

  • I enjoy riding to work but broke my tailbone a couple of weeks ago so it's walking time again. Tried to ride and was ok for a short time but then......owww. With gas prices, bike and scooter sales are way up.
  • I hear you about myths and false information. I guess people mean well and have their beliefs but most of all we need to know what works for us. Having expectations that others might agree or that we can change their (thick skulled) information only sets up disappointment. My fav is when people say have high protein snack…
  • Not often and with some caution in case my expectations are not realized. But the reward of losing does feel soooo good. I enjoy clothes fitting looser and realizing there really are bones under that fat. Good luck with your weigh in.
    in excited Comment by JohnDalton May 2011
  • sure, what are your demons? The things that keep you from losing. It is about changing our behavior whether it be lunch with friends, eating in front of tv, emotional eating, etc. remember, if it ain't in the house, you can't eat it! I suggest one change at a time and stick with it. Pretty soon, you won't be longing for…
  • If you want any help, let me know. It helps me to stay focused by helping others. in other words, I can teach it better than do it. I'm a mental health counselor and nurse. Currently down 15 on my way to 40. John
  • Why not focus on the addiction? All behavior has a purpose. What purpose does food serve for you when overeatting? Is is emotional comfort? Emotional eating like when angry, sad, anxious, depressed, etc is about the worst. When you are done eating, if you even bother, the pain is still there so you need more food. then you…
  • Welcome and congrats on making postive steps not only with losing weight but coming online here also. I have a friend who is heavy and she is right where you are now, angry and frustrated. I am trying to help her out and I know by doing that, it helps me also to stay focused (plus I can't eat and type at the same time). I…