

  • l_mahloy
    l_mahloy Posts: 118
    Hello All,
    I am feeling a little under the weather today. Kinda ache and just yuk. Think I will turn in early with a big does of vitamin C. Welcoem back SusieQ I have wondered about those shoes saw them over the summer. Well keep up the good work.

  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    "the medication needs to continually be taken to keep it in the bloodstream"

    That sound about right. But it depends on the medicine, of course. The insert for the medicine will tell how many hours/days it takes to reach a steady state in your bloodstream.
  • heartrw
    heartrw Posts: 187 Member
    Greetings all. This week is flying by. I've been reading everyone's posts...just not posting as I guess I'm running out of things to say. Not. Anyway, today I cleaned out my closet. Took the time to try the stuff on and wound up with two bags full of clothes plus a bunch of hangers for the Goodwill. I got to take every single "extra large" thing out of my closet. Boy did that feel good!!!!:happy: :happy: :happy: I amazed myself at the things I was able to get into and get easily buttoned and zipped.

    Well, I'm due at a jewelry party that ends in just an hour, so I need to scoot.

    :flowerforyou: Congrats Barbie on being so near your goal (63 pounds---I'm dreaming of the day when I'm there).

    KC - Good job on joining the Y. I would recommend starting slow and be sure to listen to your body. Nothing worse than injuring yourself when your just starting out.

    My sympathy and get well wishes to those of you feeling under the weather.

    Have a great night and Friday!:heart: Terri
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    Barbie, i read your post. I would love to hear in detail how you did it.

    You know every time I go and work out, the next few days I am starving and I ruin everything I did. What is wrong with me?

    kc, when I started this in January, I made a daily plan of what I was going to eat and stuck to the plan, no matter what. There were times when I had to force myself to keep busy while I waited for the next time I could eat. Deviating from my plan was never an option. I ate according to my plan, not according to how i felt. Early in February I found My Fitness Pal and that made planning my meals even easier. I made a rule for myself that I would eat nothing that was not on my plan, no matter how benign (not even carrots or celery). I put a lot of energy into staying on track. MFP helped me learn how to eat only nutrition dense foods. that meant "clean eating" mostly and no extras that added calories without adding nutrition. I eliminated caffeine, sugar, artificial sweeteners, processed foods, and aimed to keep sodium very low. I made a decision to "say no to birthday cake" and "pleasing others"

    I brought my own food to events where food was served and ate only what I brought. I declined invitations to join friends for meals and asked them instead to do things with me that didn't involve food. I decided that "recreational eating" had no place in my life. I made staying on my eating plan as important as prayer, bathing, and caring for my family.

    I've been taking it one day at a time. taking baby steps, and staying open minded to new ideas.

    There's a lot more, but these are the basics. I wish you the very best on your weight loss journey
    hugs:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Barbie
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good evening everyone. I finally reached my first goal of 175 lb. :smile: So now I am setting a new goal of 160 lbs. by my Birthday in June. I went shopping for an outfit to wear to my sons wedding. It was so nice to be able to shop without feeling like a stuffed sausage. I bought a size 14 petite dress pants with a size 18 jacket. ( I am still a LITTLE busty):laugh: Real good considering I WAS a size 18 pants and a size 20-22 jacket:noway:
    :flowerforyou: Lynn if you keep losing weight your going to disappear...you look fabulous.
    Hope you feel better soon
    :flowerforyou: Barbie you look awesome.
    :flowerforyou: KC I envy you. I wish I had the time and money to join a GYM or the Y. I would love to have someone to exercise with BESIDES Leslie and her gang:laugh:
    :flowerforyou: Terri congratulations on the yours AND the closets reduction:laugh:
    Gotta go do my 2 mile and get to bed. Love to all, Rosemary
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Thursday is my long day. i get up at 5:00 to go to a 7 AM spiritual meeting followed by line dance from 9-11. I can't go to bed early because I have a 10PM phone date with my best friend who lives in California. I always promise myself a nap and then I forget. :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Vicki, I like how you're working on this early gym time by doing it one day at a time. Your body is thanking you for making the effort.

    :flowerforyou: SuzyQ, I am one of the many dog lovers on this thread who appreciate the darling picture of your granddog, Chloe.

