Holly_Marie81 Member


  • Thanks ladies! Right now I will just continue with my 2000 calories and aim to get at least 2-3 30 minute workouts a week. I use to be so good at drinking a lot of water and lately I have been slacking so I need to be better about that as well... not just for me, but to keep my milk production up. =)
  • Welcome! I'm new too... we can do this together and keep each other motivated! =)
  • Yeah, most people say breastfeeding helps them lose weight but that just doesn't seem to be the case for me. Boo:grumble:
  • I made some lactation cookies and they were so yummy and worked for me! I will have to try you recipe. =)
  • Hey! I'm new as well and my goal is also 150lbs. I had my daughter on Aug 16th so about a week apart in age. :) Good luck on your weight loss journey! I will add you as a friend.