

  • 135. It has taken me 3 1/2 mos to get from 158-140. These last 5 are really stubborn. Actually I'm quite happy at 140 but since weight flucuates a lb or two, I'd like to be under 140 consistently...even when I'm up a lb. Going to start changing up my workouts to see if I can shake these last 5.
  • Sorry...I was talking about unsweetened vanilla almond milk..not sure why it cut that part off.
  • I like this brand as well. I find if I buy it in the refrigerated section rather than the pantry aisle it is a bit idea why, maybe it is just the store I shop at. I find that soy can make my tummy somewhat upset. I like rice milk but is very light and somewhat watery in consistency.
  • I also eat peanut butter on toast and a banana before my runs of 10+ miles or longer. Oatmeal works well too but not sure if you can eat that on Paleo diet or not. You could also try a smear of beans on a gluten free tortilla. If your running is longer than 10 miles...have you been able to eat anything during your run?…
  • You can get Yaktrax or other traction type attachments for your shoes when it gets slippery or icy. Most running stores or REI should carry them. Nothing more beautiful than a run in the snow...incredibly peaceful.
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