GainingTheRealMe Member


  • hi pennyk78, I am 42 with over 100 to lose. 200 to be exact. its terribly hard. i did join a gym in the last few days. today is my orientation for 1 hr with a trainer who is showing us how to use the weight machines. I am excited. i hope to be friends, we could support each other. good luck and stay focused. Sandy
  • I'm a little late on this one. but i want to be in on this! I weighed today. do i just post here or how is this done? very excited this year and wish everyone the best. oh i started on sunday @ 395.8 so starting today's weight 2/11/2009 390.2
  • Thanks for the tips. So very useful. I plan on not rushing it this time. Maybe success will see me this time around. God bless everyone here! To our Health :drinker:
  • hi everyone, just joined yesterday. today is the first day i am actually accountable for what i put in my mouth. I am not a breakfast person, usually just a couple cups of coffee with cream and a little sugar, until i am starving. been that way for years. no wonder the weight gain, huh??:sad: will get a pic up asap. i…