"10 Pounds At A Time Challenge"



  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member
    Happy Friday :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Scaled this morning and I am happy to say that I have met my Nov 1st goal of 10 pounds gone, woo hoo :happy: . I almost blew it a few times this week, but I am still going strong though! I would love to be under 200 by New Years which is 25 pounds, so that gives be an extra 5 pounds to work off. I gotta keep this up! Strange how being a LOSER makes me feel so warm and fuzzy, oh wait need to shave, :laugh:

    Anyways hope everyone has a WONDERFUL Friday, be strong, hold you head up high and know that we are going to be the best LOSERS here! :drinker:

    CONGRATS!!! I am so happy for you!!! YAY!!!!!
    I's sorry that you were outbidded on the game :(
  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member
    Good Morning to All!! I did pretty good yesterday...but I didn't get my exercise in :angry: kinda disappointed with that. On a bright note we started the Biggest Loser here at work so that should keep me a little more accountable!! Hope everyone has an AMAZING day!!!!!:heart:

    I hope you have an AMAZING day as well!! Don't worry you will find a way to get the exercise in somehow!!
  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member
    :bigsmile: It's Friday!!! :bigsmile:

    I have had a pretty ugly week as far as eating and exercise, BUT I am going to keep on trucking.

    I'm really excited about tomorrow. My sister and I are doing a 5K fundraiser for the local parks system called The Mud Run - and as the name suggests, there is a huge mud pit at the end! It's going to be so fun!! And spending time with my sister is always inspiring because she's lost 45 lbs and I'm jealous :laugh:

    Everyone have a great day!!! :flowerforyou:

    Good Luck with your 5k! can't wait to hear how it goes!!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good luck with the Mud Run, sounds like a blast. I did a 5K to benefit the local food shelf last year called "The Freeze your Buns 5K." It was held in February and I did indeed Freeze My Buns! My mom and I plan on making it an annual event, even though we only walk it. It's good to get out there and do something good for yourself and your community!

    I had another day of staying within my calories! Woohoo! After reading about Leslie Sansone's Walk Off the Pounds yesterday, I ran out and bought one...My name is Heather and I'm addicted to buying workout videos. I'm so glad I can safely admit that here!

    Anyway, it felt easy, but burned 266 calories in 30 minutes. The time flew buy and even though I was sweating, I never felt like I wanted to die...definitely a plus. Tonight, I think I'm going to try the Walk & Kick one.

    Tomorrow is the big move and I'm hoping and praying that my horse will actually get in the trailer like a good girl this time, and that she isn't mad at me!

    Happy exercising!
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    so for the third night in a row ive done my workouts.......yay im back on track.....hopefully i dont go way to overboard on saturday tho :ohwell: i have a DD and a babysitter until noon on sunday.......i think when saturday arrives i am going to be partying it up :laugh:
  • silvertears
    silvertears Posts: 106 Member
    Good luck with the Mud Run, sounds like a blast. I did a 5K to benefit the local food shelf last year called "The Freeze your Buns 5K." It was held in February and I did indeed Freeze My Buns! My mom and I plan on making it an annual event, even though we only walk it. It's good to get out there and do something good for yourself and your community!

    I had another day of staying within my calories! Woohoo! After reading about Leslie Sansone's Walk Off the Pounds yesterday, I ran out and bought one...My name is Heather and I'm addicted to buying workout videos. I'm so glad I can safely admit that here!

    Anyway, it felt easy, but burned 266 calories in 30 minutes. The time flew buy and even though I was sweating, I never felt like I wanted to die...definitely a plus. Tonight, I think I'm going to try the Walk & Kick one.

    Tomorrow is the big move and I'm hoping and praying that my horse will actually get in the trailer like a good girl this time, and that she isn't mad at me!

    Happy exercising!