    :flowerforyou: Heather, I am so sorry you are sick. Feed yourself healthy food and get rest and you'll be better soon. Think about the early class in a few days when you are feeling better and it may seem more possible.

    :flowerforyou: kc, you'll probably be very tired at first from working out at the gym, but don't give up, it will get better.

    :flowerforyou: marie, thank you for your kind words. we don't have snow yet, but I have a great jacket for when it comes. shoveling snow is great exercise.

    :flowerforyou: Lynn, you look great in your picture. Don't let all the compliments deter you from continuing toward your goal.

    :flowerforyou: Terri, how exciting that you can get rid of some of your clothes. Just keep taking it one day at a time, and you'll be able to discard more clothes. You have worked hard to get to this point.

    :flowerforyou: Rosemary, congratulations on reaching your first goal and setting a new one. Your new clothes sound fabulous. Enjoy them because the way you're going, they will be too big pretty soon.

    I took the dogs to the dog park in what I thought was a "window" in the storm but it started raining again as soon as we got there. we didn't stay long and when we were walking back to the car, Brandy got so excited at seeing all the ducks and birds that she pulled the leash out of my hand and ran off after them. I put Sasha in the car and went off yelling "Brandy, come" until she finally heard me and stopped running after the birds. It was not a fun time, but I got a lot of exercise running after Brandy:laugh: I came home and did my Leslie Sansone "Walk Off Your Hips and Thighs" (two mile walk) and the 25 minute toning and stretching.
    hugs:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Barbie
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    :...:flowerforyou: Esther, I get my teeth cleaned at the periodontist's office every three months. I still have my wisdom teeth and they do a great job of cleaning every tooth and give me great tips for keeping them clean between visits.......
    hugs :heart: :heart: :heart: Barbie

    NOW we know why Barbie is able to dispense such effective words of wisdom--she still has her wisdom teeth!!!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Seriously, Congratulations on hitting so close to your goal weight. I figure it will be sometime next summer before I reach that point.

    Suzzzeque- Chloe is totally adorable!! What a cutie pie!! Pepper and Bradley are in love with her already:heart::heart: :heart: :blushing:

    The same crummy weather that is making doggie walking a challenge on the Olympic Peninsula is hanging around down south as well. The wind on the Oregon Coast has been pretty bad, and it was blustery here today as well. I did manage to dodge the rain this morning and the doggies and I were out for 45 minutes. When I came home about 4:30p we got out between showers. Tonight, however, the skies have opened and the only time outside was through the doggie door for a brief visit to the backyard. ( I don't fit through the doggie door so I used the slider!!!:laugh:

    I am watching the weather forecast and they are saying all this rain with a low freezing level could put THIRTY inches of snow :noway: in the Cascade Mountains by the end of this weekend. I am glad there are no mountains between me and Seattle as I don't care to use my all wheel drive on Saturday!!::laugh:

    The doggies are going to spend the day at my friend Linda's house while I am in Seattle for the day.

    Sorry to read about those on the thread that are sick. I know how miserable the flu can be. I hope everyone gets well soon.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Besides the vitamin C, the latest research also indicates that vitamin D is important for the function of your immune system, so consider taking that as well as C.

    Good night all!!:yawn:

  • NanaPami
    NanaPami Posts: 17 Member

    You are so motivating. Thanks for posting.
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good Morning ladies,
    Well we made it to day 5. Tomorrow we are going but we will go a little later around 6. There is a local craft show that we will go to afterwards. I finally saw the scale move again. 181.6 not a lot but it is something. Congrats on all who are losing and getting into smaller clothes. The smaller clothes is sometimes a lot more exciting than the scale. I have 2 boxes of larger clothes I need to get rid of. I hate to bring to good will or salvation army. they have so much junky stuff in our town that I am not sure it will go to someone who needs it. I will find someone to give to. I am hungry. Need to go eat. Have a good day ladies.
    Vicki M
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Healthier4me – I love your picture. Where is it from? What are you doing?

    Barbie- No, my kids are just fine with the dogs eating baked chicken. Lol

    Vicki M- Good Luck getting the morning Gym routine down.

    SuzyQ- I saw those shoes of yours advertised on TV and thought of you. Good Luck with them.

