

  • Exercise and eat more. Google beginner dumbbell exercises. Eat 4x per day. Each meal should leve you feeling very full. Split the meals up with half being a fatty meat like beef and the rest being a starchy carb like potatoes, rice, bread or pasta. Pushups, pull ups, shoulder press, squats, curls and kickbacks should be a…
  • I really don't think there is much reason to believe that more than 1 out of 1000 people has a hormone problem that makes them fat. 999 out of 1000 people have an over eating under exercising problem. Even if they have hormone problems, it's overwhelmingly a thyroid issue, thyroid drugs are easy enough to buy so that's…
  • ...the only diet drugs that work are illegal without prescriptions.
  • I think there are definitely genetically different metabolic rates. Having a fast metabolism is nice because you can eat like **** and stay lean, but bad because you have to eat a whole lot to build and keep muscle. Having a slow metabolism is nice because it's pretty easy to build muscle, but bad because to be lean you…
  • I lost 30 pounds eating meat, cheese, and ranch dressing three times a day and then having a nasty epic cheat day once a week. I am really starting to think that weight loss is mostly calorie related.
  • Creating a calorie deficit seems to be the only really consistent way for me to burn fat. For a while I was not eating much carbs but I was eating so much extra fat that my calorie intake didn't change much. Just track your calories and adjust downward as necessary.
  • I'm the same way. To lose fat faster than a couple pounds per month I have to be at a big calorie deficit. I think some people just have a higher BMR than others. Stick with it. By the time you're really lean you'll also be really muscular and sexy. Your friends will be skinny fat.
  • I really don't buy the starvation mode idea. At least not for people who aren't already pretty lean. I really think that idea came from people reading articles about pro fitness athletes getting below 10% body fay for competitions. I've been struggling with the same decision myself. What I settled on is to start at one…