"10 Pounds At A Time Challenge"



  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning!

    I've decided I need to avoid pasta altogether. Yesterday, I stayed within my calories but am up a little bit this morning...darn spaghetti! Looks like I need to get a hard workout in tonight to make up for it, even though I did Biggest Loser Bootcamp yesterday after watching Biggest Loser. I remember why it wasn't my favorite video...too many squats and lunges!!

    Is anyone else glad that Tracey got booted off BL last night! Woohoo!

    How often are you guys having MFP recalculate your calories?

    Have a great day,
  • SelkieGhost
    SelkieGhost Posts: 115 Member
    I'm set at 1200, except on exercise days (almost every day) where it bumps me anywhere from 1400-1700 something calories, depending on what I've done that day....
    I'm looking forward to the day I hit my goal and it bumps me over to maintenance calories instead of the 1200 :-)
  • GainingTheRealMe
    hi everyone, just joined yesterday. today is the first day i am actually accountable for what i put in my mouth. I am not a breakfast person, usually just a couple cups of coffee with cream and a little sugar, until i am starving. been that way for years. no wonder the weight gain, huh??:sad:
    will get a pic up asap. i never liked to take them so this may be a minute. LOL. ten at a time sounds great to me.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    hi everyone, just joined yesterday. today is the first day i am actually accountable for what i put in my mouth. I am not a breakfast person, usually just a couple cups of coffee with cream and a little sugar, until i am starving. been that way for years. no wonder the weight gain, huh??:sad:
    will get a pic up asap. i never liked to take them so this may be a minute. LOL. ten at a time sounds great to me.

    Welcome to the group and good luck! Hopefully you'll find this group to be supportive and motivating like I have. Feel free to tell us a little about yourself!

  • haley4tn
    haley4tn Posts: 130
    GainingTheRealMe - Welcome aboard :flowerforyou:

    Ok.... My BMI when I started was 36.88 - Serverly Obese, now it's at 34.77- Obese which is better! So I realized that I needed to look at how much weight I really wanted to loose to get it Normal. I had originally set my ending weight at 175, but when I did the BMI it showed that I would still be considered overweight :grumble:. I upped my losing weight another 15 pounds so total I need to lose will be 75 pounds to but my BMI at 25 Well no worries, that will mean I will just be able to spend more quality time with all my friends here, :wink:.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    hello all,

    I have had a rough week, and the week is not even half way done....lol..

    with all the junk: candy, chips, cake, crackers...it is easy for me to give in. and that's whats been happening lately, because i am so stressed out with my college class...the semester is almost coming to an end...which means lots of stuff to turn in...which makes me eat and drink a lot of coffee...you guys could probably tell, by reading this, i am an emotional eater...stressed...i eat...bored..i eat..tired...i eat...annoyed..i eat...happy...i eat....i am really trying to work on not eating when i am very emotional...but it is really hard...:sad: :cry:

    today i said to myself, gave myself a little pep talk, for all the damage i have done to my body...,eating and not really exercising ,i was going to exercise for 1 hour on the treadmill....and i stuck to my guns and workout for 1 hour...the treadmill says i burned 500 calories...my speed was 3.5...for 45 minutes and 4.2 for 15 minutes....i feel so happy that i actually finished a whole hour and walked for a little less than 4 miles...:smile:

    i will be doing the biggest loser cardio max...level one..later..giving my body a little time to relax...

    everyone have a great day!!! sorry for the long post....but i have to vent...
  • Kpablo
    Kpablo Posts: 355 Member
    hi everyone, just joined yesterday. today is the first day i am actually accountable for what i put in my mouth. I am not a breakfast person, usually just a couple cups of coffee with cream and a little sugar, until i am starving. been that way for years. no wonder the weight gain, huh??:sad:
    will get a pic up asap. i never liked to take them so this may be a minute. LOL. ten at a time sounds great to me.

    Hello! :drinker:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Falhaone: Congrats on doing your one hour treadmill workout. Consider it the first accomplishment in MANY to come! Biggest Loser Cardio Max is a wonderful workout; it's one of my favorites and it burns a ton of calories if you just keep moving. Just make sure you keep track of everything you eat and use the note section in the food tracker so you can really pinpoint what you ate when you were at different emotional levels; it may help you better control what to eat (apples instead of candy, etc).

    Today has been a "hungry day" for me, but I force myself to walk past the full candy dishes here at work. I WANT to eat the rest of my calories at dinner and not before. As I'm saying this, my stomach is gurgling at me. Grrr.

    I'm going to see what Comcast has to offer for on-demand workouts so I can try one I don't already have. Should be fun!

  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    hajonson24, Thanks for your motivational words...i really need that!!:smile:

    I always wonder how much does biggest loser cardio max dvd burn....i always put 200 calories...on level one but my body, by the end of the level, is drenched in sweat...

    Do you know how much does the dvd burn...it will be a great help when i go plug in the exercise...