    Ester- Absolutely, your son-in-law has to be consistent in taking the meds. We learned that the hard way with our son’s meds. Why is he not taking it? We use pill boxes that are filled out weekly then it’s easy to see if your skipping.

    To everyone sick – get better and if you get a relapse treat it as an urgent matter. Advice I got yesterday from our CDC liaison.

    Also, our nurses all lectured me on how good dark chocolate is for you when you are sick and kept giving me some. (seriously) It was not pretty when I added my candy calories in, but I did feel better. The other advice from the nurses was to not eat less than 1400 calories a day. While they liked the tour of MFP I gave them yesterday, they all expressed concern over my 1265 daily calorie allowance.

    On the YMCA- We are thinking of joining the local Y. We’ve been summer members before, but never over the winter. I’m glad to hear it’s been a good choice for many of you as far as the workout and exercise programs go. I was wondering about that. We just always joined for the outdoor pool.

    It’s time for me to go to work now. Have a great day all!

  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Cleaning house very quietly in my Shapeups as hubby naps. Exercise willhave to wait until he goes to work.
  • healthier4me
    healthier4me Posts: 357 Member
    Good Morning everyone:flowerforyou:

    Another Friday is here and I cannot quite believe how fast the week flies by.

    :flowerforyou: Jeannie the picture of me was taken when DH & I visited Mt Rushmore in September. I had to use my walking sticks to get around because of my knee issues but it was a wonderful time nevertheless. We did lots of hiking and the walking sticks work great.

    :flowerforyou: Vicki congrats on getting that darn scale to move. I understand your frustration because I am going through the same thing. However, I am not going to give in and you aren't either are you..at a girl:noway:

    Exercise today consists of a walk and some floor exercises with a side order of stationary bike thrown in for good measure:laugh:

    Hope all have a great day:flowerforyou:

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member

    The other advice from the nurses was to not eat less than 1400 calories a day. While they liked the tour of MFP I gave them yesterday, they all expressed concern over my 1265 daily calorie allowance.

    Jeannie, most people include a lot of non-nutritious "stuff" in their 1200 calories so they probably don't get enough nutrition. If your 1200 calories are "nutrition dense" then you'll get all the nutrition you need. And if you exercise you'll add more calories to your total. I stuck close to 1200 calories for several months before I allowed myself to eat my exercise calories. I guess if the nurses want you to eat chocolate, then 1200 calories won't be enough to get all your nutrition:laugh: If someone includes a daily latte from the coffee shop as part of their calories, they won't get enough nutrition either.:laugh: :laugh:

    Now I'm off my soap box, and it's time to get ready to go to line dance.
    I'll post more later.
    hugs:heart: cheers:drinker: Barbie
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    On 1400 vs. 1250 vs. some other number:

    There really isn't one magic number for everyone. I'm pretty short and have a small frame so what works for me isn't going to be enough for someone who is Amazonian. But their calorie recommendations would cause me to GAIN weight. In fact, before I got into endurance sports, my daily maintenance calories were around 1400, maybe 1500 tops. So clearly 1400 wouldn't be a good number for trying to lose weight for me!

    But now MFP says my BMR is something like 1100 when it's higher than that. So I have to adjust the activity level to one that gets me to my true maintenance calories without exercise (around 1600-1700 these day). If I didn't do that, MFP would be telling me to eat less calories than I need and I'd still be losing weight.

    But even though MFP is just an estimate and you may have to play with the numbers, if you are losing 1-2 lb. a week, that is generally agreed upon as a reasonable rate of loss if you aren't on a doctor supervised program.

    Plus, nurses who ply you with dark chocolate under the guise of being a health food clearly aren't the most educated on nutrition. :laugh:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Actually, both of our nutritionists also recommend not less than 1400 calories a day too. I've been sticking with the 1265 that's my BMR is. But, it is hard. I'm loosing about a pound a month with is slow, but should be easier to keep off in the long run. My problem is that I eat my excercise calories too often.

    I do agree with MacMadane. Each person has to figure out what works for them. I am also short but big boned. If I got down to what the book says, I'd look like a walking skelaton.

