

  • you can friend me too, im 26 f and from dublin :) i woke up today with a pizza hangover too.......booo! join in the fun here!! :)
  • oh man! i hear you!!! the girls next to me CONSTANTLY talks about what shes had for breakfast / lunch / dinner every moment since i started really trying to diet.....GGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRR to say she is a you know what!!!!! every day i come back to my desk and all she talks about it food....(obv shes not on a diet - even…
  • i would recommend ww purely on a food education thing!! i didnt realise how bad things like sausage rolls and baguettes and dressings etc were until i saw how many points it took from my day! it kinda readjusted my way of looking at these things, as i realised i was wasting so many points on crap food!! so yeh id recommend…
  • Hi there, I'm new to this too, i've been away for the last year travelling and somehow managed to put on 2 stone...!!.ive managed to loose about 10lbs but cant seems to shift a lb more! im on the cross trainer for about an hour every day / second day, but nothing is mudging, and my kcal intake is about 800 per day (im only…