Winonoir Member


  • I really need to get posting in my food diary again. My thyroid has been going from passable to crap, it's currently in the crap stage so a few months ago it was a 10kg weight gain and hair falling out. It'd be nice to have a few friends with similar experiences/problems. I've sent a few friend requests and if anyone wants…
  • I'm going to say yes, I've done it although I'm far from perfect. I will say is just because your going gluten and dairy free doesn't mean substitute them for gluten free products, base your meals around protein and veg and don't forget the fat(saturated is good for you and more recent and better research shows that it…
    in Belly Fat Comment by Winonoir April 2014
  • You should read the book stop the thyroid madness, it has info on how to take and increase NDT. TSH lab range you have is quite high alot of places have the max at about 3.5 T3 is pointless you need FT3 and rT3 T4 is pretty pointless too you need to test FT4 and at that the FT3 and rT3 are more important. Low ferritin…