tsellar29 Member


  • I find cravings really really tough too...I am terrible at using moderation...but try that when you think you are able to with downing a whole tub of icecream... I say you are bound to fail as soon as you start thinking you can't have something..it's a mental SHIFT and it's a necessary one.. I'm no mastere of it YET, but…
  • Nice to see ther 5'10" girls out there!! I was 189lbs down 15- cant really tell almost at all....look the Sam still this brag helps me keep going!
  • I'm 5'10" it's nice to see what my goal weight looks like on someone else! Thanks for posting.l.i don't know ayone my height all my friends are tiny which always makes me feel like Hagrid from Harry potter ( fizzy hair included!)
  • I have only been using the app with support of friends until this week and I totally agree! Everyone is so high and mighty and quick to jump at someone
  • Great! I say whatever works... Some ppl are hardcore healthy, some ppl have one "free" day they wait for all week...I personally feel like giving up if I can't have something I want, I'm just learning moderation as I go here...
  • Anyway, try what I said. It really is fun! Once you input all your salad and breakfast and realize omg! I have soo many calories left...just check out your daily thingies like protein, calcium, iron etc..make sure you think you will get those properly and then just have fun "using up the rest" with a Kashi granola bar…
  • Well, I'm glad I seem to get what you are saying ( it seems like a lot of ppl think you aren't eating enough...lol) umm...if you ever want to add me ahead..I think I eat a lot more food than you and I net about 1500 a day after exercise , and I'm eating mostly vegan...I say the more veggies and lean protein the more…
  • I had the SAME problem..until I realized something quite obvious that you can do! PRE-PLAN! What I do is think about what improbably,going to eat for each meal if I can, or just breakfast and lunch...and then play around with it while eating breakfast like I input a snack I REALLy want to fit in to my day and see how many…