

  • laniv
    laniv Posts: 106 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    I'm back on track. I'm planning my meals ahead of time. That is absolutely essential for me to lose weight. Life is very busy, but if I take about 15 minutes to plan my food for the next day, I find I'm more likely to stick with the program.

    Now, if I could only find time to exercise consistently! Any strategies for this, apart from adding a 25th hour to my day?
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    :happy: Finally having time to post as it is VERY slow at work….. So I have to go WAY back to catch up!!!!

    :flowerforyou: Renny: Get better! The flu doesn’t have to set you back. I have been sick or had my back out, where I couldn’t exercise, and I still LOST weight! :wink: Rest…but make healthy choices and you might be surprised! Sounds like you’re doing just fine!!!:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: SusyQ: All that rehearsing (singing) for no gratification…..guess it wasn’t meant to be. :grumble: But as a fellow, or at least….former…singer. I understand and agree with your decision to not hop in with another group… unrehearsed.:noway:
    BTW…a while ago, I think it was you, who suggested some kind of dark chocolate pearls or something that helps your cravings??:tongue: Could you repeat your suggestion? I work with a diabetic who would like to know more.

    :flowerforyou: Rosemarie: You look great in your new picture.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Sounds like the wedding was a great success!!

    :flowerforyou: MacMadome: I don’t think there’s a mother alive that doesn’t feel your pain about the “cleaning your room” event. :angry: :mad: :explode: We love our children, :love: but they can still get under our skin at times!!:angry: Sounds like your daughter need to learn some serious organizational skills!! :ohwell: Glad mine are all….mostly grown up!:laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Lynn:
    Somehow I can just picture you in a convertible! Isn’t it wonderful to have some Indian Summer!:smokin: :smokin:

    :flowerforyou: Jennie: I think you’re on to something regarding weekends.:bigsmile: If it works…keep doing it!:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Barb: You are so funny with all your “doggie stories”! I think you should have a sitcom called “Barb and her 4 legged children”!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    Glad you weathered the storm without any injuries and congrats on losing another lb!:flowerforyou:

    :flowerforyou: Eava: Your 52 years YOUNG! Life has just begun! :bigsmile: Stay focused one day at a time and you’ll do just fine! Good luck!:drinker: :drinker:

    :flowerforyou: Vicki: There’s no such thing as a “bad girl” just a “good girl” having a bad day! :wink: YOU CAN DO IT!!!:drinker: :drinker:

    :flowerforyou: Angl: I agree with you that a “Life style change” is what’s needed to change our weight permanently. Every one of us has done diets.:ohwell: Changing your attitude towards food and having a positive image of what you want to accomplish will last forever. :flowerforyou: What piece of cake (or cupcake) tastes as good as feeling good about yourself?!!:laugh:
    Good choice at Applebees and with joining Curves!!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    :flowerforyou: Laniv: Planning your food each day IS very important as is having good choices (of healthy foods) in your house at all times! :happy: Making time for exercising is different for each of us. For me, if I don’t do it first thing in the morning before I go to work, I’m less likely to do it at all. So I get up as early as I need to….to accomplish this. Good luck! :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Tdbear: Boy I have to read these post more often….THE FAMILY IS GROWING!! How is the WII fit going? Sounds like you have challenges but no challenge is insurmountable! :happy: Take baby steps and you will succeed. :flowerforyou: Food thoughts start in our HEADS before we even get emotional. Emotion makes us dwell on the food thoughts. Eventually we feel overwhelmed! :noway: :noway: :noway: Nip it in the bud!!! As soon as a food thought enters your mind…replace it with a thought about how good you’ll feel if you DON’T give in to it! :flowerforyou: :drinker: That works for me! Good luck!:happy:

    :flowerforyou: Bradybrooks: Sounds like you’re doing real well!! What’s Gin Miller? :huh: Keep up the good work and hope that office party which is technically today, is going well! :flowerforyou: As far as weekends…weekends = a longer time on the treadmill …so if I do go out, or am in vacation mode…I’m safe!:drinker: :drinker:

    :flowerforyou: Heather: The good news is that IF you haven’t been drinking the water and haven’t been losing weight….there’s something you can do about it!!! Salude!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    :flowerforyou: Terri: I would miss the ocean too, as I live in the Ocean State!:frown: I love to travel but love coming home!:smile:
    DON’T THINK ABOUT THE HOLIDAYS! :angry: They are simply wonderful celebrations that we can enjoy without making the food the “Main Guest:devil: ”. :laugh: :laugh: Congratulations on the new sizes! :flowerforyou: Don’t sweat a bad day….just sweat your REACTION TO it, if it isn’t positive!! :noway: :noway: You keep thinking one day at a time and you’ll be in 10’s before you know it!!!:flowerforyou:

    :flowerforyou: Slightingscale: I looked at your pictures. How beautiful you all are!!:bigsmile:
    God bless you with 4 daughters!! I have 3 and the youngest is 28….I’m STILL closing the door to her room!!!:ohwell: But she is a love also!:love:

    :flowerforyou: Barbie: You are blessed to be in a safe and loving environment with food choices…. and the results are remarkable and speak for themselves!!!:flowerforyou:
    I agree with everything you said. :love: This year has been a miracle for me too.:happy: I don’t want the frumpy old clothes:angry: , the lack of focus:angry: and problems with energy:angry: ! We both are blessed!:flowerforyou:

    :flowerforyou: Becky: 3 lbs to go!!! WooHoo! Don’t sweat the meeting…just keep your focus. :flowerforyou: You’re doing sooooo well!!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Mary: How’s it going?:huh: :wink: :happy:

    :noway: :noway: Boy...I have to read these posts more often!!!!! I'll try to keep up with them now that I've CAUGHT up with them!!

