

  • sheilajane
    sheilajane Posts: 133 Member
    Good evening all.

    I almost can't believe it, but its been over week, and I haven't gone OVER my calories a single day. This is a FIRST!

    Didn't make 30 mins exercise every day, but DID average 30+ over the week, and did at least 20 mins every day. Another FIRST!
    DH bought us a wii and wii Fit Plus for Christmas and I love it. As someone who has always loathed exercise in any form (except walking and line dancing), the wii makes it fun, not boring. And while it may not be enough of a workout for some, it sure makes me sweat!

    : Time to turn in. 50+WW Rock! Thank you ALL.

    Doesn't it feel great to accomplish somethiing for a whole week ???? congrats and hang in there !!
  • sheilajane
    sheilajane Posts: 133 Member
    OK, true confessions time. Last week, when I got on the scales, I had gained 8 pounds over the holidays. Eight! Can you believe it?? Anyway, I gave myself until today to get it off, or I would have to put it on my ticker. I found that to be very motivating this week, and I worked my tail off. Oops, just looked. That may be an exaggeration - I do still have a tail. Anyway, as of this morning, my ticker is right! I lost them all! Here's to the new year! (But I'm wondering what I use for motivation this week!) :wink:

    Good for you !! I gained around 5 lbs over the holidays. As of last Friday I had lost 4, so hopefully by this Friday I will have lost the other one and maybe a few extra (wishful thinking).

    MY NEW MOTIVATION:: My husband got me an electronic picture frame for Christmas. I've been busy downloading pictures from the past 5 yrs. OMG !!!!! I couldn't believe how heavy I was in some of those pix !! I was so disgusted with myself I deleted some of them from the computer. A few others (that were bad, but not reeaally bad) I put on the picture frame. That way they will pop up from time to time and remind me of place in time I NEVER want to be again !!!
  • sheilajane
    sheilajane Posts: 133 Member
    Oh, and can you all help me?

    How do you find the time to log on your food. And do you do it as the day goes? Do you plan what you are going to eat in advance? I need help cause I don't write anything down anymore. Thank you, kc

    On the days I work I keep a note pad with me to jot down what I eat during the day, then post it as soon as I get home. Whatever I eat in the evening I post before I go to bed.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Quote from Cindy "My husband & I are going through Dave Ramsey's "Financial Peace University" course. Today we will be working on our "Family Budget". That's always a stressor. Thankfully we aren't in debt so that doesn't add to the issues we just need to really get a handle on where our money is really going."

    Cindy - I never heard of this. Let us know if you think it's helping you. I'd be curious.

    kc - I post breakfast and lunch in the morning before work. Since I pack a lunch, I know what I will be having. If I'm running late I jump on while a work and post quickly. Like I am right now. lol

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    :smile: Hello everyone!:flowerforyou:

    I've been busy helping my son clean my youngest daughter's room from top to bottom--she's a SLOB!!!

    We are rearranging who is in what room because right now my son is sleeping on the sofa and my youngest DD is never here so he is getting her room (he pays most of the expenses here so he should have a room!). She'll get my room and I'm getting the bonus room--which we are going to wall off to make it a more private place. I'm excited because now I'll have room for my fitness eqipment and can even get a small treadmill or something similar!:laugh:

    Anyway, while going through her piles of stuff I found some old pictures of myself and posted them here on my profile.
    (I always avoided the camera so there aren't too many pictures of me!:laugh: ) The first is from about 2 years ago, the second and third from about 14 months ago, the fourth is from this past 4th of July (that's my brother with me!) and the last I took last week with my camera phone (the only camera I have right now!:laugh: ).

    I can't wait to get a decent 'now' picture! I even surprised myself at how much I have changed!:happy:

    Have a good day and hang in there! It IS worth it!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,971 Member
    :flowerforyou: Kathy, I carry a "before" picture of me in my wallet because I often talk to other women about weight loss and so many don't think it's possible to lose weight at our age. i also look at the picture when I think garlic fries or a chocolate shake or something else would taste great.

    :flowerforyou: SheilaJane, I love your idea about having some "before" pictures in that electronic picture frame......that's really a good reminder:bigsmile:

    It's sort of raining but the dogs are bugging me so I think I'll go to the dog park with them and see how long we can stand it.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :heart: Barbie
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Hey again!

    I just finished a good work out on the elliptical 45min total with a calorie burn of 218! I'm sweatin like a pig!
    I went a little over 2 miles. 10 min manual program where you just go around a track, 15 min interval setting, 10 minutes fat burn setting and then 10 more on the manual slow as I wanted to go so I could get to my 200 calorie per day goal.

