I'll play! 1. Are you paleo/primal or primal? I strive to be paleo, but some days I don't succeed at being either. 2. How long have you been paleo/primal? I've been off wheat for a year and transitioned to stricter paleo in July. 3. How did you first hear about paleo/primal? Reading blogs and podcasts about gluten free…
Yup, sometimes it is hard. I ate traditional turkey stuffing and gravy made w/ wheat flour on Thanksgiving. I am still paying the price with grogginess, bloating, and heartburn. One the days that it is hard, I try to remember how bad this feels EVERY TIME I stray.
I added you! I'm always happy to support a fellow paleo eater. I think it is really helpful to be supportive of one another since we eat in a way that isn't generally accepted YET.
Anyone can add me too! I've been wheat free since January and went mostly Paleo in July.
I cut back on dairy A LOT this year. After reading It Starts With Food, I'd really like to cut back on dairy even more. However, it is much harder for me to give up. Wheat/gluten that was easy because I feel so sick after eating it. Other grains were easy because I don't enjoy them all that much. Dairy is harder. I'll…
Ugh! It annoys me SO MUCH when articles focus on the things we are allegedly missing out on by skipping grains and dairy. Seriously, those nutrients are EASY to get from other sources.
My sleep got WAY better. Prior to giving up gluten I would wake up a lot during the night w/ digestive discomfort and then I wouldn't be able to fall back to sleep. If you are under a lot of stress though, I'm sure that is a factor. I have a horrible time sleeping when I'm stressed. I can't shut my mind off.
Vertigo and dizziness. I hate it so much. The dizziness makes me feel like I'm going to pass out. Then I have all this anxiety that I'm going to pass out when I'm alone at home or even in a public place were I'd have to rely on the kindness of strangers to help me. This feeling is pretty rare now that my Armour dose is on…
Love the idea of trying a little cocoa in my oily coffee. I'm a huge fan of coconut oil in coffee. It is so yummy. I haven't experimented with other fats yet though.
Amazing! Great job.
Coconut oil and avocado are my go to sources.