

  • I am in my 2nd month of Insanity MAX30, and I LOVE this program! I signed up with Beachbody for the full meal deal, Shakeology and the Insanity DVDs. If anyone has any questions about all that let me know. There is a modified version for those of us starting out with this type of workout, and I do a lot of modification BUT…
  • Congrats on your progress! Great work. I like how you make the point to show compassion for yourself. Truly important in this journey.
  • I am also battling with partial re-gain. Am trying very hard to get back to the basics of thinking of it as a healthy lifestyle, and not a diet. The key is not to feel deprived, and find that balance, and healthy portion sizes with some amount of physical activity that works for you uniquely.
  • I am also interested in finding connections on mfp for mutual motivation! I have 20-30 lb to lose. Lost a bunch earlier this year, and then stalled. Desperately trying to find my groove again and get back on track. Anyone in the group, please feel free to add me. Good luck to all involved. We CAN do this! "It's only over…
  • because i am not giving up.
  • I aim for half hour cardio per day. Try for 5-6 days per week. This may not be the recipe for my success forever, but for my current goals in the start of my program it is working for me.
  • You are amazing! Way to go. Thank you so much for sharing with us all.
  • I am also addicted to the scale. It can be a great motivator, or a great demotivator. Some weeks, it just doesn't move much. Have learned to tough it out, and keep going regardless of the scale when it seems stuck. I focus on how healthy and good I feel when eating well and exercising. My focus this year is doing a…
  • Great group to start! I'm in as well…30 more pounds to go….But for May 10 my goal is to lose 15 … Good luck to everyone in the thread. We can do this!
  • Awesome Bambalina! One mistake I have made in the past is thinking I had to be busting my butt so hard with my workouts in order to be successful. That was the wrong approach for me in many ways. This year, I have added short 30 minutes workouts (either moderate cardio or weights, one or the other) five time/week. And yay,…
  • Great post! I love this mindset. :-) You will know what works for you when you have success with something you can be consistent with…then just keep it up! I try and ignore a lot of the conflicting advice I get from friends/family as well.
  • The first couple weeks on my new year's diet, I had the same issue. For me, the most important ways to correct it are to keep moving (exercising) and drink a good amount of water, and get a bit more fibre in my diet. (I don't like to overdo the water and fibre though. I think that can screw me up with the scale.)
  • Awesome work, and thanks for the reminder that it really is not complicated, and we just need to keep it simple and stick to the basic principles. Of course the support and motivation on MFP also helps along the way. The secret is….there is no secret. Except for maybe patience! :-)
  • I think the most important thing to do is to recognize what triggered it, learn from that, and move on and stop feeling guilty. I have learned recently that if I have a piece of cake, I can still get back on track for the remainder of my day without guilting myself to death. Just cuz I had a piece of cake doesn't mean I…
  • For me, Motivation comes when I get inspired by something or someone. Setting a realistic goal, and knowing how great it will feel once I get to it…motivates me. Inspiration comes also from reading about all the MFP members journeys on here. And exercise gets me motivated not to pig out. I also like to start my day by…