    I'm addicted too LOL I just joined Netflix so I can rent them and try to do a little less damage to the pocketbook :laugh:

    This is my 3rd 5k this year (I walk them, but hopefully by this time next year will be running) - Heart Walk, Race for the Cure, and now the Mud Run. I love it... getting exercise AND helping out a good cause =) I have done 2 other walks also this year, but they were considerably shorter.
  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member
    It's pretty quiet in here today! I hope everyone is out doing something fun!! :bigsmile:
  • silvertears
    silvertears Posts: 106 Member
    I think I've burned about a zillion calories today.

    I walked in a really fun fundraising 5K this morning called The Mud Run. It was so much fun. At the end was a 300 ft mud pit. I don't know if you have ever walked 300 ft through mud... but it's not easy. I had NO CLUE. Mud up to my knees or higher - mud sucks - literally. Such a workout! I wish I had a HRM... I would almost bet I burned just as many calories in that mud pit as the entire 5K!

    Then, after putting my kids to bed, I had a moment of insanity and checked out 30 Day Shred... then decided to actually do it.

    I'm made of jello now.
  • SelkieGhost
    SelkieGhost Posts: 115 Member
    It's Sunday morning for me, and I decided to weigh myself... My scale has me at 140... but I don't think there's anyway I dropped 2 pounds in just a week... I'm thinking it's more to do with the time of day I weighed myself... the first time I weighed when I re-started here was in the evening.

    On the other hand - Yesterday was my cheat day, mostly because I'm a total geeky nerd and on Saturday nights me and a group of folks get together to play table top D&D (yes... I realize there's no going back from that level of geekdom and dorkiness)... But the result is a night of eating sometimes healthy foods, and more often than not, dubious snack foods. I tried to be good about my snacking, but I'm fairly sure I missed a few items when logging things, and went over my calories for the day.

    So - If I can wake up the next day after a night of questionable eating and weigh in at 140, maybe I did lose at least a pound this week, which would be awesome. We'll see what the scale says next week, for a better idea of it though lol. But my waist did go up a quarter of an inch - though - that could be from starting to build a bit of muscle there without burning off the fat quite yet.. it does feel a little firmer, after all...

    Annnd.. I've procrastinated long enough - off to go do my workout (will try my best to get in a workout all 7 days of the week if possible).
  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member
    It's Sunday morning for me, and I decided to weigh myself... My scale has me at 140... but I don't think there's anyway I dropped 2 pounds in just a week... I'm thinking it's more to do with the time of day I weighed myself... the first time I weighed when I re-started here was in the evening.

    On the other hand - Yesterday was my cheat day, mostly because I'm a total geeky nerd and on Saturday nights me and a group of folks get together to play table top D&D (yes... I realize there's no going back from that level of geekdom and dorkiness)... But the result is a night of eating sometimes healthy foods, and more often than not, dubious snack foods. I tried to be good about my snacking, but I'm fairly sure I missed a few items when logging things, and went over my calories for the day.

    So - If I can wake up the next day after a night of questionable eating and weigh in at 140, maybe I did lose at least a pound this week, which would be awesome. We'll see what the scale says next week, for a better idea of it though lol. But my waist did go up a quarter of an inch - though - that could be from starting to build a bit of muscle there without burning off the fat quite yet.. it does feel a little firmer, after all...

    Annnd.. I've procrastinated long enough - off to go do my workout (will try my best to get in a workout all 7 days of the week if possible).

    I always weigh myself in the morning before eating and after using the bathroom because after eating the food is still in me and has not been burned yet. Everyone does it different...so whatever works for you!! Im sure you probably sis loose the 2 lbs...so YAY for you!!! :happy:
  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member
    I think I've burned about a zillion calories today.

    I walked in a really fun fundraising 5K this morning called The Mud Run. It was so much fun. At the end was a 300 ft mud pit. I don't know if you have ever walked 300 ft through mud... but it's not easy. I had NO CLUE. Mud up to my knees or higher - mud sucks - literally. Such a workout! I wish I had a HRM... I would almost bet I burned just as many calories in that mud pit as the entire 5K!

    Then, after putting my kids to bed, I had a moment of insanity and checked out 30 Day Shred... then decided to actually do it.

    I'm made of jello now.

    Something about jumping in the mud sounds fun!!! :wink:
    Sounds like you had a fantastic day of activities thats the way to do!!!
  • sutts
    sutts Posts: 35
    Good morning:
    I have been checking the boards, looking for a group to join. I would love to join the 10 pound challenge. Is it stil open for new members ? I have been trying to do something with my weight for a decade but I have never stuck to anything. Two weeks ago, I got serious! I have a long journey ahead of me but 10 pounds at a time makes it manageable.

    Start weight 290
    Current weight 282
    November 1st goal 278
    December 1st -268
    Jan 1st 258
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Diet Plans
  • blam
    blam Posts: 110
    Hi all you 10 pounders! Hope your weeks went well . . new members always welcome, I'm sure :flowerforyou:

    It's Sunday . . . so I'm reporting in. Down 1.5 lbs this week which has me needing to lose 3.2 lbs by next Sunday to reach the goal for October of 5 lbs. (current wt 213.2 - target for Nov. 1 is 210). It will be difficult but I'm feeling +++ motivated. So here's hoping!

    Goal for December 1st: 200. (now that would be exciting, to be less than 200 lbs at xmas time!)

    I hope everyone else is on track and feeling motivated.

    Any suggestions for keeping on track at hallowe'en? (other than not eating anything:laugh: )
  • teajames
    teajames Posts: 6 Member
    Hi everyone ,
    Count me in on the challenge as well a while back but have had no progress.My main problem is that I work third shift and I am not getting enough rest and exercise.Maybe I can restart with a challenge.
  • rob_in_wisc
    Hi all. I'm in. My goal for October is 10 pounds.

    10/1 - 251.6
    10/25 - 243.8

    Nov 1 goal - 241.6
    Dec 1 goal - 230
    Jan 1 goal - 220

    Good luck everyone, keep up the great work.

  • jtorres81
    Well i'm starting late but my challenge of 5lbs for the month sounds ideal to me. If i exercise 30 minutes a day while walkin the dog and staying under 1300 calories a day I'll be 202 in no time.

    Yesterday weight 207.4
    Current weight 207
    Imma try to post my weight everyday cuz i jus like to do it that way so i'll know what going on with me if i'm retaining to much water or ate something i should. I think it keeps me on track.

    But def. on Mondays I'll weigh myself.
  • jtorres81
    Well i'm starting late but my challenge of 5lbs for the month sounds ideal to me. If i exercise 30 minutes a day while walkin the dog and staying under 1300 calories a day I'll be 202 in no time.

    Yesterday weight 207.4
    Current weight 207
    Imma try to post my weight everyday cuz i jus like to do it that way so i'll know what going on with me if i'm retaining to much water or ate something i should. I think it keeps me on track.

    But def. on Mondays I'll weigh myself.

    My Goal is 200 by the end of the month

    Five lbs a month 10lbs a months (ideally)

    End of November 195 November 190
    December 190 December 180
    January 185 January 170
    February 180 February 160
    March 175 March 150
    April 170 April 140
    May 165 (my first weight as an adult) May 135 GOAL
    June 160
    July 155 (summer anniversary)
    August 150
    September 145(my b-day)
    October 140
    November 135 (goal so i can get my tummy tuck for free)
  • jtorres81
    Hi all. I'm in. My goal for October is 10 pounds.

    10/1 - 251.6
    10/25 - 243.8

    Nov 1 goal - 241.6
    Dec 1 goal - 230
    Jan 1 goal - 220

    Good luck everyone, keep up the great work.


    Wow! u are doing great!! Keep up the good work!!!
  • dldodson75
    Hi everyone another late starter :smile: Im new to the site just joined on Thursday and enjoying the first few weigh in high number loss :laugh: Anyhow, looking for motivation and accountability when it comes to weigh ins :wink: Sunday weigh ins work out really well for me right now.

    10/22- 248 (starting weight)
    10/25- 244

    Nov 1 goal- 240

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    Welcome aboard to the new comers..... its never too late to join :tongue: HAPPY SUNDAY EVERYONE!!!!

    Drink water :drinker: eat healthy and shake that bootay ..... we can do this :wink: