

  • sheilajane
    sheilajane Posts: 133 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hope everyone is having a fantastic weekend! I'm a little sore today...but in a good way! Exercised yesterday and then went dancing last night. And not just a couple dances. My daughters keep me on the dance floor at all times shakin' my booty! LOL I love the feeling in the mornings ....when you "feel" slimmer. And then to realize in one week I have lost 5...I say 5 pounds!!!!!!! :bigsmile: Keep shakin' it my peeps and let's move on down the road! :heart:

    Congrats to everyone on all your goals!!!!

    Woo Hoo Girl....keep shakin' it !!
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Watch this little clip for a little inspiration...for a lot of inspiration!:smile::smile:

  • siobhannestor
    Hi All! :smile:

    Hope that I can join the group! This is the forum that decided me on joining myfitnesspal instead of another diet site - everyone is so active and seems so friendly and positive.

    Congratulations Debbie on your 6 pounds! And to everyone else for reaching your goals so far.

    My name is Shivaun (siobhan is the Gaelic spelling), I live in San Francisco and have about 54 pounds to lose. I am engaged to be married next year, currently live with my fat cat, Leo, work for the local health department. Monday is my official start date. While I actually like healthy food and exercise, I gained a significant amount of weight after an injury kept me from exercising, immediately followed by a long period where I was traveling back and forth from SF to Arizona to take care of my mom when she was sick last year. Losing it has been difficult for me because my job sometimes requires that I work long hours and I will overeat and don't exercise during those times, so find myself yo-yoing. I know that I will need support during those periods...

    In any case, I look forward to getting to know everyone better and to becoming an active member of the community.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    the steak comes with butter on top. Who needs butter on their steak?
    People with no taste buds? :laugh: Sorry to people who like it like that but it just sound gross to me.
    and NOT SMOKING:bigsmile:
    Yeah for not smoking!
    Okay 50's ladies - I'm having trouble with constipation (lovely topic - I know - sorry). I eat more than 30 grams of fiber a day and drink tons of water - anybody have any other ideas?? Would be really low fat diet have anything to do with it??
    Yes. Also, if you take calcium supplements, they can be constipating.
    I did at one time lose seven pounds in one week but I hadn't lost much at all for the previous weeks, nor the next. I was in a diet group at the time and they thought I had done something very unhealthy to cause it.
    Pfftt. Those silly people. It's quite common to have slow weeks followed by a big loss. It just means you were losing all along but water retention was hiding some of it during the slow weeks and, on the 7 pound week, you dropped all the water along with your fat loss.

    Water weight is also why people drop a big amount the first week of a diet and almost nothing the second week. It has something to do with glycogen in the muscles.

    I went on a bike ride this morning. I went up to 30 miles (from 26) and my calf was fine. I mean, I did feel it a bit, but I'm not horribly sore there and feeling like I need ice or I'll die from pain. I'm hoping I can do 38 miles next week.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: exermom, you rock.......I wish you lived near me, we could go to restaurants together and drive them crazy. :laugh: Hubby goes to the movies with his daughter and gets her to carry bottled water and his special snacks in her purse because he can't/won't consume the stuff they sell there :laugh:

    Oh, I have my "going to the movies pocketbook". Seriously, it's a mini-suitcase but it looks like a pocketbook. OK, it's not exactly fashionable (got it at WalMart for $5). But it does hold at least one 24oz bottle of water, at least a bag of popcorn that I pop at home, along with some other snacks. Yup, that's me! Wish we did live closer...maybe it's a good thing for the waters/waitresses that we don't :):smile: There was just an article in USA Today about how people w/ food alergies have a hard time going out to eat. They were interviewing this one couple who even needed to know what ingredients were in the spices! Now I'm not that bad, fortunately, I don't have any food alergies. But don't let the waiters/waitresses know that....lol
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member

