

  • leggi002
    leggi002 Posts: 28 Member
    I have my regular Tues appt with the trainer today. She helps keep me in line with exercise.....and asks for my exercise journal to see what I've done in the past week. Accountability.....it works.

    I see my trainer on Tuesday's too. I've never thought to bring her a exercise journal. Great idea!

  • firetuck
    firetuck Posts: 87 Member
    Today was a struggle. Everything that happened at work seemed to push my "go fill your face" buttons. I did manage to resist though and just kept chugging down my water. Got in a good workout on the bike after work which helped me burn off stress and put me in a better frame of mind. Thank goodness for exercise! I let my hubby go by himself to a bowl game party tonight - didn't think I was feeling strong enough to avoid all the chocolate and other snacks that I knew would be there. One day at a time......
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I solved the problem of having to take down the Christmas tree this year - I was so busy that I never got it put up! (Actually, I lost it, but that's another story.)

    I woke up early this morning, so got up and worked out, as I knew that I couldn't tonight. I had a podiatrist appt. this afternoon, got injections in the neuromas on a foot, and I hope to goodness that it quits hurting by tomorrow so that I can work out then.

    I suppose I should get something done so that I can get to bed. Sweet dreams, all!
  • leggi002
    leggi002 Posts: 28 Member

    Here's what I use for supplements, and why I use them:

    Calcium. Especially for those of us over 50, this is important. We should be getting 1200 mg daily, and what we don't get in dairy products should be taken in a high quality supplement of calcium malate or calcium citrate. Unfortunately, Calcium supplements can cause constipation, which is a limiting factor for some people, including me. So I supplement until I am miserable, then take a break.

    Omega 3 fatty acids. I take 1500 daily. A combination of EPA and DHA in approximately a 2:1 ratio. These are best absorbed from fish oil sources.

    Vitamin D. Have your level checked. If you're at the low level of normal supplement with 1000 to 2000 IU daily. If you're deficient, ask your health care provider how to supplement. I use 1000 IU from September to April, as I live in Minnesota. This "vitamin" is actually a prohormone that you produce with sun exposure. So from April to September, I exercise outdoors for > 1 hour per day. I use sunscreen on my arms, chest, back and face, but not my legs as they never burn, I'm hoping that this amount of exposure is enough but have no concrete reason to know that this is true.

    CoQ-10. I take 100 mg daily because I take a statin medication for hyperlipidemia. (Again, a consideration for those over 50).

    Plenty of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and quality meats should fill the rest of our nutritional needs. If you can't or don't eat some of those foods, a multivitamin might be in order.

  • tearose
    tearose Posts: 94
    Today was a struggle. Everything that happened at work seemed to push my "go fill your face" buttons. I did manage to resist though and just kept chugging down my water. Got in a good workout on the bike after work which helped me burn off stress and put me in a better frame of mind. Thank goodness for exercise! I let my hubby go by himself to a bowl game party tonight - didn't think I was feeling strong enough to avoid all the chocolate and other snacks that I knew would be there. One day at a time......

    lol..on the "go fill your face" button..thats so cute! ..I have that button also and work has a tendency of pushing that button frequently!:sad: i use to have candy stashed for my clients..well we all know who ate most of it!:noway: so now its a no candy fly zone ...and I use water and a cup of coffee to fill in the cracks.:flowerforyou:
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Renny, I can sympathize with you. My husband loves to cook but only his fattening meals. I have complained so much about him here that I am sure that everyone is tired of hearing it. Maybe we can support each other since we have the same problem.

    I have been very good about logging everything. Every little bite. I have a tendency to sneak a bite of something and not recording it. All those little bites add up to too many calories.

    Becky, thanks so much for your thoughts. I had another discussion with my husband tonight. He had made pork ribs and had a glass of wine ready. And oh boy, was I hungry. I had done so well during the day. Drank 80 oz of water and worked out. I declined the wine and made myself a good salad and ate that first. Good thing I had worked out today to make up for the ribs, but those are the day-to-day challenges. He of course has absolutely no trouble with weight. Not fair.:explode:

    And you are so right, all those bites add up. Who are we kidding but ourselves. I need to face reality.

    But....Tomorrow is a new day! :happy:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: We are dealing with some sad news today. Our cat ,Haifa, the fourteen year old black and white one has astronomically high blood sugar and the treatment will be both expensive for us and traumatic for him. We see the vet tomorrow to discuss our options which will include euthanasia. We have been sad, cranky, and argumentative all evening...........it didn't push the "go fill your face" button, just the "yell about everything" button.

