omystars22 Member


  • Insanity is awesome. i did P90x for like 2 days and I hated it. There is not other equipment with insanity besides yourself.
  • This product will work for how you WANT it to work. You have to take into consideration on what your long term goal is. Do you JUST want to lose weight? If you JUST want to lose weight, then yes, this program will work for you. If you want MORE than that, then you need to ask yourself how you can MAXIMIZE this program to…
  • Just for me personally, I am eating at LEAST 116 grams of protein. The more protein you eat the more lean muscle you build. Now it is healthy protein not like bacon and lots of cheese. But I am eating lean meats like chicken, turkey and fish and trying to cut back on too much red meat. I am doing an Herbalife challenge and…
  • I am doing a hybrid of Chalean Extreme and Turbo fire and I love it. The first couple weeks is mostly the Chalean Extreme videos and I am already notcing how toned and stronger my arms are. You will love Chalean Extreme if you get it :)