

  • Just going to jump on the bandwagon here. I have my Wii Fit and really enjoy the yoga exercises on there. Just out of curiosity - anyone do these? Do they do anything in terms of results? Or are they too basic to have any impact?
  • I know the time of my weigh ins is also a factor. I don't always have time to weigh mysf in the morning (don't have scales so rely on my wii fit). My weight can fluctuate maybe up to around 4lbs throughout the day from past experience, but it would still appear to be a loss of some sort.
  • Thanks guys. To be honest I'm expecting it to creep up a pound or 2 again in the next couple of days. Had some wine last night so it probably takes a few days to see the repercussions (although I can certainly feel them now lol). I know this is a lot to lose in a week, so not expecting to keep up this rate of loss but it…
  • If you are exercising I think your body needs more fuel. If u don't eat them back you'll probably see results quicker, however if you do eat them, you can eat them back and still see results. I aim to try and exercise a little every day so I can treat myself to a bottle of wine at the weekend without it having a major…
  • Hi, I'm just wondering if you tried these? If so, did you notice results? I had some in the drawer I had bought from Holland and Barrett some time ago. I never used them long enough to see results, and hadn't particularly changed my diet at the time either. I started calorie counting again on Monday, along with taking 2…
    in acai berry? Comment by fergyxx June 2012
  • Well done on your progress so far & all the best for your big day! I'm sure you'll look fab!
  • I know everyone will be different but what's your daily calorie goal? Mine seems to be recommended at 1430 which is fine. I am trying to fit in some exercise each day as well- even if it is just a 5 min walk here & there. Do you exercise so you can eat more? Also, due to a busy lifestyle, it is not always easy for me to…
  • I'm 5'3" and starting weight 190 lb. My current goal is to get to 161 lbs, although if I manage to hit that, I'd like to keep going and lose a bit more. My motivation/will power is terrible so taking it a day at a time. I've lasted 3 days so far lol but have kept within my target calories.