I. Need. More. Energy.

Yeah, so I took a week's hiatus from my eating plan - I guess you could call it a fast food binge. The good thing is I'm not craving anything anymore - the great thing is that the whole time I was doing it, I knew I wasn't going to give up my new way of eating (I refuse to call it a "diet") - the most important thing is that I know my body feels just sick, compared to eating healthier. I'll just chalk it up to an experiment, and get right back on track. The eating part is EASY...

The thing is, I KNOW my progress wouldn't be going so slowly if I had the energy to exercise! And please don't tell me that eating healthier food will give me more energy - that is NOT helping! I've even been taking my thyroid meds religiously for the past 2 months now, and the Dr said I would feel AMAZING once it got into my system - NOT! How on earth do people DO it?? I read about people who work out for 2 hours a DAY, and I can barely do it for 20 minutes! Someone PLEASE tell me how to get off my tired (not lazy!) butt and get this weight off!

EDIT*** I've lost 25 lbs so far, but now I've hit a plateau. It's not that I CAN'T lose weight, or don't know how - it's that I'm so freakin TIRED...



  • blackgold86
    blackgold86 Posts: 171 Member
    To put it bluntly....

    "get off your tired (not lazy!) butt and get this weight off!"

    It took me a while to get into the habit of exercising regularly, but now that I do, I usually have soooo much energy during the day and then Im tired and need a good nights sleep, which is what you want!

    The Australian Biggest loser host, Michelle Bridges has said... If you can get through the first 10 minutes of your workout, then MOST of the time, you will finish your workout.. Aim small, do big!
  • Emtabo01
    Emtabo01 Posts: 672
    Start with a goal to do 15 minutes, if that time is up and you want to do more, do it, if not stop, you met your goal. You'll get more endurance and might even start to like the way you feel after, soon enough you can bump it to 20 minutes, etc. When I started 8 months ago, 15 -20 minutes was a struggle, I worked out for 2 hours today, no sweat, well yes I was sweating, but you know what I mean.
  • This_Is_My_Destiny
    This_Is_My_Destiny Posts: 20 Member
    It sounds so easy when someone says it - even when I think about it...it's when I get up and start to do it that it gets ridiculously difficult. I don't know what's been making me so unbearably tired lately - I've been chalking it up to getting older, but I just don't know. I've NEVER had a problem with exercise or losing weight - I've lost 50 lbs at least 3 different times in the past 6 years. I gained it back, true enough, but losing it was a breeze compared to this. This time it's a bit different, with me being diagnosed with diabetes - but it's quite under control, due to my eating better.

    I'm not here to whine, or looking for an easy fix, if that's what you're thinking - I just want to feel better - to feel like ME again!
  • soccermom004
    soccermom004 Posts: 444 Member
    I could give you more insight if I could see your food diary. I know for me it was just a matter of getting off my *kitten*. Stop making excuses, set the alarm earlier in the morning a do it.I've recently been through a tough time and the excuses came back and it's amazing how run down I feel. Add me as a friend if you'd like and we can try to keep each other accountable.
  • cristeberga
    cristeberga Posts: 251 Member
    You said you eat healthy foods, which is great, but also make sure you are eating enough food. I don't know how many calories you eat a day, but that may be an issue if it is too low. By the way, I have thyroid issues as well and I have been on medication for 5 years now. It does help, but honestly, eating the right amount of healthy foods made a big difference in my energy levels.

    Good luck!!
  • jfrankic
    jfrankic Posts: 747 Member
    Are you consuming enough calories? Low energy is often a side effect if not eating enough. Just wondering..... This is a good, helpful read if you've never calculated your TDEE and only let MFP set your calorie goals. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/654536-in-place-of-a-road-map-2-0-revised-7-2-12
  • This_Is_My_Destiny
    This_Is_My_Destiny Posts: 20 Member
    Start with a goal to do 15 minutes, if that time is up and you want to do more, do it, if not stop, you met your goal. You'll get more endurance and might even start to like the way you feel after, soon enough you can bump it to 20 minutes, etc. When I started 8 months ago, 15 -20 minutes was a struggle, I worked out for 2 hours today, no sweat, well yes I was sweating, but you know what I mean.

    This sounds like something I could live with - I've read so many articles that say 10-15, even 20 min of exercise at a time just isn't enough. That's really been a depressing thought to me - maybe that's why I don't even bother to try getting started, since they're saying that if I can't do more than 20, I'm just wasting my time...
  • This_Is_My_Destiny
    This_Is_My_Destiny Posts: 20 Member
    You said you eat healthy foods, which is great, but also make sure you are eating enough food. I don't know how many calories you eat a day, but that may be an issue if it is too low. By the way, I have thyroid issues as well and I have been on medication for 5 years now. It does help, but honestly, eating the right amount of healthy foods made a big difference in my energy levels.