  • angl
    angl Posts: 188
    Hello all,
    Not sure if I can keep up with all the postings as there are so many on this thread.
    weaklink109...your mom has the right idea. My mom too was very witty but lost her battle at 94. We kept saying she needs to hang in there to reach 100 but her reply was she didnt want to live to be 100 cause it was too painful. I think I understand what she meant.
    Food for thought for ya all......we are all in our 50's and my thought is that it is my last chance to get fit for my old age. There are not going to be many more chances left before the extra fat starts to harm my organs and heart.. We do not see many old people that are FAT. So, this is my last chance to get it together so I can grow old gracefully.
    Think about it.
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Food for thought for ya all......we are all in our 50's and my thought is that it is my last chance to get fit for my old age. There are not going to be many more chances left before the extra fat starts to harm my organs and heart.. We do not see many old people that are FAT. So, this is my last chance to get it together so I can grow old gracefully.


    AMEN!!! BTW some of us are in our 60's so the urgency is even greater!:blushing:
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I'll be leaving for Tempe, AZ tomorrow at 6am and tonight is packed. So I will probably be absent for a while.

    In the meantime, my son took his car -- which he has no license to drive -- out without permission and a licensed driver and crashed the front end into a curb.

    So now he's grounded too.

    Plus, when I get home, I'm going to kill him.
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    Birdie, Thank you for your kind compliment! Your family is beautiful, and your babies look so very happy. How lucky you are to have so many blessings.:heart: Take care.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Glad to hear that everyone is staying motivated today. I am here posting to give myself time to think of a healthy snack, because I just walked in the door and wanted a cookie. Maybe I will have fruit or yogurt. Sometimes I have to sit down and get busy doing something else before I just grab.

    Welcome to the newbies! And to the oldies (ha, ha) - it's great to hear from you all!
  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    I can't believe a week before Thanksgiving and I am so motivated to embrace my Life Style change! It is so refreshing to read all your positive feedbacks. We are not alone in this journey. I even bought some Light and Fit yogurt for snacking.:tongue: Next on the agenda....daily exercise!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Eava57, stick around and you will find so much help in this thread. Glad that you are with us.

    :flowerforyou: Birdie, I can't see how you find the time to comment to everyone here. You are doing a great job. I can feel your genuine care for each and evey one of us.

    :flowerforyou: MacMadame, I still have some teenagers at home also. So, I can sympathize with what you are dealing with in regards to your son.

    I did miss my strength class last night and the worse of it is that I ate lots of yummy, fattening foods at the meeting after work.:grumble:
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Morning everyone,

    well, I'm back. This month so far has been bad for me. I don't know if it is the weather and being cooped up but I've seemed to have lost my motivation. I got my drs report from my physical and my cholesterol level is at an unacceptable level (250). He said I can try for 3 months to lower it with diet & exercise and after that I will have to go on meds if I can't get it to come down on my own. Of course I want to lower it naturally so I have until mid Feb to do something about it. I certainly don't want to have a heart attack or a stroke!

    Well there's my confession. Off to get my day started.

    Thanks for listening.

  • angl
    angl Posts: 188
    Good Morning girlfriends,
    Eava......remember Thanksgiving is just one day. Don't make it a long weekend of binge eating.:angry:
    I have been stuck at 163 for almost 10 days now. Got any ideas how I can break through this plateau?
    Ive been eating healthy and usually the same things each day. Working out too. Maybe I need Jillian here to kick my *kitten* in the gym. I confess I do not work out as hard as she would push me to.:devil:

    mamacindy81.....getting your cholesterol down is a must. I understand that working out will also help lower the number. The high number should be a great motivater. This is you last chance to get it down before it starts to harm you body. GO FOR IT.And No!! we do not want to hear you had a heart attack or stroke.

    I just saw a segment on TV about how bad movie popcorn is for us. Even the small size is over 700 calories and loaded with artery clogging fats. :grumble: No more movie popcorn for me!!! I will bring my own plain air popped hidden in my purse or go without.
    Have a great day all and eat smart.
  • Benson
    Benson Posts: 444
    Morning Ladies

    Well today I'm 52. This will be my year. I'm not looking back at the shoulda, woulda, coulda's. I'm more mature now :laugh: and am sticking with I can and I will:wink: I had a drs appt yesterday and he was proud of the changes I've made and lit into me about being so hard on myself. That caused me to reflect a bit and I decided he was right. I will give myself the 'kudos' he said I deserve.