  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Biggest Loser Cardio Max burns 359 calories according to my HRM....but, I am 5'6" and weighed 206 lbs. the last time I did the workout. That being said, you'll have to consider your weight and fitness level to better determine.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    i am around the same 5'7 and 212 pounds...my fitness level is pretty good...when i first did the dvd...i couldn't finish level one but now i can do level one and have energy for something else...

    thanks again...:wink:
  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    Glad to see that everyone has been active on here! Today was a pretty good day...but I know I did a few bad things! I was so behind schedule that I ran out of the house with out my lunch....so all I had was an apple !!! That was not good....when I got home I had an afternoon snack and then moved onto dinner. I currently have about 250 calories left over and I think I am going to make myself a protein shake. I know that was a bad thing....something I used to do ALL THE TIME....so I have to watch it!!! I am just glad I didnt cave and get FAST FOOD! Let's just say Sunday is my new prep day...I am going to have a few items on hand that are packed and ready to go for when I am in a rush!!!

    Welcome newbies!!!:bigsmile:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning, everyone!

    I was naughty last night and went over my calories because I met a friend for coffee (mocha with skim milk and no whip, which is an improvement over my previous coffee choices) and then went to dinner with the boyfriend for fajitas. Yum!

    However, I was down 1/2 lb. this morning. What??

    That being said, I did some checking on the Medica Health Manager. Our company has Medica for the group insurance and it has programs you can participate in to get money. Anyway, I had them calculate what I should be eating for calories to lose weight and it told me 2000. MFP says 1600. Now, I'm confused as to which one is correct and I'm wondering if MFP is not giving me enough calories? Weird.

    If anyone has any input regarding this matter, I'd love to hear your thoughts. Just thought it was strange that I over ate by 500 calories yesterday and lost. Going by the Medica numbers, I would be right in my calorie range...hmm.

    Anyway, hope everyone is having a great day.
  • haley4tn
    haley4tn Posts: 130
    Wanted to share something my youngest son said last night while working out with the Biggest Loser.

    Here's how the conversation went ....

    "Mom, is this hard for you, you breathing alot?"
    "It's challenging, but I need to do it to lose weight"
    "Mom, I know your losing weight"
    "Oh really, how do you know that??"
    "Your butt is getting smaller and I don't see your roll anymore" :laugh:

    Gotta love their honesty. A month ago I would have fussed at him, but now I think it's great that he sees that I am trying.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day :flowerforyou:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Cute story! Thanks for sharing.

    The other day, one of my coworkers brought in her son's Halloween candy for our candy dishes at work. He had picked out the M&Ms (the only candy he eats) and Butterfingers (for her boyfriend). Then, he told her she didn't need any because she was getting wider. Gotta love 5 yr. olds, right?
  • silvertears
    silvertears Posts: 106 Member
    Good morning, everyone!

    I was naughty last night and went over my calories because I met a friend for coffee (mocha with skim milk and no whip, which is an improvement over my previous coffee choices) and then went to dinner with the boyfriend for fajitas. Yum!

    However, I was down 1/2 lb. this morning. What??

    That being said, I did some checking on the Medica Health Manager. Our company has Medica for the group insurance and it has programs you can participate in to get money. Anyway, I had them calculate what I should be eating for calories to lose weight and it told me 2000. MFP says 1600. Now, I'm confused as to which one is correct and I'm wondering if MFP is not giving me enough calories? Weird.

    If anyone has any input regarding this matter, I'd love to hear your thoughts. Just thought it was strange that I over ate by 500 calories yesterday and lost. Going by the Medica numbers, I would be right in my calorie range...hmm.

    Anyway, hope everyone is having a great day.

    My sister is part of a group on here that is actually eating MORE calories than MFP recommends trying to lose weight... they just started, so I don't really know how that's going. Apparently there are several different websites that will give you a higher calorie range than MFP.
  • silvertears
    silvertears Posts: 106 Member
    I'm proud of myself tonight. My kids have dance class on Thursdays from 4:30 to 5:30, so normally it's really tempting to just pick up something like pizza or McDonalds afterward for dinner. But tonight, even with my kids begging for chicken nuggets, I drove home and cooked. :drinker:
  • haley4tn
    haley4tn Posts: 130
    Hey everyone :flowerforyou: It's finally FRIDAY :love:

    Hope everyone is doing good, sticking with your goals! I am doing really good with my "portion control", better wording than the dreaded word diet, YUCK :sick: . Doing good with the Biggest Loser workout, still loving it. I also check in on the Wii Fit, it has a Free Step, I can set it on 30 minutes to step and watch TV at the same time. It's great.

    We have a busy weekend planned, we have a 7:30 4H project in the morning and going camping afterwords with some friends. It makes me a little nervous when I get out of my comfort zone , but I just have to stay strong!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
  • Kpablo
    Kpablo Posts: 355 Member
    I've plateued at 135, I'm not budging. What should I do?
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    I've plateued at 135, I'm not budging. What should I do?

    Try either recalculating your calorie allowance to try switching up your exercise routine.

    So, I've decided I'm going to follow Medica and the Mayo Clinic's calorie calculators, which both told me that I need to consume around 2000 calories to lose weight and MFP suggests 1600. Um, I love eating, so an extra 400 calories sound awesome to me! Plus, I figure that two major players in the health care industry must know something, right? I'll let you all know how it goes this weekend with the added food.

    I have a busy, busy weekend ahead of me, so eating right while on the run will be my biggest challenge. I have a bonfire with friends tonight, bowling tomorrow morning, a fundraiser gala tomorrow night (with wine tasting, oh no!) and then going to see a rockabilly band on Sunday. Whew, I'm tired just listing it all.

    Have a wonderful Friday! It's a sunny morning in Minnesota with temperatures expected near 60!!
