ktno1 Member


  • Well in the first week of November (1st - 7th) I only took my planned rest day off and did all other workouts. I was under my calorie goal every day. And I lost 1.4 kg which is a little over 3 lbs. Not bad at all. But this second week has not been as good so far so I won't be getting many points I don't think. ETA: Or am I…
  • I always wear shoes unless it's something like yoga or pilates. I have terrible knees and flat feet and I need the support of shoes if I'm going to jumping around and stuff.
  • Welcome back! Glad to have you aboard! :)
  • I didn't get around to doing workout 7 as well as cardio today so I'll be doing it tomorrow. Dreading it big time, but hoping I don't get TOO sore. I haven't really been super sore since the first few weeks so I'm hoping that trend continues. Although I'm feeling kind of sore just watching the workout and seeing what I…
  • Yes, the drop of sweat I plant my face in while doing supermans and then stand up and slip over on it :P
  • Haha a badass passed out in a pool of sweat :P
  • I have one more cardio 2 to finish weeks 5 and 6. I'm a day behind due to being sick so I think I'll do cardio 2 AND workout 7 tomorrow (I'm sure I will regret that). If I get through Week 7, I'll officially be further into this program than I got on my first try last year. Super excited to pass that milestone and…
  • So sad to see you go! :( :( :( I will possibly be up for another round in January so might join you then. Good luck with all your goals!
  • Being sick sucks! :( It's amazing how much your attitude can make a difference. And I agree about the yoga warmup - my inability to do it put me in a bad mood from the very beginning! Very impressive that you're trying to catch up by doing the cardios on the same day. I do that here and there when I take days off for…
  • I'm scared haha
  • Haha I remember when I did this last year and I'm doing all these one-legged pushup variations on my knees but still can't do a regular pushup. I felt very silly!
  • Workout 5 is OVER WOOOOOOO!!! I'm sure I will learn to hate workout 7 just as much, if not more.
  • SO excited for my last ever workout 5 tomorrow! :D
  • Cardio 3 looks crazy hard but I guess because the exercises are only 20 seconds each it probably flies by. I'm still scared to try it in 3 weeks time!
  • It's really disappointing to have to stop when you're determined to keep going but your body is like "yeah no I'm not doing that, gimme a break!" Jillian's programs always mess with my knees. One reason I think is she does so many reps and does them so quickly. Any time I see any sort of lunge or squat now, I probably do…
  • Are you doing Jillian's cardio 2? If you are, cutting that out is the first good move to save your knees. And definitely don't do cardio 3! Those crossover lunges bother my knees - I'm just going to do side lunges instead if it starts to hurt. And the "lunge chops" in workout 6 - I do those the same way we do them in WO5…
  • Thank you!!! :)
  • My arms WERE dead. Mind over matter basically haha I wanted to stop soooo bad but I didn't! I use a polar ft4 HRM.
  • I weigh in weekly on Wednesday mornings (just happened to be the day I started logging). Even though I weight more in the evenings, the amount more that I weigh will vary heaps from day to day (depending how much I've eaten/exercised on any particular day). My weight is most similar on a week to week basis in the morning…
  • I flushed by bad attitude down the toilet today before Workout 5. I worked super hard. I did those stupid crab dips with my leg in the air for nearly the whole time. I didn't cry. And I burned 370 calories (usually around 340 for WO5). Woot! How are we all going? We can do it!!!
  • My knees do not like jumping moves. I'm actually doing okay this time around by focusing really hard on good form and they're not giving me much trouble. But in the later workouts where everything is "plyo" I will probably still be stepping instead of jumping to save my knees!
  • This is an absolutely amazing transformation! Congratulations! I like how you've come full circle - you were reading success stories to keep yourself motivated and now you ARE the success story to do the same for others. Very inspiring! I wasn't going to work out today (tired, it's late, I made up every excuse in the…
  • When I was putting my workout gear on in front of the mirror today, as I pulled my sports bra over my head, I saw shoulder muscles! And biceps! And back muscles! (NEVER seen those before...) I still have a long way to go but I'm starting to see some definition. My belly is still very flabby and that is always the first…
  • I did half of this program last year and am halfway through again now, so I can't really relate to doing 2 rounds with not much break in between. But in terms of weights, my rule has always been as heavy as possible. Sometimes in the video she will say "medium" and I'll take the heavy ones or she'll say "medium" and I…
  • They are separate programs so you could do them after you've finished Body Rev if you like. A lot of people like them. I haven't personally tried either but I'm assuming they're similar to Jillian's other stuff.
  • Best thing for me is just to not have it in the house. If I'm really craving chocolate I'll get something I really like eg a Lindt lindor ball and just have one. I'll eat it slowly, savour it, and then say to myself "ok I've enjoyed my chocolate, I don't need anymore". If I binge on chocolate, it's not even about the…
  • Definitely! The even number workouts seem to reuse exercises too. Like squat row in workout 4 is repeated in workout 8. So you get these moves and it's like "oh I did this a few weeks ago, I got this". All the push-up stuff in the odd number workouts just kills me!
  • Also 6 has way better music than 5. Does that affect anyone else? The music in 6 really puts me in the mood to work hard.
  • I genuinely enjoy workout 6! I never thought I'd say that about one of these workouts... The only thing I'm still struggling with is single leg squats. I'm just placing the toe of my other foot on the floor to help me get deeper on the way down, but on the way up I'm lifting the foot so only one leg is working to push up.…
  • I'm starting Week 6 in two days so we're just about at the same point. I also did this last year. In fact, the end of week 6 is pretty much when I quit so if I finish phase 2 I'll be really happy.