    :flowerforyou: I read all your posts carefully and mindfully but can't pull together the energy to respond.......I just finished a wonderful 16 ounce bottle of water mixed with Isagenix calcium powder, fruits, and want more energy.:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Now it's time to go to bed. The car has an early AM appointment so the alarm is set for 5:30. gotta get some sleep:yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: hugs to all:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: Barbie
  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    Hi Everyone...just checking in. I am back at work this week after a two week break. My weight is teetering and I am one lb. closer to getting my ticker to move. It is so hard to stay on track but once I log on and read your posts I get motivated to do better. Hope everyone is having a great day. Don't forget to drink your water. :drinker:
  • ccs_gr
    ccs_gr Posts: 7
    Thanks Mary,
    You and all the others who are over 50 and have lost over 50 are an inspiration!
    I've promised myself that I will be checking in regularly. Tomorrow I go back to work after the holidays and a little extra time off. Thoughts of the office, all the work and problems awaiting should be overwhelming but I love the idea that I have another commitment to myself.
    Carol (Athens, Greece)
  • arborsong
    :love: :love: :love: I love you ladies! And, I surely love "go fill your face" and "yell at everything" buttons. I thought I was the ONLY one with those particular buttons!!!

    I've had two back surgeries over the years and usually I do fine, but yesterday the chiropractor said no working out at all. Fiddlesticks -- that was the day I meet the trainer. But, today, the back feels strong and I will do some easy walking tonight.

    Mary, I'm with you on if you don't put the Christmas stuff out, you don't have to take it down. Since I live alone, that has happened at my place, too. The best Christmas in memory was the one where I awoke on Dec 26 and my home was in perfect order. Now, I've never lost my tree and would love to hear that story sometime.

    Barbie, thoughts are with you and your pet. You know, my son had this outdoor cat who showed up as a stray. I kept saying nobody would miss the cat when she was gone. I'm here to tell you the entire family sobbed over that cat for a month. Pets truly become a part of our lives.
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :drinker: Good morning ladies, just checking in before I embark on my journey today.
    :flowerforyou: I know I am going to be eating at the buffet this afternoon so I am having my Equate Shake for breakfast and taking 4 bottles of water with me to keep me from overeating at the buffet. They do have a nice salad bar, fruit and fish. I hope to resist all of the other goodies.:bigsmile:
    :cry: Barbie I am so sorry to hear about Haifa, I know the feeling of losing a beloved animal friend. I will pray for you and hubby to have the strength do to what is best for him.
    Gotta go,:heart: Love (((Hugs))) and prayers, Rose
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • DebbieW
    DebbieW Posts: 187
    Good morning everyone,

    Well, I'm going to swallow my pride and be really honest here. I didn't want to do this post but after an inner argument with myself, I decided that the only way I can "get real" with myself is to put this down in type.

    Yesterday I went over my calorie count for the day and it is all my fault.

    We have a house guest from Australia. We are all having such fun as he has never experienced snow and has never been to Canada. Everything that we take for granted with winter is new and exciting to him and we are re-living the joy of this winter wonderland through him.

    Yesterday, after a day of playing in the snow and playing tourist we had a hardy meal then watched the Canada vs USA hockey game. Sounds okay so far. However, with the game came wine and pistachios. I was trying to be mindful of the nuts, I don`t think I went over a cups worth. I know, that in itself adds up. Add to that 3 glasses of wine. Yikes!

    So here I sit feeling guilty while everyone else in the house is still sleeping soundly.

    I`m really glad for this: I have this web site to get me back on track and I can be honest with myself by telling all of you.

    Now that I have put it out there, I have since put on my workout gear and will hit the treadmill downstairs while everyone is asleep. Later, I will plan on a walk outside in the snow, there is no wind and the sun is shining.

    Today is a new day.

    I hope all of you have a happy and healthy day today.
  • arborsong
    Debbie, dear one, do not beat yourself up. Do just what you planned....pick yourself up and move on. Dwelling on it will make it worse...just do something about it....treadmill, that's perfect! Unfortunately, it will happen again sometime. It happens to all of us. Enjoy the time with your special friend and enjoy the treats with him....you're making memories. Then, get right back on track.

    Happy walking!
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good Morning ladies,
    Barbie so sorry about your pet. Prayers for you to make a good decision. I am sitting here this cold cold morning logging my calories and reading all of your posts as I watch last night biggest loser. Oh MY the thought of being that heavy is unbelievable. They are always inspirational to me. We are having PJ day today. I emailed the girls' parents and told them to send them in PJs today. We are not leaving the house. I have a fire built in the fireplace and we are going to just stay where it is warm. Matt and Heather are going to his grandmother's funeral today. Please say prayers as there are circumstances with him and his dad that I hope are not an issue today. He debated whether or not to go but decided to brave it. I will make my gumbo and also workout on my ellipitical and treadmill later. I will pray that your husbands and other family members can get on board for you and support you in your endeavor. I am so very fornutate to have my husband and really my entire family with me on this. A little friendly advice though. I have learned not to make a big deal. I find a way to eat what I need and make little noise about the bad things in front of me. I just resist and most people dont even notice that I am eating differently or not eating. Have a great day ladies.
    vicki m
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,521 Member
    Barbie -:cry: my heart breaks for you and Haifa.
    Went through something similar with my 17 yr old black and white cat "Petunia" many years ago, kidney failure. For her last weeks, I had to give her subcutaneous fluid and it was just awful. I hate needles and she'd just lie there while Joe held her and I poked her. Then he'd hold us both and I'd cry and cry.

