Insanity vs. p90x

I have been doing the p90x dvd's and like them. I am thinking of investing in the Insanity dvd's. They are similar? Which program is better? It is it worth spending the $150 on the Insanity program?! Would love to hear from those of you that have done both or are familiar with both! Thanks so much!!


  • omystars22
    omystars22 Posts: 4 Member
    Insanity is awesome. i did P90x for like 2 days and I hated it. There is not other equipment with insanity besides yourself.
  • shamizali
    shamizali Posts: 2
    Agreed with omystars22 Tried p90x and I hated it as well...Insanity Is amazing. I love it. I've been doing it for 2 weeks and have noticed the results and so have the people around me that I see on a daily basis. I recommend it to anyone and everyone I meet looking to get fit.
  • ElizabethKG1983
    ElizabethKG1983 Posts: 76 Member
    Thanks for the input! That is one thing I don't like about p90x. When there are pull up exercises I use my bands standing up or lift weights or do pushups, but I feel like I don't get as good of a workout with it as I would if I had more equipment!
  • imondrugz
    imondrugz Posts: 154
    Neither, save your money and go on a good strength program! It's 10 x better lol
  • schmanarchy
    Insanity is all cardio and all body weight exercises---perfect for weight loss, but don't expect to be gaining much muscle like they advertise. You have a better chance at muscle with P90X but Insanity is probably even better than P90X when it comes to calories burned per workout.
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    They're different programs with different intentions. Insanity is a very high intensity cardio workout designed to cut fat. You'll build some muscle if you have a relatively average build, but you can lose some muscle mass if you are a serious lifter. P90X is designed as a bulking program for muscle building. You'll get some cardio benefits from the intensity of the workouts, but the main purpose is to build muscle. Pick the one that better suits your needs. I personally prefer Insanity to P90X (partly because of the lack of required equipment), but I can see the appeal of both programs. In either case, eating right is going to be a major factor in your results.
  • savlov30
    savlov30 Posts: 233 Member
    I have done both. I did a hybrid of P90X/Insanity last summer. I love it. It gave me both the cardio and strength training I needed. I just did 60 days of Insanity and I thought I was in shape and it kicked my butt every day but I love it. Shaun T just did 60 days straight and he struggle sometimes. Insanity is a challenge but anyone who is ready to challenge themselves will do great. I am on day 21 of Insanity the Asylum which has both Cardio and Strength training. It is harder than Insanity. It kicks my butt daily but I keep coming back for more.