This_Is_My_Destiny Member


  • No, I'm not insulin-dependent. The last time I went for a check-up, my Dr put me on an additional diabetes medicine. I was eating badly at the time, and this is one of the factors in my decision to get the weight off. I know that additional meds is just another step towards being insulin-dependent, so I was having none of…
  • I also need to mention again that before I started getting so tired, I WAS working out (feel free to check out my exercise logs) - I was using resistance bands and doing Walk Away the Pounds - PLUS walking a mile around the inside of the Walmart, which I work at as a pharmacy cashier, on my lunch hour. I love to exercise -…
  • EDIT******I also need to mention again that before I started getting so tired, I WAS working out (feel free to check out my exercise logs) - I was using resistance bands and doing Walk Away the Pounds - PLUS walking a mile around the inside of the Walmart, which I work at as a pharmacy cashier, on my lunch hour. I love to…
  • Actually, I have. I just did the in-home test with the portable equipment and such - my Dr said he thinks I have Apnea. I turned in the equipment and called for the results, and it said I do have moderate Apnea, but my insurance has a high deductible, so I have an out-of-pocket amount to meet, and it just isn't in my…
  • Hey, that might just be the ticket!! I have mine set as "Senendary" or however it's spelled...I'll bet you that's just what the problem is! I'll fix that ASAP, and see what happens then - I'll keep you all informed! Thanks!!
  • I've been doing the Walk Away the Pounds DVDs, and at first I was able to do them quite easily, until I began to get SO tired, that is! Factory work messed the ligaments up in the bottom of my feet, so it makes it very painful to walk long distances, but the low-impact aerobics of those DVDs, I could do pretty well. Maybe…
  • HEY, wait a sec!!! As soon as I went to your link and saw what TDEE stands for, I KNEW what you meant! I work in a pharmacy, and I walk a LOT - and very briskly!! I asked my manager/pharmacist if he thought that all of that walking should be considered exercise, and he said that it should not, because it's something that…
  • Thanks so much! I'll definitely do that! :)
  • I think I'm gonna go with your advice - although I do appreciate everyone's much needed advice as well. I think if I do the 10 minute spurts, I should be able to increase my endurance, so even if the 10 minutes aren't enough to help me lose any weight, it should help me build my energy level up to the point where I CAN do…
  • Well, when I say healthy food, I'm meaning a lot healthier than I used to eat - it wouldn't be up to standard for someone who's into the "whole foods" idealism, but it's a start. I began at 1350 calories on my MFP app, then as I lost weight (25 lbs so far), it has gone down to 1250, so yeah, at least I think that's enough…
  • This sounds like something I could live with - I've read so many articles that say 10-15, even 20 min of exercise at a time just isn't enough. That's really been a depressing thought to me - maybe that's why I don't even bother to try getting started, since they're saying that if I can't do more than 20, I'm just wasting…
  • It sounds so easy when someone says it - even when I think about's when I get up and start to do it that it gets ridiculously difficult. I don't know what's been making me so unbearably tired lately - I've been chalking it up to getting older, but I just don't know. I've NEVER had a problem with exercise or losing…
  • Hi! Thanks for sharing this. I, like you, have had a love/hate battle with food. I've lost weight in the past - many times, most of the time they were 50+ lb losses to boot, and I was *happy*, ecstatic even. Swore I'd never go back to my old body. And, like you, something would always go wrong, and I'd crawl into my…
  • You GO, girl!!! So happy for ya! That's my short-term goal, to get to 199 - then it's off to 145-50 (size 12 for me) give me inspiration! Thanks, and congrats again!! =)
  • Be careful of any emails containing the word "free"...might be legit - might be spam or even worse, a virus. You could bite off more than you can chew - sorry, bad pun, I know, lol. ****EDIT - Ahhh, I see it's the real deal - I say, hey, go for it...just don't abuse your tummy like I did the other nite [see blog], lol! ;-P…
  • Starting out this month at 1 mile, twice daily, with Walk Away the Pounds, 3.5 mph, 15 minute mile for 5 weeks. Adding 1 mile, same speed/time, twice daily, every 5 weeks til I get to 5 miles, at least once daily (hopefully twice). Wish me luck! :-) [/url] Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Spaghetti and ice cream!! I have to stay away from my beloved pasta - and yes, I've tried whole wheat, and YUCK! No thank you - I'd rather quit cold turkey. Although I do love whole wheat bread, the pasta I find to be a weird consistency, and I just don't care for it at all. As for ice cream, I do get the Weight Watchers…
  • I don't! I just choose a sugar-free alternative to whatever I'm craving...chocolate? Sugar-free chocolate pudding, OR, even better, a Weight Watchers Giant cookie-covered chocolate ice cream bar - at just 130 calories, it's my favorite after-dinner dessert! Must be working - I've lost 18 lbs so far...and counting! ;-) Best…