Not Really New, But Looking For Support!

Hey all! I've been on an off MFP for like... two years now. I'm 23 5'2 and weight about 180 (maybe a tiny bit less). Because of my health (an acute asthmatic, which is induced by allergies, exercise and basically living XP ), I really need to drop a good 30-40lbs to get back to a healthy weight, but am so tired of doing it on my own...

I have some support, but not really much, and it would be great to build a network to help me on this life changing path! Oh, also, a random note, I have discovered I have a slight intolerance to gluten lol. Anyways, anyone else in my shoes? Or just need some support? I'm here!


  • Bug2love
    Bug2love Posts: 41 Member
    Hello :). Welcome back! I also have asthma and it has been horrible due to the allergies that this season has brought. I lost some weight on here before. Hurt my ankle after a half marathon and have gained quit a bit of the weight back :(. I am always up for more support and being support active for anyone who is on this journey. :).
  • 1989lukemyers
    1989lukemyers Posts: 158 Member
    First off don't be shy be proud of who you are lets see you.

    Welcome back and well support can be given but respect is earned so what's your plan of action, no if's or buts a plan to drop 30-40 lbs lets here it and stick to it :)

    Do you no where I get support from.. Myself remembering how I use to be remembering how others looked at me remembering how no one saw me remembering how weak I was remembering I was nobody

    No one but yourself can give you the support you really truly need to achieve greatness, find your own support but while your looking for it I'll be happy to help :)
  • casyb360
    casyb360 Posts: 27 Member
    Yay! Glad I'm not alone on the asthma front! I'm sorry to hear about the injury! Though I can relate... I was doing really good when I first started with MFP I was (offline) keeping an exercise diary, and was keeping on top of it, then hurt a muscle in my ribs doing some advance yoga... Pushed a little to hard, and that took me out for a while.

    I have to say, I think exercise is my biggest problem... because I grew up so inactive because of my asthma (was born with an under-developed lung - always gave me problems) I guess I'm always afraid to push too hard when it comes to exercise. But since graduating college, I found I need to do something to get healthy again! College defiantly put the pounds on... lol
  • casyb360
    casyb360 Posts: 27 Member
    First off don't be shy be proud of who you are lets see you.

    Welcome back and well support can be given but respect is earned so what's your plan of action, no if's or buts a plan to drop 30-40 lbs lets here it and stick to it :)

    Do you no where I get support from.. Myself remembering how I use to be remembering how others looked at me remembering how no one saw me remembering how weak I was remembering I was nobody

    No one but yourself can give you the support you really truly need to achieve greatness, find your own support but while your looking for it I'll be happy to help :)

    I'll take all the help I can get!! I'm really good at self-motivating for a while... but then I just lose faith and get all down on myself...

    I'm not sure where to start as far as a plan goes, so I guess that's where I should start! I just am never good at planning things out.
  • pmeyst2448
    pmeyst2448 Posts: 4 Member
    I have lost 32 pounds in about a year and I have 10 more to go. I was doing very well with eating and exercising until I lost my support. All 5 of my fitness pal buddies have quit on me. I didn't realize how much it was helping me to encourage them to keep at it. While I'm still hanging in there, I really need support.The reason why I started is because of the health conditions that my parents have had. Being healthy is the most important thing to me. I have tried different exercises and what I really love to do is zumba and hiking, you just need to try different things until you find something that you really like to do. I also have asthma and I've had no trouble with zumba, but my asthma is generally very mild. I've heard that swimming is supposed to be a good exercise for people with asthma. That would be great for an ankle injury also, well as long as you're a stronger swimmer than I am.
  • casyb360
    casyb360 Posts: 27 Member
    I have lost 32 pounds in about a year and I have 10 more to go. I was doing very well with eating and exercising until I lost my support. All 5 of my fitness pal buddies have quit on me. I didn't realize how much it was helping me to encourage them to keep at it. While I'm still hanging in there, I really need support.The reason why I started is because of the health conditions that my parents have had. Being healthy is the most important thing to me. I have tried different exercises and what I really love to do is zumba and hiking, you just need to try different things until you find something that you really like to do. I also have asthma and I've had no trouble with zumba, but my asthma is generally very mild. I've heard that swimming is supposed to be a good exercise for people with asthma. That would be great for an ankle injury also, well as long as you're a stronger swimmer than I am.

    My asthma is triggered rather easily... and I don't really do much in the way of swimming specially in the winter. I'm hoping to get motivated enough regularly walk on my tredmil and move up from there. I'd love to get nack to my yoga too!
  • pmeyst2448
    pmeyst2448 Posts: 4 Member
    Yoga would be a great thing to do, pilates is a great exercise also. My mom had a lot of trouble with her asthma and walking on the treadmill was one of the only exercises that didn't bother her. Just don't push yourself, start small in whatever exercise you go with. You're doing this for your health not for a bikini! That's what I always tell myself anyway.
  • casyb360
    casyb360 Posts: 27 Member
    Yoga would be a great thing to do, pilates is a great exercise also. My mom had a lot of trouble with her asthma and walking on the treadmill was one of the only exercises that didn't bother her. Just don't push yourself, start small in whatever exercise you go with. You're doing this for your health not for a bikini! That's what I always tell myself anyway.

    Oh I know! I used to be about "being beautiful" and all that. But my boyfriend really showed me that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder and being a size 00 doesn't mean anything. To be healthy is the key and when I know I'm healthy I know I'm the best me I can be (as cliche as that sounds)