shannontrevino Member


  • Water is very important...I cannot stress that enough. I don't add anything to my water. I drink with a straw it helps. I do not count coffee, tea, or anything else as water. I brought my body fat from 25% to 19% since just before summer. It works!
  • Cardio, cardio, cardio. Eating low fat...lean meats and fresh veggies. Drink tons of water at least 80 oz a day.
  • Junk cream and any kind of chips are my weakness. I don't allow them in the house...that's how bad it is.
  • I workout 6 days a week but I have also been sitting on a stability ball since March this year and it has done wonders for my core. I'll sneak in a few crunches here and there too. It's great! I'll never sit on a regular chair at work again. I've read you can burn 350 cal a day sitting on one of these. Win win!! :) I also…
  • OMG!! Peanut Butter <sigh> and Nutella <double sigh> I have to stay away from both....I always overindulge! Love Love Love it!!
  • I like to have 1/2 cup Fat Free Cottage Cheese, 1/2 small Avacado diced, 1/4 cup grape tomatoes, 1/2 cup diced cucumber. (Good Protein, no Fat, 3 servings of Veggies)
  • Keep trying. The more you drink, the more you'll want. May take a while but you'll start to want water over anything else. It's very important to weight loss to drink water. Try with ice and maybe with a straw. Try not to drink anything else until you get used to drinking water. I drink 12-15 servings of water a day. I…
  • If you up the resistance and go all out until your spent, you'll burn more calories. Sprints are a good fat burner.
  • The best time to have a whey protein shake is the first thing in the morning. After sleeping for 8 hours or so, protein gives your body the fuel it needs to stop muscle breakdown. Ideally, your protein shake should include a simple carbohydrate, like fruit. Another good time to drink whey protein is immediately after a…
  • Protein Shakes help give your body the protein it needs to repair your muscles after a workout. I drink Lean Dessert by BSN after workouts and before bed time as this is when your body does most of it's repairing, while you sleep. (this info is from my fitness trainer of over a year)
  • Eat at least 1200 calories a day. Fresh veggies and lean proteins are a must. You can fill up on fresh veggies steamed or raw, even frozen veggies w/no sauces or salt. Processed foods are not healthy and refined sugars are a BIG no no. Eat fresh as much as possible. DON'T DRINK YOUR CALORIES. WATER, WATER, WATER. Hope this…
  • I'm 170 in a size 10. I've been working out with weights for over a year so I have heavy muscle. I'm not bulky just solid.
  • I like BSN Lean Dessert. I order mine from but I've seen them in Nutrition Depot, GNC and even Smoothie King stores. They taste great!
  • I like Joseph's Flax Oat Bran & Whole Wheat Pita Bread. Low fat and high protein. 60 calories, 20 cal from fat, 2g Fat, 6g Protein, 0 sugar, 0 cholesterol. Excellent source of ALA Omega-3.
  • Planks are my favorite exercise to strengthen your core. You you should be face down on your forearms and toes, as in the push up position (except on your forearms and not your hands). You just hold that position as long as you can with a flat back. I found a youtube video, to better show you.…
  • Weight training w/cardio and eating right has worked for me. I am 40 and female. I had the same problem until I got a personal trainer. He says that diet is key. I've been eating a very natural high protein diet. Plenty of grilled, steamed or baked fish, chicken and lean beef, whole grains, lots of veggies, some fruit,…