    After we had to put her down, her spirit stopped by for a few days to let us know she was ok, but I still miss her.

    Brady- :grumble: Every morning: a women's 45+ multivitamin/minneral supplement from local health food store,
    1,000 mg vit C - a Calcium/Magnesium/D combo (500mg,100iu,250 mg) - 500 mg Red Wine concentrate - and since I really do not like fish - 1 t Norwegian Cod Liver oil for omega=3s and Vit D. ;(P
    I have osteoporosis so try to take another 500calcium/250magnesium at midday and evening. Body can only absorb maybe 300 mg calcium at once. Its important to balance calcium with magnesium in ratio of 2C/1M.

    :embarassed: I'm putting off updating my measurements, they're so much worse than the were :angry:
    Need to face it though, another office sponsored YMCA managed fitness challenge starts the 11th and want to be prepared for the official bad news.:tongue:
    'nuff procrastinating, time to wii!
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Barbie, 14 years is a good long life for a cat and I am sure that in your home he has really had the best of lives. I know how hard it can be to let them go. I hope today is not that day.:heart: I am sure you will do what is best for your feline friend.

    To all who faltered and got back on their plan. Congratulations are due for your determination and renewed will power.

    Welcome to all the new 50+Wonder Women! It is a pleasure to read your posts, and while I may not post in a timely manner, I am here and trying to keep up with all your information and tips. It is as I have said before, "such a nice neighborhood, full of supportive and strong women."

    I am back on a full work schedule, with the addition of tax prep. I am commiting myself to food control through this period as sitting at the desk cranking out paper work is conducive to snacking on bad,:angry: bad,:grumble: bad,:sad: foods.

    Laurel, we have banned smoking in our vehicles, know this is probably not possible with your MIL. Good luck at the buffet.

    Vicki thank you so much for the information, it is so appreciated. You are such a comfort.:heart::drinker:

    Prayers for all.:smile: Please pray for my friend Joy who is having major surgery this day. Such a sweet woman.

    Blessed Epiphany.

    Thank you all; Alice
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :drinker: Just finished exercising before I have to leave and decided to check in.
    :love: Debbie, I bet you didn't do as much damage as you might beleive, I bet you burned alot of calories playing in the snow and doing the tourist thing.
    :huh: It is pretty cold here in lower, slower Delaware. Everyone have agreat day and stay warm. Rose
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    :flowerforyou: Rose, Hope things go okay today and that you stay strong at the Old Country Buffet! Oh how I love that place!:happy: Thankfully , there isn't one in our area!:wink:

    :flowerforyou: firetruck, Today will be a better day! (I have that button, too:tongue: , as well as a whole bunch of other ones!)

    Renny--I am SO glad I do the cooking around here!:happy: I can't imagine what I'd be eating if my daughters were cooking!:tongue: (Stuff out of a box, no doubt!:tongue: )

    Barbie:heart: I'm so sorry about your dear cat.:cry: We lost one who had been in the family for about 14 years and I was actually surprised at how I cried!:cry: I know you will make the right decision about his treatment.

    Debbie:flowerforyou: I agree--the damage probably wasn't as bad as you think. Just get right back to it and drink your water!:drinker:

    vicki--I find the same thing--if I don't call any attention to what I'm eating the others don't notice, either!:laugh:

    I have been drinking my water:drinker::drinker: and eating right. So far I'm sticking to my exercise plan, too.:happy: I should be going back to work (I have a seasonal job) by the end of the month and will mostly likely have to tweak my routine.:ohwell:

    :heart: :heart: :heart: Prayers for all who need it--AND for everyone else, too!:heart::heart: :heart:

    Have a good day, everyone!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    I am sooooo busy...:noway: .but had to take a second to report that I lost another lb this week.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: So that's 35 lbs and 25.25 inches since Aug. Got to get back to work.:noway:
    BTW I AM trying to read all the posts in between everything....... but just can't address you each individually. :ohwell: But I'm sending individaul hugs!!!:laugh:
    God Bless!:smooched:
  • aisser
    aisser Posts: 232
    I just joined this program today I know that I will need lots of help I have my nephew living with me and he is 12 so lots of junk foods and my other roomate thinks it should be potatoes and porkchops every night. No help around the house so hope to get help here.