

  • Best workout you can do for that in my opinion:
  • All raw food people I've met are either just in it for the fashion of it or are quite weird. Not saying that there aren't any normal ones out there, just that I haven't met one yet. Personally I wouldn't consider it as I like my starchy foods too much.
  • If they had the same chemical makeup, then they would be identical, but they don't. Table salt is usually fairly pure NaCl or Sodium Chloride. Here in Australia we often have iodine added to it in order to prevent birth defects in fetuses. Other than that the only ingredient is an anti-caking agent such as rice flour to…
  • Alright, enjoy your coronary heart disease. You might want to look up the difference between LDL and HDL.
  • Don't starve yourself too much on the days where you do diet. There's no use losing a few kg a week for a few weeks and then quitting. Change your diet to make it sustainable for you, so that you feel you could eat like it for the rest of your life.
  • Saturated fat isn't bad because it's natural? So is cyanide and asbestos. I'm guessing LDL cholesterol (found in butter) is good too then? As for butter promoting weight loss, I know a couple of people that eat a lot of butter and they do look like it too. By that I don't mean that they are skinny either. As for that…
  • Fear mongering from a dairy lobby group. Some points are just laughable, such as butter promoting weight loss. If you're relying on butter to get your vitamins, you're clearly eating wrong. Margarine has less saturated fat than butter, no cholesterol and contains less calories.