    Good luck!!

    Well, when I say healthy food, I'm meaning a lot healthier than I used to eat - it wouldn't be up to standard for someone who's into the "whole foods" idealism, but it's a start. I began at 1350 calories on my MFP app, then as I lost weight (25 lbs so far), it has gone down to 1250, so yeah, at least I think that's enough calories.
  • jfrankic
    jfrankic Posts: 747 Member

    Well, when I say healthy food, I'm meaning a lot healthier than I used to eat - it wouldn't be up to standard for someone who's into the "whole foods" idealism, but it's a start. I began at 1350 calories on my MFP app, then as I lost weight (25 lbs so far), it has gone down to 1250, so yeah, at least I think that's enough calories.

    Check out the link I previously posted (IPOARM) and it will walk you through calculating your calories. Just figure YOUR numbers using the TDEE system and then give that a shot. Chances are you can eat more, lose more fat and have a heckofa lot more fun doing it. Could be wrong, but it will be worth 10 minutes of your time to check it out. I promise!! :flowerforyou:
  • This_Is_My_Destiny
    This_Is_My_Destiny Posts: 20 Member
    Start with a goal to do 15 minutes, if that time is up and you want to do more, do it, if not stop, you met your goal. You'll get more endurance and might even start to like the way you feel after, soon enough you can bump it to 20 minutes, etc. When I started 8 months ago, 15 -20 minutes was a struggle, I worked out for 2 hours today, no sweat, well yes I was sweating, but you know what I mean.

    This sounds like something I could live with - I've read so many articles that say 10-15, even 20 min of exercise at a time just isn't enough. That's really been a depressing thought to me - maybe that's why I don't even bother to try getting started, since they're saying that if I can't do more than 20, I'm just wasting my time...

    I think I'm gonna go with your advice - although I do appreciate everyone's much needed advice as well. I think if I do the 10 minute spurts, I should be able to increase my endurance, so even if the 10 minutes aren't enough to help me lose any weight, it should help me build my energy level up to the point where I CAN do more to help myself lose it! Thanks again!!!

  • This_Is_My_Destiny
    This_Is_My_Destiny Posts: 20 Member

    Well, when I say healthy food, I'm meaning a lot healthier than I used to eat - it wouldn't be up to standard for someone who's into the "whole foods" idealism, but it's a start. I began at 1350 calories on my MFP app, then as I lost weight (25 lbs so far), it has gone down to 1250, so yeah, at least I think that's enough calories.

    Check out the link I previously posted (IPOARM) and it will walk you through calculating your calories. Just figure YOUR numbers using the TDEE system and then give that a shot. Chances are you can eat more, lose more fat and have a heckofa lot more fun doing it. Could be wrong, but it will be worth 10 minutes of your time to check it out. I promise!! :flowerforyou:

    Thanks so much! I'll definitely do that! :)

  • This_Is_My_Destiny
    This_Is_My_Destiny Posts: 20 Member
    Are you consuming enough calories? Low energy is often a side effect if not eating enough. Just wondering..... This is a good, helpful read if you've never calculated your TDEE and only let MFP set your calorie goals. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/654536-in-place-of-a-road-map-2-0-revised-7-2-12

    HEY, wait a sec!!! As soon as I went to your link and saw what TDEE stands for, I KNEW what you meant! I work in a pharmacy, and I walk a LOT - and very briskly!! I asked my manager/pharmacist if he thought that all of that walking should be considered exercise, and he said that it should not, because it's something that my body has become accustomed to, so it wouldn't use that expended energy to burn calories....so are you telling me that that's not true? Because if you are, then I can SEE why I'm tired - and HUNGRY all the time!!!

  • OkaNekko
    OkaNekko Posts: 33 Member
    You might also try aqua exercise. It is easier on your joints and a good place to start increasing your over-all fitness. Also, are you sure that you are not eating below your BMR?
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Yeah, so I took a week's hiatus from my eating plan - I guess you could call it a fast food binge. The good thing is I'm not craving anything anymore - the great thing is that the whole time I was doing it, I knew I wasn't going to give up my new way of eating (I refuse to call it a "diet") - the most important thing is that I know my body feels just sick, compared to eating healthier. I'll just chalk it up to an experiment, and get right back on track. The eating part is EASY...

    The thing is, I KNOW my progress wouldn't be going so slowly if I had the energy to exercise! And please don't tell me that eating healthier food will give me more energy - that is NOT helping! I've even been taking my thyroid meds religiously for the past 2 months now, and the Dr said I would feel AMAZING once it got into my system - NOT! How on earth do people DO it?? I read about people who work out for 2 hours a DAY, and I can barely do it for 20 minutes! Someone PLEASE tell me how to get off my tired (not lazy!) butt and get this weight off!