    While we were there, we went to this mall. There is a tea store there and they many times have samples. So I tried this one. Was it good! It's a blend of teas, but it's supposed to be an appetite suppressant (in add'n to other things). I don't want to take any pills for appetite suppressant, but a cup of tea at night is good. Also, I really find that I don't need any kind of sweetener with it. I know that I used to have this metal "canister" which you put the tea leaves in and let it steep, only for the life of me I can't find it. Anyone have any ideas on something else to use?

    exermom--In a pinch I've used a coffee filter tied with string--works find of like a tea bag!:laugh: We used to have those Ingenuitea pots but they seem to have disappeared during our moves this past year (we moved twice--to an apartment and then to this house--which I LOVE because there are STAIRS!:laugh: ).

    :I broke down and bought a tea ball today. That tea is GOOOOOD, and it really doesn't need any sweetener. I'm so happy, just not happy with the price of it, tho
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Added a new fun component to my treadmill routine. I plugged in my husband's MP3 player that he has loaded with Classic Rock. Who can stand still while jamming to Leonard Skynard, ZZ Top, and the Almond Bros ?:smokin: :smokin: Look out Richard Simmons.....this beats your "Dancin' to the Oldies" !!!

    They must laugh at me when they see me on the treadmill sometimes. I'm listening to my iPod, clapping away, shaking my booty. Hey, if American Idol ever comes this way....I'll be ready....lol
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    the steak comes with butter on top. Who needs butter on their steak?
    People with no taste buds? :laugh: Sorry to people who like it like that but it just sound gross to me.

    I live in the south (NC) and EVERYTHING is loaded with butter, deep fried, cheese toppings...I could go on and on. I think the people around here really don't know anything different, which is sad. Personally, I like (for example) my vegetables steamed. I don't want some sauce that masks the flavor of the vege...I want to taste the vege. Like I said, I think people just don't know any different, they were brought up with biscuits (with lard) and gravy.
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Hey Exermom: Where are you in NC? I'm in Pleasant Garden (Greensboro area).

    I just burned another 103 calories on the elliptical. Listening to music too, I have a hard time exercising with out it.

    Better go & get showered; I've got company coming tomorrow and I've got to get some things accomplished.

  • DebbieW
    DebbieW Posts: 187
    Fabfifty - you could still lift some weights for arms and shoulders (use canned goods if you don't have hand weights), sit on the floor and do straight leg - leg lifts to strengthen your thighs and of course - crunches of all kinds. Just keep moving.....

    DebbieW - great job on your first week! Keep it up!

    committed - I'm proud of you for not smoking. I smoked a long time ago and know how hard it is to quit so my hats off to you for sticking with this.

    Okay 50's ladies - I'm having trouble with constipation (lovely topic - I know - sorry). I eat more than 30 grams of fiber a day and drink tons of water - anybody have any other ideas?? Would be really low fat diet have anything to do with it??

    Today is my one day off from exercise but I'm still going to walk on the treadmill for 30 minutes. Hope everyone else is having a great start to their weekend!

    fabfifty - you would be wise to take the advise of firetuck. I couldn't have said it better myself.

    firetuck - I'm sure that someone will post something intelligent to help you with your dilemma.

    All I know is the natural method which I did for my daughters when they were little and had a bit of constipation. I would pop a bag of popcorn and tell them to enjoy eating it. I always knew that by the next day, constipation would not be an issue. It's worked for me too. That and also having a couple of cups of coffee in the morning. Good luck.
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    :flowerforyou: You ladies have inspired me. Four miles of boosted walking with Leslie plus weights and the stretchy band. I FeeeeeeeeeeeeeL Good! Na NA na na na na NA

    Mamadame you are a powerhouse!:flowerforyou: How wonderful to be able to read your posts.

    I work out so much better with music also, and cannot sit still when there is a good beat going on. This leads to some interesting
    situations as well. I am sure some wonder who the crazy lady is. I may have an attack in the grocery store or at the gas station you never know. It is not my fault~it's genetic!:smile:

    To all the new members Welcome this is a great helpful supportive group of women. Jump right in.

    I could not post to all of you individually before and as the numbers grow I am having even a harder time. Please do not think that I don't value you all as individuals. I DO! Each of you brings a unique talent and outlook to this group. So many of you have jumped in to help me when I needed motivation and information, or the opinion of someone who has already been where I am headed. Thank you all !:heart::heart: :flowerforyou: :heart::flowerforyou: :heart::flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:

    It is so important to be part of a group that shares on so many levels, and no group is ever as honest and up front as a group of shall we say, more mature women. Between us we have a huge range of experiences and knowledge to call on. This group is my weight loss resource. How blessed am I?

    Time to start my evening work and then a late supper with DH; who is also working late tonight.

    Prayers of thankfulness. Alice
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member

    I work out so much better with music also, and cannot sit still when there is a good beat going on. This leads to some interesting
    situations as well. I am sure some wonder who the crazy lady is. I may have an attack in the grocery store or at the gas station you never know. It is not my fault~it's genetic!:smile:

    :flowerforyou: Alice, I have the same feeling about music.........I have music on my phone along with the stepcounter so my phone is always in my pocket so I am never without music.......I'm sure I embarrass DH sometimes in public when I dance forgetting that there are other people around

    :flowerforyou: Nancy, congratulations on quitting smoking
    that is the toughest thing to give up:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    :flowerforyou: MacMadame, I'm so glad your calf is better and you can ride your bike again.

    We're headed out for dinner now, so I gotta go.......I think I spent enough time on the treadmill today to have enough calories to withstand Vietnamese food
    of course, there will be sodium:sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Barbie
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Alice, I can not hear a song that I do Zumba to without starting to dance. My husband thinks I have lost my mind.:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Nancy, great news!!! I am still smoking and will probably quit when I reach my weight goal. I can't handle two things at once.

    I have heard that some restaurants will put butter on their steaks to keep them moist. I think they would do better to purchase better quality steaks.

    I did go over my calories today because my husband and I stopped at our favorite tavern for a couple of drinks.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Shivuan - Welcome! We're happy to have you hang out with us! Plenty of room for everyone, plenty of room for you!

    Exermom - "Going to the movies" pocketbook? I love it. Several year ago I took my mother to see the Skate America competition that was held in Colorado Springs that year. We were there sometimes for up to 6 hours a day for 4 days, and weren't about to live on overpriced salty hot dogs and nachos. They had strict rules that you couldn't bring in food or even water, and they went through bags. If you had some, you had to either throw it out or carry it back to your car. We got giggly goofy in our motel room when packing each morning. She filled empty film cannisters with peanut m&m's in her purse. I put a couple of bottles of water under the crocheting in my bag, then contemplated how to smuggle in sandwiches. I made a very useful discovery. A tampon box is just the right size to hold some sandwiches! I put them in my bag and made sure to get in security lines with workers who were about 18-20 year old young men. I know once they saw what appeared to be full boxes of tampons in the bag of the gray haired lady, they would be done digging! I'm sure they wished they hadn't come to work that day. Anyway, never got caught, and managed to carry in all of our food for the event!

    Music when exercising? After a 32 year career as a music therapist, I would be appalled if you didn't like it! And I don't even need it most of the time - I spend my life "humming to the tunes" in my head.

    Fabfifty - Exercise TV has free video workouts online, and some are only upper body. http://www.exercisetv.tv/workout-videos/

    Alice - Face it, we are all very "experienced", and know enough to savor the gift of life and not pull any punches.

    Happy weekend to all of my cyberfriends!
  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    I am back! My son had three college friends visit this week. They showed up a day earlier and stayed a day later than planned. :happy: I fed them well and sent them back to Southern Cal with full tummies. I had a 3 lb. gain but I am not going to worry about it. The time with my son and his friends was worth every bite! It was so nice to meet his friends. What nice young adults! Hope everyone else is keeping on track. My next goal is to get my ticker moving!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good evening ladies…Today was a really good day and an indulgent day. First I weighed myself this morning and was back down to 175. I have been doing the Leslie Sansone 4 mile intensity walk most of the week and really love it. The thing is I have heard you should mix it up and not do the same exercises all the time. :heart: Today I went shopping with hubby and bought a new Leslies called “Walk Your Belly Flat” and I love it. She is alone and really mixes it up with interval sections and at the end she does floor exercise (bicycle) to tighten up your ABS. I feel great. :huh: Then my dear hubby decides he wants Chinese…talk about your sodium. :bigsmile: But that’s OK; I had about 32 calories left after I put in my exercise calories,
    :flowerforyou: Welcome- Weebles, congratulations on your 5lbs gone forever
    :flowerforyou: Welcome-Fabulous fifty, Shivaun and Julia
    :flowerforyou: Welcome Aisser and congratulations on a great start
    :flowerforyou: Mary- what are bierocks?
    :flowerforyou: Debbie-Congratulations on the 6lbs
    :flowerforyou: Barb and Barbie -you are so lucky to get to meet. I am anxiously awaiting your post to let us all know how it went. I am jealous I don’t think there is anyone in my neck of the woods.
    :flowerforyou: committed- you can do it one day at a time. I quit smoking 3 times and the third one was the charm. Now I can’t stand to be around smoke, which makes my life complicated because both my husband and mother in-law smoke.
    :flowerforyou: firetuck- I have IBS with constipation and every couple of weeks I drink "Laci Le Beau" Super Dieters Tea. You can find it at health food stores. I have also found it at Food Lion (our local grocery store). Read the directions carefully and drink plenty of water after you drink it and it will "clean you out" gently. I drink it before I go to bed and usually go when I get up in the morning.
    :flowerforyou: pmjsmom- Kathy, congratulations on the ½ pound and the 5 inches. I haven’t taken measurements in awhile, maybe tomorrow.
    :flowerforyou: Becky- good going getting rid of those 2 lbs again.
    :flowerforyou: Eava57-so glad to have you back
    :flowerforyou: Thank you to all the ladies who give me encouragement, make me laugh and who help to keep me or help to return me to my goals.
    :smile: Life would be soooo boring without you all.
    :heart: Love (((Hugs))) and Prayers, Rose
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,521 Member
    Good evening all.

    I almost can't believe it, but its been over week, and I haven't gone OVER my calories a single day. This is a FIRST!

    Didn't make 30 mins exercise every day, but DID average 30+ over the week, and did at least 20 mins every day. Another FIRST!
    DH bought us a wii and wii Fit Plus for Christmas and I love it. As someone who has always loathed exercise in any form (except walking and line dancing), the wii makes it fun, not boring. And while it may not be enough of a workout for some, it sure makes me sweat!

    Enjoying all the posts, if I missed a few, forgive these old eyes and fingers.

    Alice-:happy: "50+WonderWomen" - Yeah!


    Barb-:laugh: "3 days for the IT dept" to reinstate your ids made me laugh out loud. I'm in IT and we can setup for a return in hours, EXCEPT for the main application whose Byzantine corpoate approval process adds at least a full business day.

    Barbie- :heart: Can't wait to hear about Vancouver... and Haifa... both cities I enjoyed and would love to visit again.

    BirdieM-:love: "25.25 inches" WOW!

    Carol-:bigsmile: loved "grams down" How did you come to live in Greece?

    Cindy-:drinker: "Turkey Corn Chili" Yummm!

    Debbie-:smile: "6 lbs" in the first week, amazing!

    Debianne-:cry: so hard to lose your Max on the Thanksgiving holiday. It stinks to be so sad when everyone else is gathering wtih their loved ones and your missing yours. But congratulations on persisting, and getting into those white pants!

    doobiedoo- :wink: "so good to be able to talk... and not feel strange" Well said!

    firetuck-:embarassed: If I don't eat a piece of fruit EVERY day, have the same challenge. An apple, an orange, some pineapple, cherries or melon, whatever you like. AND if I'm taking antibiotics, i walk around with a pocketful of prunes... ;}

    Jeannie-:noway: "2 years of exercising"? Can't imagine me ever being there, but maybe... you're right about the wii boxing. I thought it would be violent and I'd hate it, but its a punching bag with music and I love it even when it makes me sore and sweaty.

    Kathy-:happy: "5 inches in 2 weeks" Way to go!

    Mary-:laugh: "Freezing to death woman" vs "wanting to get healthy woman" swimming 1/3 mile in 30 mins, I'm in awe. Just don't let your frozen hair break off, ok? What are bierocks?

    Nancy-:drinker: "Water for smokes" Yessssss!

    Rose-:happy: New fitness routine moving boxes of copy paper. That paper is HEAVY!

    SuzieQ-:ohwell: Nothing but fruits and nuts and veggies may not have made the scale move like you wanted, but sure was good for your body! Cold gray days make me want to just stay in bed and pull the covers over my head. We're spoiled living in the high desert, even when it's bitter cold, skies are blue and sun shines.

    Weebles-:drinker: "5 lbs" Congratulations!

    ZannieW-:explode: Menopause cubed? Best cocoabutter breasts money can buy? Zannie, your ability to find humor is inspiring!

    :yawn: Time to turn in. 50+WW Rock! Thank you ALL.
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Checking in late tonight. Our second oldest son still to come home from the mainland, caught the 9PM ferry over. It'll be ~11:30 PM before he gets to our house.

    :drinker: Tomorrow we celebrate our oldest son's 38th birthday. Hard to believe my kids are as old as they are. :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    We gave our 4 kids tickets at Christmas to the musical "Jesus Christ Superstar" for tomorrow. Everyone is coming over afterward for goodies. :drinker:

    :wink: I had wine tonight, a little too much. :wink: But having been pretty active today and otherwise eating healthy I remained within my calorie intake. Yay for me. :bigsmile:

    Tomorrow is another day!!

    :heart: :heart: Goodnight :heart: :heart:
  • ccs_gr
    ccs_gr Posts: 7
    Hi to all,
    It's day 5 on the program and all is well - very very well, in fact. I am entering my food and exercise minutes faithfully and love the control that gives me.
    When I was younger whenever I needed to lose weight I was able to do it with a little effort and then I'd keep it off for years. Then in my mid-50's I quit smoking and went though a very stressful time of moving back to Greece, finding a job, etc. The weight started creeping on and though I made several serious attempts to get it off - once with a weight loss program and once with a nutritionist (both expensive and therefore limited) - nothing got me anywhere near my goal and when I quit going I gained back more than I'd lost.
    I got to my current state (medically described as obese) a few years ago after I slipped and injured my back which resulted in a major attack of sciatica. I was in treatment for about 18 months and the only time I wasn't in pain seemed to be when I was sleeping or eating. Exercise was pretty much out of the question. I am OK now but the additional weight is terrible for back, my knees and my breathing. So although I have always been a very SLOW loser, I have a great motivation for doing so. This program is giving me the tools, the insight on what works and what doesn't, and the support of all of you who share.
    Thanks to all of you, Carol
  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    Auntiebk -good for you for sticking with the program you set for yourself. This is also my first week and I did pretty good -only went over my calorie allottment one day - special event. Anxious to see if my denial of alcohol has made a difference on the scale tomorrow morning. We have a gym next to our office and they are offering a free class of pilates, yoga, belly dancing, strong bone building, etc. every day at noon hour to see what you like. I definitely like pilates,strong bones and belly dancing. I also joined a Biggest Loser contest at the gym. So wish me luck Susan