I. Need. More. Energy.



  • This_Is_My_Destiny
    This_Is_My_Destiny Posts: 20 Member
    Are you consuming enough calories? Low energy is often a side effect if not eating enough. Just wondering..... This is a good, helpful read if you've never calculated your TDEE and only let MFP set your calorie goals. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/654536-in-place-of-a-road-map-2-0-revised-7-2-12

    HEY, wait a sec!!! As soon as I went to your link and saw what TDEE stands for, I KNEW what you meant! I work in a pharmacy, and I walk a LOT - and very briskly!! I asked my manager/pharmacist if he thought that all of that walking should be considered exercise, and he said that it should not, because it's something that my body has become accustomed to, so it wouldn't use that expended energy to burn calories....so are you telling me that that's not true? Because if you are, then I can SEE why I'm tired - and HUNGRY all the time!!!


    Yes, your body has adjusted to it, but when you put in your activity level, then make sure to set it as active or very active. Especially if you're constantly on the move at work. But, if you can switch up a little for about a week, the burn you get from walking at work should start again.

    Hey, that might just be the ticket!! I have mine set as "Senendary" or however it's spelled...I'll bet you that's just what the problem is! I'll fix that ASAP, and see what happens then - I'll keep you all informed! Thanks!!

  • dwalt15110
    dwalt15110 Posts: 246 Member
    First of all, it sounds as though you are not getting enough calories. Secondly, exercising and expending energy actually creates more energy. If you do 10 minutes of exercise three times a day, you are getting 30 minutes of exercise. It sounds as though you already do a lot of walking at your job. Maybe you might want to consider dancing to some really great music. Change it up a bit. Try dancing through one song and then add to it gradually. Also make certain you are staying hydrated. If you are not, it will cause you to feel really tired.
  • This_Is_My_Destiny
    This_Is_My_Destiny Posts: 20 Member
    Have you ever had a sleep test? You may be so tired all the time because you have sleep apnea and are not getting the restful sleep that you need at night. If you never get into REM sleep you will be tired, no matter how many hours you "sleep". Just a thought - this was my problem.

    Actually, I have. I just did the in-home test with the portable equipment and such - my Dr said he thinks I have Apnea. I turned in the equipment and called for the results, and it said I do have moderate Apnea, but my insurance has a high deductible, so I have an out-of-pocket amount to meet, and it just isn't in my budget at this time - maybe in a few months I can get my C-PAP and get to feeling better!

  • This_Is_My_Destiny
    This_Is_My_Destiny Posts: 20 Member
    EDIT******I also need to mention again that before I started getting so tired, I WAS working out (feel free to check out my exercise logs) - I was using resistance bands and doing Walk Away the Pounds - PLUS walking a mile around the inside of the Walmart, which I work at as a pharmacy cashier, on my lunch hour. I love to exercise - my complaint is NOT about having to exercise - it's about having the ENERGY to do so...just to answer some of the posts that I've gotten. While i appreciate the advice, I don't want my request for help to be misconstrued. As I said in my initial post, I am not LAZY - just extremely TIRED...thanks! :ohwell:

  • This_Is_My_Destiny
    This_Is_My_Destiny Posts: 20 Member
    I could give you more insight if I could see your food diary. I know for me it was just a matter of getting off my *kitten*. Stop making excuses, set the alarm earlier in the morning a do it.I've recently been through a tough time and the excuses came back and it's amazing how run down I feel. Add me as a friend if you'd like and we can try to keep each other accountable.

    I also need to mention again that before I started getting so tired, I WAS working out (feel free to check out my exercise logs) - I was using resistance bands and doing Walk Away the Pounds - PLUS walking a mile around the inside of the Walmart, which I work at as a pharmacy cashier, on my lunch hour. I love to exercise - my complaint is NOT about having to exercise - it's about having the ENERGY to do so...just to answer some of the posts that I've gotten. While i appreciate the advice, I don't want my request for help to be misconstrued. As I said in my initial post, I am not LAZY - just extremely TIRED...thanks! :ohwell:

  • black8tcnj
    Have you considered taking a multi. vitamin to increase your energy? I would recommend a multi. vitamin and also a vitamin-B complex to increase energy. Also, maybe in the morning you should take a greenfoods energy drink. Additionally, if you are trying to increase your energy levels I would recommend stretching in your down time. Stretching allows muscle tissue to develop properly and if you stretch before and after you get exercise you wont feel as sore the next day. I hope this helps!
  • DawnEH612
    DawnEH612 Posts: 574 Member
    BY THE WAY... I noticed you're diabetic. If you're on insulin you may want to check to see if you need an adjustment. If you're not on insulin maybe you need to contemplate it? You may want to discuss this with your doctor.
  • This_Is_My_Destiny
    This_Is_My_Destiny Posts: 20 Member
    BY THE WAY... I noticed you're diabetic. If you're on insulin you may want to check to see if you need an adjustment. If you're not on insulin maybe you need to contemplate it? You may want to discuss this with your doctor.

    No, I'm not insulin-dependent. The last time I went for a check-up, my Dr put me on an additional diabetes medicine. I was eating badly at the time, and this is one of the factors in my decision to get the weight off. I know that additional meds is just another step towards being insulin-dependent, so I was having none of it. After losing just 10 lbs, I discovered that this new medication was causing my glucose to drop dangerously low, so I stopped taking it. After that, my blood sugar levels are staying in the normal range, simply by eating better and losing 15 more lbs.

    My goal is to be off all diabetes meds, which my Dr says is a real possibility if I get the weight under control. Thus my urgency at losing more weight than I have already - my next check-up is coming up next month. I want to be able to show him that I am at least trying to get the weight off. I haven't gained much back - only 3 or 4 lbs, and I know the binge didn't help matters, but I think we all have those from time to time - maybe not week-long ones, but binges, nonetheless. At least I am being open and honest about the over-eating..why not? It's not hurting anyone but myself.

  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,926 Member
    You know what gives you more energy? Exercise. So, basically get off your butt and go do it - after a week you'll have more energy than you know what to do with ...
  • maracuya23
    maracuya23 Posts: 122
    It's possible you're not on quite the right thyroid medication or dosage for you. If you're still really exhausted, it's possible that your body isn't processing the medication you're taking the right way, and it's not giving you the full benefit it should. If you haven't already, ask your doctor to run both a TSH test (the standard one), as well as a free T3 and free T4 test. If your free T3 is still really low, something is preventing your body from properly converting the T4 (ie synthroid, levothyroxine, etc.) to T3 (which is the active form of thyroid hormone your body actually uses), and can result in you feeling really tired. Lots of things interfere with that conversion process, from stress to other hormone imbalances to nutritional deficiencies.

    I completely understand about the exhaustion. Exercise should give you lots of energy. If you're still hypothyroid, though, it can have exactly the opposite effect: totally, utterly draining you. Definitely follow up with your doctor.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    To put it bluntly....

    "get off your tired (not lazy!) butt and get this weight off!"

    It took me a while to get into the habit of exercising regularly, but now that I do, I usually have soooo much energy during the day and then Im tired and need a good nights sleep, which is what you want!

    The Australian Biggest loser host, Michelle Bridges has said... If you can get through the first 10 minutes of your workout, then MOST of the time, you will finish your workout.. Aim small, do big!

    To add to this, if you are that tired, you are starving yourself. Eat more and you will have more than enough energy to exercise.