    Sheliajane: I love your new picture! I don't know if hubby will let me put one of him on here, I'll have to ask.

    Jeannie: Did you mean you have never heard of Dave Ramsey at all? He has a radio talk show and has been on CBS morning show numerous times. My husband started listening to him a while back. My husband's company will reimburse him when he finishes taking this course. Dave has a web site and you can go there to find out more about him and what he believes. We also love Mary Hunt. She gives really down to earth advice on saving money. Mary has a newsletter called "Everyday Cheapskate" You can sign up for it to come to your inbox. I'm pretty sure she is a regular contributor to one of the ladies magazines but I can't remember which one right off hand.

    Well I'd better go jump in the shower. One of the "Oldsters" at our Church died Saturday and I want to run to the funeral home tonight for the visitation. He was very fond of our Son and would call to tell me what a good "lad" I have. He & his wife had been married for 64 years! I will miss him a lot. I don't know if I'll get to go to the funeral because I want to let my son go if he wants to and someone has to be here with Granny. It's at 2 PM and my husband usually leaves here at 2:30 for work and we can't just leave Granny in the house "home alone".

    I'll probably check back later to see what kind of day everyone had.
  • arborsong
    :flowerforyou: Sheila Jane, I LOVE your new photo! Being a redhead myself, I especially love your hair!

    :flowerforyou: Cindy, I envy your stamina to do the elliptical so long. I've never made it that long.

    This morning, my back crashed on me. The chiropractor couldn't touch it becuase it was so swollen. I had to have 2 employees bring me home and I've spent the day on ice packs. Needlesss to say, no exercise for me today. I'm actually a little better this afternoon so I know I'll be back walking soon!

    Good evening to all!!!
  • DebbieW
    DebbieW Posts: 187
    Well, I have to say that right now I'm scratching my head in disbelief.

    Today, I ate so healthy, fresh fruits, garden salad, pumpkin seeds, yogurt, fat free skim milk, you get the picture. So I'm logging in what I am about to eat for supper, whole grain pasta with home made salt free pasta sauce and I will be going over my calorie requirement for the day. My drinks today consisted of green tea, water, milk and coffee.

    I just don't get it....

    I guess I need to work out longer, I was only on the treadmill for 30 minutes.

  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Debbie, you might want to go back & check your food diary for accuracy. I occasionally hit a wrong key and don't catch it

    Hang in there, some days you will just go over. Don't beat yourself up over it and don't let one day discourage you. It's a life style and we need to remember what we want in the long run.

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Debbie, also check to see if the calories on the database are correct. The first time I chose skim milk I ended up with a choice that had 90g of fat instead of 0!:laugh: Imagine my shock to see I'd gone over on my fat and all I'd had was breakfast!:laugh:
    Hey, I've hit two keys at once on occasion so I know it happens.:happy: I check everything carefully now.
  • sheilajane
    sheilajane Posts: 133 Member
    :flowerforyou: Sheila Jane, I LOVE your new photo! Being a redhead myself, I especially love your hair!


    Arborsong: Thanks.....I love the red hair too.....comes in a bottle !!!
  • sheilajane
    sheilajane Posts: 133 Member
    Hey again!

    Sheliajane: I love your new picture! I don't know if hubby will let me put one of him on here, I'll have to ask.

    Jeannie: Did you mean you have never heard of Dave Ramsey at all? He has a radio talk show and has been on CBS morning.

    mamacindy: Thanks !!! Whoops.....was I supposed to ASK my hubby before I put his picture on there ??? LOL

    BTW: I listen to Dave Ramsey too. I always get a kick out of the people that call in and scream " I am debt free !! '
  • sheilajane
    sheilajane Posts: 133 Member
    :flowerforyou: Kathy, I carry a "before" picture of me in my wallet because I often talk to other women about weight loss and so many don't think it's possible to lose weight at our age. i also look at the picture when I think garlic fries or a chocolate shake or something else would taste great.

    :flowerforyou: SheilaJane, I love your idea about having some "before" pictures in that electronic picture frame......that's really a good reminder:bigsmile:

    Barbiecat : Carrying a pix around with you is a good idea too. Every time one of my "fat photos" pops up, I want to throw something at it. Thank goodness we have it set for only 5 second intervals......WHEW
  • weebles
    weebles Posts: 50
    I was doing really good today until supper! When I entered in my fajitas...I went over. But I have to allow myself a little slack. I'll just have to get on the gazelle tonight work some of it off. I've been doing really good for the past week so will allow myself to have that "freebie" meal. Back on track in the morning!!
  • weebles
    weebles Posts: 50
    Okay...so I didn't do quite as bad as I thought. I went and added everything in separately (cause I KNOW I was careful making these things healthier than I use to) and it didn't put me over. I just made it.
  • laniv
    laniv Posts: 106 Member
    Hi all! I am encouraged by all of your efforts and strategies. I love the idea of carrying an old photo, and looking at it when you feel tempted.

    My scale is not moving much (only 2 pounds), but my clothes are looser. I think I'm putting on muscle weight, which is offsetting the fat loss.

    It's hard to get up early to exercise. I missed it this morning, but I'm exercising tonight to make up for it.

    Keep on keeping on!
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    :flowerforyou: Mary, you will have to tell us your secret for losing 8 pounds so quickly.:smile:

    There was no real secret, and I probably couldn't do it twice. My theory is that recently added weight come off faster that the weight that I have allowed to set and ferment. :smile: Anyway, the basic rules that I set for myself for the week:
    1) As soon as I got up in the morning (or on the weekend I forced myself to do the night before) I logged all meals and snacks that I planned on. I did not allow myself to eat a bite that was not on my list, unless I had finished my evening meal and only had 1000 calories for the day. Then I could have a small additional snack.
    2) I set a minimum of 45 minutes to work out every day, no days off. I told myself that I had to work out in some fashion for 60 minutes on 3 days.
    3) I did not allow myself to watch tv or sit at the computer for more than a total of 45 minutes each day. I was always up moving around, or cleaning, or anything that required standing up.
    4) I tried to watch my sodium more closely than usual, and aside from one cup of coffee and 1 glass of Trop 50 orange juice in the morning, only drank water and green decaf hot tea.
    5) Even though MFP has my calories set at 1450/day, I held myself at 1200/day, and did not eat more than 10% of my exercise calories for the day, sometimes less.
    6) Every time I thought that I might waver, I reminded myself that my ticker would have to go backwards today to reflect my actual weight. I REALLY didn't want to see those pounds on my ticker! And I didn't want my MFP cyber buddies to see them either!

    This worked for me to bust through the Christmas snacking weight. I do not know if it would work for anyone else. By my scale, I lost 8 or 9 pounds this week. We have started a "Time for a Change" program in town, and the first weigh in was last Monday. Today, by their scales, I had lost 10.2 lbs, and they were amazed. My Wii fit said that I lost 13 pounds this week. All were at different times of day with varying amounts of clothing on.

    My new motivation? I think maybe, although I have never tried to do it for the money before, I might see if I can do well enough to have a chance at the $250 prize in the Time for a Change program for the biggest loser by late March. I could use the money to buy clothes. Anyway, that's what I will think of for the next week or two. If it appears that I don't have a chance of winning that, I will abandon that thinking as it has the potential to discourage me, and I can't afford that!

    Hope everyone is having a great Monday! And - here's to smart choices!!
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: Mary. Your strategy is amazing. Thanks for the great pointers. It helps to know what others are doing!

    :wink: Today I stayed within my calories and worked out 20 minutes elliptical, 20 minutes weights, 5 minutes stretching and 10 minutes (fast) walking (to and from the gym) lol: :laugh: :laugh: I surely pushed myself to get away from my desk (boy was it busy), get changed and get through that rain to the gym. :laugh: Yay for me!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: It feels good not to see a scale.

    :wink: Yesterday was a party day at our house, and I went well over my calories; boo hoo....BUT....we had an awesome time :drinker: Much hugging, eating, wine and visiting. Discussing Ben and Andrea's upcoming wedding, Nat and Max's house hunting, Steve's birthday and Dan's future. It doesn't get any better than that. I love my family. :heart:

    :bigsmile: Till next time, my MFP friends.
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    I also log my calories as I go. Today was hubby's day off, and I only squeezed in a bit of time on the treadmill just now, but I am pleased to say I STILL managed to stay under my calorie limit and get some exercise. This is the first time I've hit the treadmill in my Shapeups. I've never tried to jog in them before so I was happy to see it feels very natural. I can see a big improvement in my stamina from when I first started. I now have to go twice as fast as I did when I first started to get my heart rate up where it need to be. So there are more ways to measure success than on the scale! I'm still hopeful I can be a size ten by my birthday in 4 weeks.