pmeyst2448 Member


  • I have added you. You definitely have the right mind-set! It's about being healthy, not a bikini!
  • I would love to give you the support you need. I have been at this for about a year and I have lost 32 pounds, with 10 pounds to go. Even though I am doing well, it is a daily struggle and it really does help me to support others. I will send you a request.
  • Yoga would be a great thing to do, pilates is a great exercise also. My mom had a lot of trouble with her asthma and walking on the treadmill was one of the only exercises that didn't bother her. Just don't push yourself, start small in whatever exercise you go with. You're doing this for your health not for a bikini!…
  • I have lost 32 pounds in about a year and I have 10 more to go. I was doing very well with eating and exercising until I lost my support. All 5 of my fitness pal buddies have quit on me. I didn't realize how much it was helping me to encourage them to keep at it. While I'm still hanging in there, I really need support.The…