    EDIT*** I've lost 25 lbs so far, but now I've hit a plateau. It's not that I CAN'T lose weight, or don't know how - it's that I'm so freakin TIRED...


    I really do believe (and it worked for me) that we get more energy if we eat relatively clean food. I know you don't want to hear this but it is what worked for me. I've eaten 100% clean since June of last year and my energy level went up.

    I think going for hour-long walks would help you get started. A lot of threads here are on very ambitious types of work outs that are not for everyone. You can power walk, do calisthenics, follow a stretching program and lose weight.
  • Take it slow. I didn't just start off going from near 0 to 10k steps a day, I started with 2k, then 4k, 6k, etc, over the course of a few months. Exercise doesn't need to be intense to be meaningful :)
    Also, aqua exercise is good! I stopped going to classes out of embarrassment, but... once it's warm enough outside, I'll be in our pool all summer long!

    Good luck, and don't give up!
  • DawnEH612
    DawnEH612 Posts: 574 Member
    Make sure you are eating enough calories (NO less than your calculated BMR calories and EAT BACK your exercise calories) and have a good macro-nutrient ratio. For me a 50/25/25 is a good macro nutrient ration. Add increments of 5 minutes of exercise a week at a time. I am not sure what you're trying to increase your workout time to, or what your fitness goals are. If you're just tryng to improve cardio than 20 mins most days of the week is sufficient.. If you have different goals in mind then you'll need to workout differently to reach those goals.
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    cutting complex carbs out of your diet even if it reduces calories isn't smart. Your body runs of it even if you are diabetic. You could ask your doctor about supplementing ketones into your diet.
  • tlelizondo
    tlelizondo Posts: 45 Member
    Have you ever had a sleep test? You may be so tired all the time because you have sleep apnea and are not getting the restful sleep that you need at night. If you never get into REM sleep you will be tired, no matter how many hours you "sleep". Just a thought - this was my problem.
  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    Are you consuming enough calories? Low energy is often a side effect if not eating enough. Just wondering..... This is a good, helpful read if you've never calculated your TDEE and only let MFP set your calorie goals. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/654536-in-place-of-a-road-map-2-0-revised-7-2-12

    HEY, wait a sec!!! As soon as I went to your link and saw what TDEE stands for, I KNEW what you meant! I work in a pharmacy, and I walk a LOT - and very briskly!! I asked my manager/pharmacist if he thought that all of that walking should be considered exercise, and he said that it should not, because it's something that my body has become accustomed to, so it wouldn't use that expended energy to burn calories....so are you telling me that that's not true? Because if you are, then I can SEE why I'm tired - and HUNGRY all the time!!!


    Yes, your body has adjusted to it, but when you put in your activity level, then make sure to set it as active or very active. Especially if you're constantly on the move at work. But, if you can switch up a little for about a week, the burn you get from walking at work should start again.
  • This_Is_My_Destiny
    This_Is_My_Destiny Posts: 20 Member
    Yeah, so I took a week's hiatus from my eating plan - I guess you could call it a fast food binge. The good thing is I'm not craving anything anymore - the great thing is that the whole time I was doing it, I knew I wasn't going to give up my new way of eating (I refuse to call it a "diet") - the most important thing is that I know my body feels just sick, compared to eating healthier. I'll just chalk it up to an experiment, and get right back on track. The eating part is EASY...

    The thing is, I KNOW my progress wouldn't be going so slowly if I had the energy to exercise! And please don't tell me that eating healthier food will give me more energy - that is NOT helping! I've even been taking my thyroid meds religiously for the past 2 months now, and the Dr said I would feel AMAZING once it got into my system - NOT! How on earth do people DO it?? I read about people who work out for 2 hours a DAY, and I can barely do it for 20 minutes! Someone PLEASE tell me how to get off my tired (not lazy!) butt and get this weight off!

    EDIT*** I've lost 25 lbs so far, but now I've hit a plateau. It's not that I CAN'T lose weight, or don't know how - it's that I'm so freakin TIRED...


    I really do believe (and it worked for me) that we get more energy if we eat relatively clean food. I know you don't want to hear this but it is what worked for me. I've eaten 100% clean since June of last year and my energy level went up.

    I think going for hour-long walks would help you get started. A lot of threads here are on very ambitious types of work outs that are not for everyone. You can power walk, do calisthenics, follow a stretching program and lose weight.

    I've been doing the Walk Away the Pounds DVDs, and at first I was able to do them quite easily, until I began to get SO tired, that is! Factory work messed the ligaments up in the bottom of my feet, so it makes it very painful to walk long distances, but the low-impact aerobics of those DVDs, I could do pretty well. Maybe I DO need to eat more calories, judging from all of the walking I do on my pharmacy job now. Maybe that's what the problem has been all along - I'm not including those steps in my exercise logs. :/
