

  • Hello. I just found this TOPIC which I really need. I started doing MFP on January 2 and have lost 7.5 lb. so far. Today's weight is 209.5. So I'm in this for the long haul, it's nice to find others on the same journey. It looks like the shares stay up for a week on this blog, right?
  • Hi to all, It's day 5 on the program and all is well - very very well, in fact. I am entering my food and exercise minutes faithfully and love the control that gives me. When I was younger whenever I needed to lose weight I was able to do it with a little effort and then I'd keep it off for years. Then in my mid-50's I…
  • Hello from (I don't dare to put in sunny) Greece, my adopted home. I'm on day 3 and back at work which I thought would be more of a challenge than it has been. The staff kitchen had all kinds of goodies leftover from the holiday. But just having committed myself to writing everything I eat into my daily food chart has…
  • Thanks Mary, You and all the others who are over 50 and have lost over 50 are an inspiration! I've promised myself that I will be checking in regularly. Tomorrow I go back to work after the holidays and a little extra time off. Thoughts of the office, all the work and problems awaiting should be overwhelming but I love the…
  • Today I decided enough and am back on my program counting calories and exercise credits. This morning I also faced the scale for the first time in months and the news was depressing but the fact that I've faced up to it and have set some goals makes me feel better. I won't say it's a New Year's Resolution (a setup to fail…