    I ran around the house for 12 minutes today-six in each direction as our house has a circular pattern in it while I cooked dinner. It was one of those days where I couldn't excercise as planned. My dogs came with me but were perplexed about why I was running in circles. Still they did not want to be left out.

    Have a good evening all,

  • Lianne95519
    Lianne95519 Posts: 63 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I am enjoying reading all the shares. I am back on crutches with the other knee and I have surgery scheduled for December 18th for my knee.:noway: :noway: I am also having a somewhat unexpected hysterectomy the 24th of this month.:noway: :noway: I would of liked to get everything done at once but that isn’t the way it’s done. I have lived my whole life with no surgery and bam things are giving out :huh: or falling from their rightful place:huh: left and right! I must be getting some kind of exercise on these crutches but it isn’t the same as walking 4 miles on my lunch hour with my Leslie Sansome CD. I am determined to stick to my clean eating and food tracking. I will continue to lose weight but with little or no exercise except hand weights and abs I have to adjust my loss expectations. I still plan on losing just not as fast. I did it through my last knee surgery so now I know it can be done. :heart: :heart: Next week is our 6th wedding anniversary and we are taking a trip up to Gold’s Beach the week-end. I found a lovely place, on the beach that takes dogs so the boys are going too. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I will take my shakes and choose wisely when we go out to our special dinner.
    :flowerforyou: Barb-wow 30 inches of snow! Have a safe trip. We have been having a bunch of rain here In Fieldbrook finally.
    :flowerforyou: SuzyQ- How do you like the Shapeups?
    :flowerforyou: Marie-How are your knees doing. Sounds like their working enough for some good exercise.
    :flowerforyou: Barbie-Your amazing transformation speaks well for the program you are following. I haven’t really investigated BMI yet. Sounds like something good to know about.
    Well that is all for me. The rain is really coming down and all cats are curled up throughout the house and two dogs are on the bed and the other one is sleeping on his pillow on the floor. All is well.

  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    ::flowerforyou: SuzyQ- How do you like the Shapeups?

    I like them alot! :smile: It is a great way to sneak a bit of exercise on days you just don't have time for a dedicated workout. I wear them when I go shopping or am cleaning house. It takes a little while to get used to the way you have to walk, rolling your foot from heel to toe with each step, but you soon forget about it and just do it. So far I've learned that 4 hours is about all I can comfortably wear them at at time. That's about when I start feeling like my toes need a break.

    We're experiencing unseasonably warm temperatures here today so I am planning to burn some calories working in my front flowerbed this afternoon.

    I'm thrilled to be able to report the scale is moving down again now that I'm home and back into my usual routine. It feels great to finally be past the halfway mark on my weight loss goal. Hopefully now that I have some muscle tone and better eating habits these last 25 pounds will come off faster than the first 31 did.
  • sheilajane
    sheilajane Posts: 133 Member
    :bigsmile: Susieque: what are shapeups ?

    I've done pretty well this week. Actually lost 2 lbs. Been exhausted since I've been back from vacation and back on the job so I'm doing very little physical exercise.....maybe getting in a short walk, that's about it. I work as a temp and this job will be over in a couple of weeks and I won't be working again until after New Years. So I'm hoping I'll be able to get back into an exercise routine while I'm off work.

    Sounds like all of you are doing good.....congrats to all.
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    :bigsmile: SusyQ: what are shapeups ?

    Shapeups are a relatively new kind of tennis shoes by Sketcher that mimic walking in the sand. My friend (who is now a size 6) had some when I visited her in Pittsburgh a few weeks ago, and I found a good buy on some while I was there. Supposedly designed to improve circulation and help you tone your back, abdomen, buttocks and calves... Other manufacturers probably make something similar. They come in several styles but mine look like this:

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Lianne- Good luck with your upcoming surgeries. Trying to loose weight and being on crutches has got to be hard. It will just come off slower. Your dogs are lucky they get to go on vacation.

    Suzy- We've got some of that good weather too. So, we will both be outside working in the yard today.

    SheilaJane- Gratz on the 2 lbs!

    I got up early this morning and already did 40 minutes of strength training and yoga. I plan to work outside today and get rid of some weeds around the house. Hopefully, the day will include walking the dogs.

    Have a great day,
