
Made an account last night after reading a blog that I found on Pinterest! (Any Pinterest addict?) After reading her story, it seemed harmless to make a MFP account. *Her story short, she gained weight after having a baby and never lost it. Went on vacation and saw a picture afterwards and she didn't like the way she looked and joined MFP too.*

My Story now - In high school and college, I was always fit from playing soccer and walking everywhere. Years later, got married and got comfortable and gained weight. Now, I have 2 girls both under the age of 2 and I gained even more weight. I breastfeed my oldest and still am with my youngest. I always read that you lose your baby weight from bf so I didn't take inconsideration of watching what I ate. Since I am a SAHM, I snack constantly and eat my daughter's left overs because I dont want to throw it away :( Well I still have my baby weight and some.

Sometimes my family stumble upon my Senior pictures and my oldest and nephew always says its one of their aunties :( I'd like to look like I was in high school or when I become more comfortable with my body again.

I guess my point to starting this new journey is I want to be in control and feel better about myself. I want to be the mom that has the energy to play with them. I want to be the sexy wife my husband will be proud of. And I want to wear the skinny jeans too and not the maternity skinny jeans!! LOL I hope to find inspiration and motivation from you guys.


  • Holly_Marie81
    Holly_Marie81 Posts: 8 Member
    Welcome! I'm new too... we can do this together and keep each other motivated! =)
  • Welcome! You can definitely do it! MFP is a great asset. You are both welcome to add me as a friend. I have lost 33 lbs and MFP has a big part on my weight loss. :)
  • geekgirl_2012
    geekgirl_2012 Posts: 40 Member
    Welcome! I'm a newbie as well. Like you, I'm trying to lose weight that I gained since having a little one. My problem is that I struggle to find the time to get active. I'm motivated to make it a priority now, though.
  • Hi :)

    You can add me. I'm 26 and mum to a 2 year old. I've lost 42lbs with MFP.
  • bootifulisa
    bootifulisa Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks guys! I really hope to be a great motivator to you guys and vice versa!!!