jars out into our back yard so I wouldn't be tempted:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: If I wanted another cookie I would have had to take it out the grass:laugh: :laugh: It worked! I went to bed and today I have had my discipline back. (Thank you God.....and Russ:wink: )
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    Hope your MIL is doing better.

    I might have to "borrow" Russ if I weaken and by any of the Newman Oh's Ginger cremes. Those things must have heroin in them because I can't stop myself from eating them if they are here, so they are NOT!!:laugh: The only problem with putting them in the backyard, is Mai Li and Pepper like the darned things so I would end up with two little porkers who wouldn't fit thru the doggie door!!!!:laugh: Glad you got back on track.

    I thought I was going for another solo walk in the sunshine, but in the time since I got home, it has become overcast, so my walking may or may not happen as I have other things to do as well, and since the sun isn't out, I don't feel quite so much like going out to walk.


    Whatever is going on, I hope you get a good report from your doctor.

  • doobiedoo
    doobiedoo Posts: 194 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hullo!! I couldn't find you all, but Barbie told me how to. It is good to be back. I finally got back on the treadmill today. My husband and I haven't been riding our bikes at night since August! I should have been walking on the treadmill all this time.:blushing: Anyway, I'm back on it now and I'm sure that will help me shed this last 8 pounds so I can get down to 200!! We have a family reunion in December. All 14 children and their spouses and children! It will be wonderful and I am looking forward to their surprise at my weight loss.:happy: Then, it's on to lose another 50 pounds, Lord willing! Good to read your posts. Let's have a great month!!:drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • laniv
    laniv Posts: 106 Member
    Day three of my food and exercise plan.

    I've managed to find time to exercise each day, and that is huge for me. I organized my refrigerator and pantry and stocked them with healthy food, as well as some low-cal treats. I've managed to stay away from the leftover Halloween candy. My school is collecting the candy and sending it to local charities. I'm not sure the local dentists appreciate this, but I'm sure the kids will enjoy the treats!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    KC- I know what you mean about the "schools" these days. It drives me crazy how much time they have off.

    Laniv10142 - welcome! I work too and your day sounds like my day. There are other forums here for recipies. I've gotten a lot of good, quick,easy and low calorie ideas from the crock pot thread, the chicken recipies one and several others. Check them out. The cool thing is that they are family tested and so far my family has liked them too.

    I have to make this short so too everyone - gratz on pounds lost, :drinker: Here's to good choices for November.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    My trip to the doctor turned out well. I'd lost weight since I saw her in August and my blood pressure was lower than it had been in a long time. I'm not going to describe what I went to see her about but her suggested solution at least for the foreseeable was painless and not intrusive. so I'm thrilled and relieved. Jake came with me so I'd have a second set of ears to listen to what she said.

    I've been retired from public school teaching for five years so I don't know what's going on, but when and where I taught, we had our noses to the grindstone all the time to the degree that we barely were able to include music and physical education because of the demands of the 3 R's.

    However, i remember that when i was a child in grades 5 and 6 we watched the entire World Series during school time. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Doobiedoo, I'm so glad you found us.

    :bigsmile: laniv, congratulations on day 3. Just do it one day at a time and the days and pounds lost will accumulate

    :flowerforyou: Barb, Jake left to play golf in the sunshine and came home after 15 holes because of rain and cold. It was even too cold and rainy to go to the dog park :sad: :sad: :sad:

    We just finished a yummy dinner of 5 ounce lean ground turkey burgers with a spoonful of green Thai sauce, salad with Newman's Own Balsamic vinegar dressing, and a big serving of fancy stir fry veggies (the kind with the little corn, water chestnuts, pea pods, carrots, broccoli, peppers, mushrooms) :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    hugs to all of you :heart: :heart: :heart: Barbie
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    Sorry that Jake's golf game got a little "damp"--strangest weather today. About half an hour after I posted about overcast, I went out to to do the errands I might have done tomorrow morning, since I wasn't going to walk. The bloody sun was out and the clouds had disappeared. I think the weatherman is toying with me.

    We will have fog tomorrow morning and Wednesday, but by late Thursday or Friday morning we will have rain, according to the forecast I just watched on the news.

    Your dinner sounds good. I was going to make that Spinach pasta toss recipe that I found yesterday, but I am too tired, so something is coming out of the freezer to be nuked. Tonight feels like a night to put on the jammies early and snuggle up in bed with pesky little doggies and watch tv.

    That is one pleasure I do indulge since it was a bone of contention:grumble: when I was married to someone who had the misguided notion that beds were only for sleeping. :laugh: :laugh: For the sake of my back, I have always liked watching tv laying down, and thanks to the sleep timer, it never stays on after I am asleep. The biggest problem I have now is that sometimes I have "interference" due to "doggie snores" but they aren't that noisy. :heart: :smile:

  • KayT
    KayT Posts: 13
    Hi everyone. I am new to MFP. I'm glad I found this site. I just logged on a few days ago so bear with me until I get used to the site. This looks like an interesting topic since I fall in the 50+ category.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Congrats to all you ladies who lost weight in October. I think it a great idea to set new goals every once in a while. I have the goal of losing 15 pounds be the end of the year.:noway: :laugh: Not going to happen. I set this goal weeks ago and now weigh one pound more.:sad:

    Actually, I should set a goal to be here everyday and read all the thread. I really fall short of doing that.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Benson, my oldest daughter's birthday is Nov 19.
  • l_mahloy
    l_mahloy Posts: 118
    Hello All,

    I have had a very busy day and am very tired. But have had a good day.:happy:

    Birdie I am so sorry :cry: to hear about your mil I will pray for you and your family. Your husband is a good man knowing that you needed your retreat and you could not have prevented her stroke.:flowerforyou:

    Jeannie thanks for the toast and back at you.:smokin:

    Karen you are right we can make it together .:wink:

    Kc have you tried any workout videos/cds you can even get them from the library. Also jumping rope burns a ton of calories and you can even do it with out the rope just do the jumps as if you have a rope. My husband bought me a used treadmill he got a very good deal on it at an estate sale it is a Nordic Trac and wasn’t used that much so if you saved the 39 dollars and the gas money you could save up for a treadmill or elliptical.

    Rosemary you did great all that entertainment and still able to control yourself. :flowerforyou:

    Vickie people are not encouraging like they should be. I tell my kids it is because they are jealous. It does seem like people are happier when you fail instead of succeed. Tell your husband to keep up the good work and he will have the last laugh!:bigsmile:

    Well I am closing now saying thank you all for your support and prayers.:heart:
