WELCOME to the thread for Women in their 50’s (or thereabouts). Actually, all women are welcome. We are a group of women who gain support and encouragement from others who are facing some of the same challenges. This has turned out to be a very helpful tool for many. I have met many new friends on this thread. So once again, welcome!

How did you do on your goals for October? What are your goals for the month of November? This month could be a challenge for us with the holidays approaching. We can help each other be accountable. Visit daily to encourage and to be encouraged. We’re here for each other.

Let me be the first to wish you all a HAPPY THANKSGIVING.:smile:


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I can't believe I'm posting earlier than all of you on the east coast. It is cool and clear here so I'll be wearing a sweater today. We're off to an all day meeting about two hours away so there will be a lot of sitting and not nearly the exercise I'm used to:sad: But I'll be with people I enjoy :bigsmile:

    We had more than 50 Trick-or Treaters last night. We gave out quarters instead of candy......it may have been more expensive but there were no left over candy bars to worry about.:bigsmile:

    I did fairly well with my October goals. I lost 4 pounds, drank enough water every day (even if I had to drink 24 ounces just before bed :laugh: ), did crunches often but not every other day, but failed miserably with hand weights again :sad:

    My goals for November will be to use my exercise DVDs.......I have "Sweatin' to the Oldies" and a new Leslie Sansone "Walk Away Your Hips and Thighs". I bought it at WalMart yesterday. I has an exercise band that hooks around your ankles for some leg exercises. My other goal is to go back to doing yoga. I have two yoga DVD's that I love and used a lot last winter.

    I can't wait to hear how all of you did on your goals and what your plans are for November.
    hugs:heart::heart: :heart:
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Goals for October? Not so well.

    I am done with my non-stop schedule for now and recommitted to my goals.
    To live more simply, more gratefully, and with a greater focus on health.

    Happy November!
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello all,

    I managed to loose 2 lbs instead of my goal of 3, but that's OK. For November and December I'm adopting a maintain don't gain goal. While I will still try to loose a fews more pounds this year, I will be happy if I wake up on New Year's Day and weigh what I weigh today.

    Happy November!

  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    Well, October goals were kind of lost in the shuffle! This month should be better since I have no trips planned. I have chicken breasts in the oven on time bake for when we get home from church before the birthday party for the 1 year old grandson. (I told my hubby that the frosting on the cake is the look I'll get if I eat it - fluffy & lumpy!) It will be a struggle to avoid the stuff the kids bring for the party but I have to focus, focus, focus. We're having it at our house and I made the cake but the rest is up to the parents and they are all for the junk food - which tastes soooo good but sticks to me sooooo fast and I don't think I even have to eat any - just look at it!.

    Have a great day and I'll chat later.
  • healthier4me
    healthier4me Posts: 357 Member
    Hello everyone

    So here it goes my confession: I confess to being guilty of lurking the month of October!:noway: I was reading the posts but I just didn't post my intentions for October:glasses: We returned from our trip the beginning of October and was trying to get back into routine and all the other activites of daily living.

    In the month that we were away I maintained my weight and since we have been home I am trying to do the same. The good news is that I have finally received confirmation that I have an apt to see the orthopedic surgeon for early December. My knees are still giving me a lot of pain but I am continuing to be optimistic and trying to keep as active as possible:smile: I do a non-strenous workout on my stationary bike. do stretching as well as a modified version of the Biggest Loser Bootcamp DVD (my all time favorite) . The physiotherapist and massage therapist are in agreement that the best thing for me is to keep as active and as fit as possible so as when I eventually do get the surgery that I will be in the best shape as possible which will assist in my rehab.

    Which brings me to my goals for November which in fact is my 1 year anniversary:blushing: :

    --Continue to keep as active as physically possible:smile:
    --Maintain a positive and healthy attitude:bigsmile:
    --Drink more water:drinker: :drinker:
    --Discover a new Yoga/Pilates workout and stretch more:happy:
    --Meditate everyday:happy:
    --Laugh until it hurts:laugh: :laugh:

    Best wishes for continued success to all:flowerforyou:

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Welcome to November Everyone!! :flowerforyou: We need a turkey emoticon for the season, don't we? Maybe I will email Mike....:laugh: :laugh:

    Well I had hoped to lose more than I did in October, but 4 lbs. puts me in the same neighborhood for monthly loss as Barbiecat, and we all know she can do no wrong!!!:noway: :laugh: :laugh: So now I don't feel so bad. Since the only walking I have done lately has been with doggies, it hasn't been as strenuous or as long, so I am thankful I can still keep losing a little.

    I went to dinner last night at Newport Bay, a regional seafood chain restaurant in my area. They are famous for taking good seafood and adding breading or sauces to make it a calorie disaster, but they do excellent salads and take directions well. I had a seafood Cobb salad that had grilled salmon and beef tenderloin in it. Told them to keep the blue cheese dressing. Unfortunately, didn't know it came w/ blue cheese crumbles (which I would have had them put on Parmesan instead). There was also a big wad of french fried onions on the top, but they removed easily, as did the blue cheese and what remained was an excellent salad on which I put a smidgen of balsamic vinaigrette. (I confess to nibbling on some of the onions after the fact, :blushing: but I still posted a loss at weigh in, so once my ticker is updated, it will display 43 lbs. GONE!! I was hoping to be down more than this by 11/7, but if I can make it to 45 down, I will still be pretty pleased.

    Bradley the Yorkie and my other two are settling in. Mai Li, aka "Diva Girl" is being herself, so that means she is trying to make sure Bradley knows she is "in charge." Bradley is no fool. He simply ignores her!! (Just like a man!!):laugh:

    Walks are a lot noisier around here, since Bradley starts barking and won't stop 'til we are leashed up and out the door. This has inspired Pepper to become more vocal, so now I have those two having a "bark-fest" and Mai Li stands there and looks at me as if to say "Hey mom, where are the earplugs??" She doesn't get hers til I find some for ME!!!:laugh: :laugh:

    I was ready to leave for church this morning when a "bark-fest" broke out and I knew these three would not settle for a walk when I came back, so "plan b" was go to the service an hour later at a different parish. Then I got back and logged on to post my new weight and made the mistake of stopping in here, and the next thing I knew it was too late to go to the next service!!!:grumble: :laugh: So now it is on to "plan c" which is go to the evening services at 5:30, which is followed by the dinner I was planning to take a friend to anyway. Can you imagine, baked chicken, green beans, salad, and a dessert (choice of cake or a fruit plate) for THREE DOLLARS??? It is the best deal in town. As they say, "the Lord will provide" :wink:

    I hope everyone has a great and successful November and a Happy Thanksgiving!!

    And Welcome to any newbies that I haven't acknowledged due to my hit and miss posting!!

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I don't usually go around posting links to other threads on here, but below is a link for a pasta dish that sounds too good not to try as is or with the variations that others have mentioned. I am going to make sure I have some tomatoes in the cupboard or buy some today.

    Here is the link to the "Spinach Pasta Toss" under Recipe category:



  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good Morning ladies,
    welcome to November 2009. Wow time is really flying. I met some of my October goals. I lost 4 pounds instead of 6. I ate very well, and did a lot of exercise. I would love to be further along but I am content for now.
    For November I am not setting a weight goal. Instead my goals are:
    Go to the gym daily and take 1 day off a week from gym.
    Drink my water which I usually always do.
    My big goal is to get up early and go to gym each morning before girls come.
    Mainly I just want to keep eating healthy and keep up this good lifestyle.
    Now I need to figure out again how to change my ticker. Have a good Sunday.
    Oh we went Christmas shopping today and I got about half my shopping done. Hope to finish soon.
    I like to enjoy all of the activities and not have to fight the crowds.
    Vicki M
  • Fabulocity
    Fabulocity Posts: 157 Member
    I just read a wonderful article by David kessler who was the former Head of the FDA on overeating. The link is listed above.
  • sheilajane
    sheilajane Posts: 133 Member
    Hello November !!! Where did our summer go ?? It is beautiful here in Bowling Green, KY today. The sun is shining and it is going to reach mid 50's. We are going to grill out today.....I guess all the stores think summer is over so trying to find charcoal for the grill was a real challenge after church this morning.

    This is my second month with you ladies and I truly LOVE this website. Thanks to all of you for your inspirational words of wisdom and your helpful suggestions.

    I'm not setting specific goals at this point. My main objective is to stay away from sugar and carbs. My doctor seems to think that is better than watching fat grams. So I guess that is my goal. Just to be able to go to the grocery and always check the label for sugar and carb content before I throw it in the cart.

    Heading outside to take a walk before it gets dark. With daylight savings time it starts getting dark around 4pm. I just hate it.

    Have a beautiful Sunday ladies and good luck to you all for a successful November with MFP. :smile: :smile:
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    So, if Bradley ignores Mai Lin, is she really in charge? :laugh:

    I honestly can't remember what my Oct. goals are which means I probably didn't make them. :tongue:

    For Nov., my goals are:

    -Eat healthy at least 75% of the time and keep the junk down to a dull roar
    -Don't have a holiday gain
    -Ride one loop of the Ironman AZ bike course (I feel a bit weird about it because I'm not actually doing the race this year)
    -Swim at least part of the IMAZ swim course (ditto, but swimming will be much more intimidating than biking for various reasons)
    -Reconnect with at least 3 old friends via Facebook or Linked In
    -Hire an accountant to figure out my 2007 & 2008 taxes
  • l_mahloy
    l_mahloy Posts: 118
    Hi Everyone,

    I am so thankful that my scale is moving in the right direction again. I still want to keep my goals reasonable and maybe I can actually reach them. I did reach my goal for October losing weight instead of gaining.

    For November my goal is to lose four pounds, exercise regularly, drink my water and stay with in my calorie range.

    Thank you all for the support,

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Another month! Just checking in as I arrived home a few hours ago from my weekend retreat. Many blessings. :love: I found out , when I got home, that my mil, who lives with us, had a stroke Fri night after I left. :noway: My husband didn't want to call me as he didn;t want anything to distract me from my weekend. :cry: He said there is really nothing that I could have done. She is in the hospital.... will need speech therapy etc. and may have to go into a nursing home. She's 90 yrs old.:ohwell:

    This weekend I met so many prayerful women. My food was as good as it could be with the options I had.

    Haven't had time to read the posts from Fri but will try as soon as I get a chance.
    God Bless:smooched:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Birdie- I hope your MIL gets better and comes home soon. It will take some work, but hopefully, she can get back where she was before the stroke in a couple of months.

    I saw the spinach / pasta recipe too and can't wait to make it. There are a lot of good recipes on this site and I've been stocking my kitchen like some one who can still cook. lol

    While I will try for loosing 3 pounds a month, I will be happy just not to gain anything back this winter. The Wii Fit does help there as it is something easy to do inside while we watch TV.

    :drinker: Salud! A toast to all of us this month that we are well and meet our goals.

  • laniv
    laniv Posts: 106 Member
    I joined only yesterday - right before the holiday season. My goals for November include exercising four times a week, staying true to my food goals (calorie limit, nutritious food), and refraining from emotional eating. I get home at about 6 pm, throw together dinner, spend some time with my husband over dinner, and then try to accomplish all the chores I need to do for work and home. So I wind up depleted in the evening. So another goal is to make time to replenish my energy stores. I think exercise will help. I will also spend time with friends and family, enjoy music, and savor those moments that make life sweet.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Chart
  • kcfva122
    Hello, everyone,
    As of this morning I had lost 5 pounds so I rewarded myself with a McDonald's Sausage & Cheese Biscuit on my way to visit my Mom in the nursing home. OMG it tasted good and blew my sodium for the day!

    I decided to see what it looked like if I changed my goal to "maintain my current weight" just for today, and even with the biscuit I can stay within those limits (well, not the sodium).

    I had a nice visit with my mother. After church I took her to an Italian restaurant for lunch. I had a salad with 1 tsp of oil and 1 Tbsp balsamic vinegar, and a small order of spaghetti with marinara sauce which I split in half right away to take home with me.

    I didn't set any goals for October - just wanted to get under way - and I lost 5 pounds! I would like to say I will lose another 5 in November, but that's unrealistic what with going to visit my sister in Austin for Thanksgiving.

    :smile: Lynn, I like your goals for November: "For November my goal is to lose four pounds, exercise regularly, drink my water and stay with in my calorie range" (I can't remember how to do the quote thing so I copied and pasted.) I'm going to borrow them for myself if you don't mind.

    :wink: Vicki, I'm so jealous! Half of your Christmas shopping done already. I've barely begun to think about it!

    waqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq2w333333333333333333 (That was Moses the cat's comment as he walked across my keyboard. I believe he wants my attention.)

    :flowerforyou: Good luck with those goals, ladies! The holidays are upon us, but supporting each other we can make it!

  • katznketo
    katznketo Posts: 323 Member
    hi everyone,

    I've missed reading you. I had a lot to do with my grandkids at school and the silly outlandish parties. Eegads. If society wants to know why so many kids at illiterate, they might inv estigate the parties.

    I'm not kidding. There are ice cream parties for doing homework.
    popcorn parties for turning in projects.
    fieldrips for selling the most cookie dough
    birthday parities
    Holiday parties
    reward parties
    Festivals and on and on.

    Seriously, this is too much. This week they are coming out of class to make ornaments to sell next month. What happened to reading, writing, and arithmatic? I'll tell you what? they bring it all home as homework!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Okay, now that that is off my chest.
    I weighed in this morning. Only 3/4 a pound. So that is almost 13 pds in 2 1/2 weeks. but I am going to keep on trying.

    Please help. I hate the time I spend driving across town to the Y. But I do not have money for a treadmil on my income. It's getting cold and to tell you the truth, I'm bored of walking and scared to go where I have been going. Which plan should I do? Go back to the Y? there is the Flu and it's not really that clean there. Any ideas? Thanks so much and bless your goals this november.

    It's my Bday on the 22 and I want to lose some more weight. Any ideas? I'm kind of stalled. Something has to happen so I don't mind turning 55. kc
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good evening ladies, I am home.....what a busy weekend:smile:
    :wink: Did OK on my October goals:
    :drinker: Fell a LITTLE short of my goal to walk 150 miles
    :drinker: Lose 4 lbs -I think I did, I can’t remember how much I weighed at the beginning of the month……..
    :drinker: Lose inches: I went from a 44DD to a 42DD
    :drinker: I continue to drink 4 16oz or more bottles of water a day
    :flowerforyou: I had a very exciting weekend. Went to Baltimore to visit my father on Friday night. He took me to dinner at a very nice restaurant. Stayed within my calories for the day thanks to a little extra exercising. The food was incredible. The place was so fancy they didn’t have prices on the menu. I felt like such a hick……:embarassed: LOL LOL LOL When we got back to my fathers I put in my Leslie Sansone DVD and exercised. My father is 76 and said I made him tired just watching me.:laugh:
    :flowerforyou: On Saturday my sister had a birthday party for her granddaughter. They had goulash, pizza, BLT dip, banana pudding, homemade southern pumpkin pie (made without sugar), taco dip and nachos and of course birthday cake. I went prepared. I stopped at Subway and bought myself a nice veggie salad topped with turkey breast and 1 packet of low fat ranch dressing. I also took baby carrots with me. The only thing I ate there was about 2 tablespoons of taco dip for my carrots and a small sliver of the pumpkin pie instead of birthday cake. With roasted chicken breast and carrot sticks for dinner, I was below my 1200 calories for the day.
    It was so wonderful when everyone told me how great I looked and wanted to know how I lost so much weight. I told them about myfitnesspal.com and that I try to stay at 1200 calories, exercise alot
    and drink at least 4 16oz bottles of water a day. I think they were expecting some miracle drug or something...:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    :flowerforyou: Today was my daughters baby shower.
    :noway: I didn't do as well today as yesterday. My sister in-law makes the most spectacular and yummy cakes and of course I had to have a little piece. Because her cakes are so moist and flavorfulI I like to eat the cake without the icing. I did take a bag of salad and mixed with lots of raw veggies off the vegetable tray, a little low fat dip ( I made with low fat sour cream and packaged ranch dip mix) two pieces of ham and 2 pieces of swiss cheese. I was still within my calories for the day with my exercise calories.

    November goal:
    :smile: NOT to gain any weight over the holidays. I am at 176 as of this morning, November 1st
    :smile: Continue to exercise every day
    :smile: I am going to try walk at least 100 miles

    :heart: Congratulations to those who met their goals
    :heart: Welcome to the newbies. You have found the best place for support and encouragement on the internet.....
    :heart: to those who are struggling. It is a new month, a new day and we know you can do it. Just look to the most amazing women on this thread and they will encourage and support you through the hard times.
    :heart: prayers, hugs and love to all, Rosemary
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member

    Please help. I hate the time I spend driving across town to the Y. But I do not have money for a treadmil on my income. It's getting cold and to tell you the truth, I'm bored of walking and scared to go where I have been going. Which plan should I do? Go back to the Y? there is the Flu and it's not really that clean there. Any ideas? Thanks so much and bless your goals this november.
    kc, what about exercise DVD's ...I have sweatin' to the oldies, and I just bought a Leslie Sansone "walk at home' I haven't tried it yet, but you don't need a treadmill and the women who've used it said great things about it. i found videos at Target and Wal Mart and you can order them from Amazon.com

    We drove two hours each way to a five hour meeting in Tacoma so maybe if I ride the exercise bike until bedtime I can burn enough calories to match the food I ate today.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Karen, I love what Moses wrote on your post. Haifa was lying next to the computer when I read it and he thought it was very interesting.

    :flowerforyou: Marie, I'm glad you're back with us. I missed you.

    :flowerforyou: Birdie, I'm sorry to hear about your MIL having a stroke. Think positive. Even at her age, people can bounce back.

    off to the exercise bike.......hugs:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Barbie
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    :drinker: Lose 4 lbs -I think I did, I can’t remember how much I weighed at the beginning of the month……..
    ...:heart: prayers, hugs and love to all, Rosemary
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Since you have been recording your weight in your "check in" area, or else you wouldn't have any info displaying on your ticker, you should be able to go into check in and choose the edit function and look back at the weight for a particular time period.


    Well, in my earlier post I mentioned a chicken dinner and how "the Lord will provide." Well how about "easy come easy go" or "the Lord giveth and taketh away."

    We went to the Mass, and at the end of it, an announcement was made to come over to the hall and have "hamburgers and hot dogs with fries" ...HAMBURGERS AND HOT DOGS WITH FRIES???!!:noway: :grumble: Not exactly the same menu I was quoted when I phoned the church office on Thursday!! And the people taking the money for dinner didn't have a clue as to why the menu was different than what I was told.

    After I looked at the church bulletin, I figured out what must have happened. Although I was explicit about what event I was asking about, when I called, the person on the other end of the phone admitted to being a stand in for the regular receptionist. It appears she gave me the menu for a luncheon to be held the middle of this week. Ironically it is for 55 and over, but it doesn't start 'til noon and I work that day at one, so that takes care of that!!:laugh: :laugh: I still got my chicken, but it came in a salad and was my dinner at the restaurant that we ended up going to instead of staying at the church.

    I also had a fantastic walk in the sunshine this afternoon, first one in a few weeks without the doggies. It got a bit chilly at the end as the sun was getting low. Lots of people out with their doggies, and I got sniffed pretty carefully, since I carry "evidence" of the three of them on all my clothes no doubt.:laugh: :laugh: There was a black Lhasa Apso who looked so much like Pepper it was a little unnerving. The owner thought I was exaggerating, til I showed him a picture in my cell phone. Both dogs are black, except for white on their chests, and white on the tips of their feet. One of these days I have to get the pics out of my phone and in to my pc so I can post them.

    Well, unfortunately, I have to work on one of my regular days off--namely Monday--so that I can take next Saturday off without using any vacation time. On Saturday I drive to Seattle with my parents to attend a lunch in celebration of my aunt and uncle's 60th anniversary. I thought it was smart of my cousin to have it during the day as so many of those in that generation don't like to drive after dark. I suppose the day will come when that describes me, but I am not there yet!!

    It is bad enough that I am working, but I start at 6 am!! So that is why I have to say, "bye" for now.:yawn: :yawn:
