

  • I hate the sickly bloated feeling you have after you eat a maccas or kfc, so I never really ate it before..... but i must admit to loving thai food takeaways.... chicken laksa and chicken hokkien noodle... YUM.... probably just as bad though :-(
  • I started the p90x last month... more of a day on, day off due to work.. (kinda defeats the purpose of the p90X, really) I love the abs workout bit and also the yoga.... not into the weights too much but i do try them... I do feel a real difference after doing them, after the abs workout i could even feel it on the backs…
  • WOW, you all had some really different ideas of what to eat to curb sweet cravings... Can i ask what stevia is? Im in New Zealand and have never heard of that... I dont have sugar in my tea, dont drink coffee or hot chocolate and chocolate bars can normally sit in my fridge un-touched for months, just had a craving for…
  • WOW that is so awesome. I cant even run/jog for more than 5 minutes! I went a 10km walk the other day and was so so sore the next day... shows me how unfit i am :-( My friend has penciled me in for a 21km walk/run/jog in August... need to get my butt in gear...
  • HI, This is a question i was asking my fitness instructor at the gym and she says im not eating enough protein in my diet (according to this site im mostly over)... Protein is needed for muscle build up. I love having some sushi after the gym (its straight across the road) and its my "healthy treat".... Go protein!! :-)
  • Hello, Im also in New Zealand. Im quite new to this to, but i must admit i found a HUGE difference when I got to see how many calories i was eating in my food. And i started going to the gym.. (although not been for over a week due to holidays, friend's wedding's, works night out ect).... Hope you stick to it hun, dont be…
  • Hi, Im Donna, and quite new to this. I also have been sick for the past 3 days.. was unable to eat anything much.. hence not filling in my diary for 3 days. Got a little annoyed with myself so dragged myself off to the gym this morning. Lasted about 15 minutes doing 'light' exercises then came home a bit shaky. Tried to…
  • Im scottish, living in New Zealand... born in 77 so thats where i get mine from... not very original i know... but better than "thedogsbollocks77" which is my e-mail address :-)