majikkan Member


  • You make us non-IPers totally jelly. :)
  • That's not what killed Robert Atkins at all. He slipped and hit his head on ice. He died at 72.
  • You've gotten hostile and insulting with anyone who disagrees with you, so it sounds like you want an echo chamber. You clearly don't respect him anymore, or you wouldn't use the sort of phrases you're using ('all men the same' is a red flag). You're not even married and he's avoiding you, regardless of how many times you…
  • She doesn't want advice. She just wants to be told she's right. Between the two of them, I'm guessing this relationship is done. Thank goodness for the engagement period.
  • In my experience, recovery days are just as important as the days you don't rest. In the past, I've been known to train 6 days a week. I found that I made the strongest gains when I got off that crazy train and took a full week off.
  • BMI is nonsense. I'm 5'11" and I'd be 'healthy' at 132.7 - 179.3 lbs... except with my bodyfat percentage, I'd be 180 with 0% bodyfat.
  • This. I think the question you really need to ask yourself is, "Do I ever intend to eat Mexican food again?" If your diet is a temporary thing until you get the weight off, then you're going to succeed in the short term and fail in the long term. If it's more an acknowledgement that your prior eating habits were…
  • People always dodge this question when it comes up. I've never seen anyone flat-out say that MFP seems to ignore BMR and happily suggest you eat below it, but that is what it seems to do.
  • You are learning the fundamental lesson of deficit eating: You cannot cheat your body. If you eat far below what you need, you will make up the difference, and often in the worst possible ways. The last time I had an 1100 calorie day, I responded by having 2600 calories the next day, including wings and beer. 800 is not…
  • OK. As long as this is normal and not anything to be alarmed about. Thanks, guys!
  • In theory, yes. In practice, MFP tells me to eat below my BMR to lose any weight. It's working so far, so I'm just going to stick with it until it stops working, and then worry about it.
  • My standby is: 1/2 cup non-fat plain greek yogurt 1/2 cup frozen berries 105 calories.