    I hear you about the teenagers. I love them to bits but the are my biggest challenge. I am just beginning to try to comprehend how the can hate me one minute and love me the next. I truly feel blessed to have them in my life because they are precious but I also would have never dreamed of speaking to either of my parents how my children speak to me on occasion. My son keeps a tidy room but my daughter is a completely different story. She thinks having to do household chores is akin to child abuse. Oh well, all in a day:flowerforyou:

    I will have to be so strict with myself over the next few days. Between my friends and family I have lunch and dinner out today, dinner out tomorrow and company in for dinner on Saturday. I have begged my husband to make dinner a light as possible and have chosen the restaurants for the other times so I should be okay. It really helps to let your family and close friends in on your journey.

    Birdie - you are so right about the water. It's like I'm rebelling against myself (hmm wonder where my teens get it:laugh: ) Today I will drink all my water. :drinker:

    Holy look at me go Sorry I didn't mean to write a book!!

    Have a great day ladies. I know I will

    Cheers to being 'queen for the day':flowerforyou:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    I had to laugh at the comment about bringing popcorn into the movies. I bring my own all the time and always have. My kids joke about my "special" go to the movies purse. It's not that I don't want to pay their outrageous prices or over eat, it's just that they don't sell what I like. If I'm going to have candy at the movies then I at least want it to be something I really want. Most of the time it's just water for me. We usually do a family movie and dinner, so I stay focued on saving my calories for the dinner.

    I think many of us are at crossroads of health and life. Either we've gotten the do this or else from our doctors or we've had a close call with something that finally got our attention. With me it is being the care taker of my parents that finally got my attention plus the cost of medications. If I can get back to a healthy weight I can save $40.00 a month. What ever it took to get us here. Here we are and we have each other to bond with and get support from.

    Cindy- you can do it! If you haven't already check out the recipe forum. I bet there's a thread or two on low cholesterol cooking.

  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Happy:smile: Happy:happy: Happy:laugh: Birthday Heather
  • Benson
    Benson Posts: 444
    Thank you so much Alice:heart:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: angl, I have been stuck at a weight for as long as three months. There doesn't seem to be any magic thing to do to get the scales moving down...you will have to try to see what will work for you at this time. Here are some things that have worked for me: Up your calories, drink more water, eat more low fat protein, add more exercise or change what exercising you have been doing, making it a little different. Good luck. If one thing doesn't work then try something else.
  • NanaPami
    NanaPami Posts: 17 Member
    :flowerforyou: Happy Birthday, Heather! It’s my oldest daughter’s birthday today too. She is 33. Really makes me feel old. But I’m not really….I’m your age.

    :wink: Like many of you, I am thinking ahead to Thanksgiving. I’m the kind of person who cannot be deprived or I will get depressed. So I intend to eat very small portions of whatever makes me happy. I will be traveling to spend the holiday with family, so I have already sent an email challenging everyone to bring walking shoes so we can walk after we eat.

    :bigsmile: I lost another pound this week and that feels incredible!
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member

    Well today I'm 52. This will be my year. I'm not looking back at the shoulda, woulda, coulda's. I'm more mature now :laugh: and am sticking with I can and I will:wink: I had a drs appt yesterday and he was proud of the changes I've made and lit into me about being so hard on myself. That caused me to reflect a bit and I decided he was right. I will give myself the 'kudos' he said I deserve.

    ♫♪Happy Birthday Heather!!!♫♪. And indeed kudo's to you! :flowerforyou: Very typical how hard we are on ourselves.

    Enjoy your special day ♥
  • bradybrookes
    So glad to start another day and the office party “binge” is finally over. Did not get in my exercise yesterday so that somehow seems to set me up for eating too much, and not drinking my water. I do much better mentally when I start out early with the exercise. It’s like I don’t want to waste the effort I made at 5am to exercise in the cold garage. I couldn’t even remember all the bad stuff I ate yesterday to write it down.
    To BirdieM – I should explain Gin Miller. I believe she’s the person who “invented” step-aerobics in the 80’s. She put out a few videos and then lots of others jumped on the bandwagon. I think her videos are the best because she cues so well. Anyway, I do her “Power Step” workout. I had to work myself up from her first “Step Reebok” tape. I weighed an enormous amount and couldn’t even use the step at all, I just did the moves on the floor. Now I’m up to an 8” step and progressed to her harder tape.
    And the reminder that we are all trying to get healthy is the best. It just hard sometimes because the scale can make us happy or sad every day . . . think how much fat is not clogging our arteries, or how much easier it was to climb those stairs.
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Diet Plans
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good afternoon ladies,
    Happy, Happy Birthday Heather. Have a great day.
    Well I believe I am back on track and the possession is over. LOL. I went to the girls preschool for their Thanksgiving feast and I ate only fruit and had no problem with it at all. It is amazing what I can do when I put my mind to it. Going out tonight with the girls but the restaurant we are going to is one I frequent so I can make good choices there. I really want to drop a few pounds before our trip next week. If not that just to get back on track so I can stay on track for our trip. Our hotel has gym so that wont be a problem. I hope you all have a great day. Keep up the good work.
    Vicki M